ST 0.10.10, Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Superships - Premium - Tech-Tree Test Ships
WG have adjusted the parameters of some ships based on testing results. The changes will be applied specifically to Superships, Pan Asian Cruisers, and a few others.
XI Annapolis 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
Changed settings of the Alternative firing mode:{alertInfo}
- The interval between salvos has been reduced from 1.5 s to 1s;
- The number of salvos in a burst increased from 2 to 3;
- Maximum dispersion of Main Battery Shells after activating the Alternative firing mode increased from -25% to +35%.
XI Condé 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
Changed settings of the Alternative firing mode:{alertInfo}
- The interval between salvos increased from 1 to 1.5 s;
- Reload Time increased from 40 to 50 s;
- The number of salvos in a burst decreased from 3 to 2;
- Maximum dispersion of Main Battery Shells after activating Alternative firing mode reduced from +25% to - 40%.;
- Bonuses added to Shell characteristics after activating Alternative firing mode:
- Maximum AP Shell Damage +10%
- HE Shell Armor Penetration Capacity +25%.
XI Zorkiy 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Maximum HE shell damage increased from 1,800 to 1,900;
- Chances of HE shell causing a fire on target increased from 8% to 10%;
- 180 degrees turret turn time decreased from 9 to 7.2 s;
- HE shell armor penetration in the alternative firing mode increased from +25% to +50%.
XI Yamagiri 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Torpedo tube reload time decreased from 164 to 155 s.
- Time to switch torpedo type decreased from 20 to 15 s.
XI Satsuma 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Main Battery Reload Time decreased from 32 to 30 s;
- Action time of Combat Instructions decreased from 50 to 25 s.
VIII Harbin 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- The number of Depth Charges decreased from 18 to 12.
IX Marlborough 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Maximum He Shell Damage decreased from 5,500 to 4,800.
IX Giuseppe Verdi 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Sigma parameter decreased from 1.8 to 1.7.
- Reload time of 152 mm Secondary Battery guns decreased from 12 to 10 s.
- The action radius of the smokescreen reduced from 1.05 to 0.9 km.
VI Béarn 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Attack preparation time of Skip bombers reduced from 7 to 6 s.
- Delay between AP bomb drops decreased from 0.4 to 0.3 s.
VI Novorossiysk 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
Other detectability ranges were decreased accordingly.
- Detectability range by sea decreased from 14.68 to 14.48 km.
- Main Battery Reload Time increased from 28 to 29 s.
With the release of Update 0.10.10, the changes below will take effect:{alertInfo}
- Main Battery Reload Time increased from 29 to 30 s.
X Delny 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Maximum HE shell damage increased from 1,800 to 1,900;
- 180 turrets turn time decreased from 18.6 to 9 s;
- Torpedo Tube reload time increased from 114 to 129 s;
- Detectability range by sea increased from 8.46 to 9.4 km;
- Detectability range from planes and submarines decreased from 7.16 to 4.44 km;
- Detectability after firing main guns in smoke increased from 3.27 to 3.73 km;
- AA firing range increased from 5.8 to 6 km. Maximum range of AA shell explosions increased accordingly.
IX Tulsa 0.10.10 October 21, Changes (Link):
- Main Battery Reload Time increased from 5.5 to 5.8 s.
Please note that all information in this article is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our gamer's website.{alertError}