0.11.3 Superships Join the National Tech Trees - Costs, Restrictions, Full Details

0.11.3 Superships Join the National Tech Trees - Costs, Restrictions, Full Details

By now, Superships have been through several different rounds of live testing, starting with Grand Battle in Update 0.10.5, and followed by their presence in the 5th season of Ranked, in Co-op battles since 0.10.10, and in Randoms since 0.11.0. In Update 0.11.3, Superships will finally exit testing and make a permanent appearance in the national tech trees.

Superships Economy:

A very important aspect of adding superships to the Tech Tree is their battle economy—earnings per battle and service costs. Over the years of development, the in-game economy has accelerated significantly due to various bonuses and numerous economic signals. Earning Credits has become easier, even when playing the most expensive Tier X ships to service. This has significantly influenced their popularity.
In the case of superships, we decided to change our approach. This is done to curb their popularity in the matchmaker and give Tier X ships an economic advantage over superships.
  • Superships yield Credits at the level of Tier X ships.
  • The cost of servicing superships is  360,000 Credits.
  • Permanent camouflages for superships are purchased separately from the ships, just like for other researchable ships from the Tech Tree.
  • The permanent camouflage of superships does not reduce their service cost or increase their Credit earnings. However, it provides a larger XP bonus compared with permanent camouflages for Tier X ships.
  • Any permanent camouflages provided with rental superships on player accounts will be removed.
 Type 0 - Superships Permaflage cost  5000
 Detectability range by sea: -3%
 Dispersion of shells fired by enemies shells: +4%
 XP per battle: +150%

What else you need to know?

  • Superships do not interact with the Research Bureau and will not be sold after you reset a branch.
  • Tier IX and X ships will enter battles with superships with restrictions similar to the limits on the number of ships of different tiers and on the number of bottom-tier battles in Tier VIII–X battles. Single-tier battles involving only superships are also possible.
  • Superships are classified as “researchable” ships in the game. This means that Commanders must complete their retraining when they are assigned to superships.
In future updates, WG plan to add a special building to the Naval Base. More details will be available on our website later.


Along with superships, new mechanics have been added to World of Warships:
  • Combat Instructions grant a temporary boost to the ships' characteristics in battle. You can activate the bonus by pressing the F key in the standard keyboard layout, but only after carrying out successful adjustment fire.
  • Alternative fire mode: A series of salvos where each turret automatically fires several shells with a short interval between salvos. After firing, the guns take a long time to reload. Depending on the ship, activating this mode can change the characteristics of guns or shells.
  • Tactical squadrons have a high maximum speed and are the main feature of super carriers. These aircraft can quickly cover substantial distances and carry out lightning-fast attacks against enemy ships. At the same time, they cannot slow down below their cruising speed, and their engine boost does not restore when they are airborne. Tactical squadrons consist of one attacking flight only, because they are best used as auxiliary weapons. Just like the squadrons of hybrid ships, they come with a ready timer that's triggered with the start of each battle, and they also require considerable preparation time.
Super Battleships:
Only players who own or have researched at least 3 (three) Tier X (10) ships will have access to superships.
0.11.3 Super Battleship   Hannover cost is  57,000,000 Credits.
To obtain Hannover starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Preussen of the corresponding branch.
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0.11.3 Super Battleship   Satsuma cost is  57,000,000 Credits.
To obtain Satsuma starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Yamato of the corresponding branch.
{getButton} $text={Satsuma Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
Super Battleship   Patrie when final will cost is  57,000,000 Credits.
To obtain Patrie when final, you must first have researched  X Republique of the corresponding branch.
{getButton} $text={Patrie Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
Super Carriers:
Only players who own or have researched at least 3 (three) Tier X (10) ships will have access to superships.
0.11.3 Super Carrier   United States cost is  48,000,000 Credits.
To obtain United States starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Midway of the corresponding branch.
{getButton} $text={United States Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
0.11.3 Super Carrier   HMS Eagle cost is  48,000,000 Credits.
To obtain HMS Eagle starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Audacious of the corresponding branch.
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Super Cruisers:
Only players who own or have researched at least 3 (three) Tier X (10) ships will have access to superships.
Super Cruiser battleshipbattleship Clausewitz when final will cost is  47,500,000 Credits.
To obtain Clausewitz when final, you must first have researched battleship X Hindenburg of the corresponding branch.--
{getButton} $text={Clausewitz Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
0.11.3 Super Cruiser   Annapolis cost is  47,500,000 Credits.
To obtain Annapolis starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Des Moines of the corresponding branch.
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0.11.3 Super Cruiser   Condé cost is  47,500,000 Credits.
To obtain Condé starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Henri IV of the corresponding branch.
{getButton} $text={Condé Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
Super Cruiser   Edgar when final will cost is  47,500,000 Credits.
To obtain Edgar when final, you must first have researched  X Minotaur of the corresponding branch.
{getButton} $text={Edgar Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
Super Destroyers:
Only players who own or have researched at least 3 (three) Tier X (10) ships will have access to superships.
0.11.3 Super Destroyer   Yamagiri cost is  45,000,000 Credits.
To obtain Yamagiri; starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Shimakaze of the corresponding branch. You will need to purchase Type F3 Torpedoes to attain the ships 'Elite Status'.
{getButton} $text={Yamagiri Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
0.11.3 Super Destroyer   Zorkiy cost is  45,000,000 Credits.
To obtain Zorkiy; starting with 0.11.3, you must first have researched  X Delny of the corresponding branch.
{getButton} $text={Zorkiy Stats} $icon={link} $color={dodgerblue}
WG would like to avoid an over-population of Super battleships compared to other ship types, so WG have assigned them a higher purchasing cost.
Supership Economy
Additional clarifications
  • The addition of Superships to the tech tree will not affect the Research Bureau in any way — Superships cannot be reset, so if you reset the corresponding branch, you will keep the Supership. 
  • Branches resetting won't affect your access to Superships. Once you gain access, you'll keep it even if you reset your researched branches.
  • Battles with Superships can include Tier IX and X ships. Matchmaking limits regarding the number of ships per Tier and the number of bottom-tier battles per player remain the same as with Tier VIII-X battles. Battles with only Superships are also possible.
  • In Update 0.11.3, only Superships that have already been openly tested will be introduced to the tech tree — Satsuma, Hannover, Condé, Annapolis, Yamagiri, Zorkiy, United States, and Eagle. In future, new Superships, such as the announced British cruiser Edgar and French battleship Patrie, will undergo the standard closed testing and balancing procedure before introduction to the live environment.
The introduction of Superships to the tech tree is an important step for World of Warships, so WG will be closely monitoring feedback and statistics and, if necessary, make changes to ensure that they only provide a positive gaming experience for our players.
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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