Buffs 'n' Nerfs: Changes to Commonwealth Cruisers, Victoria, Wiesbaden, Jupiter '42 and Chikuma II - Closed Test 13.1
Based on testing results, WG are applying changes to Commonwealth Cruisers, Victoria, Wiesbaden, Jupiter '42 and Chikuma II.

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CT 13.1 Changes to
II Port Jackson

- Main battery reload time increased: 9.1 to 9.6s
CT 13.1 Changes to
III Caradoc

- Main battery reload time increased: 8.0 to 8.5 s
CT 13.1 Changes to
V Red Fort (Testing clone for V Delhi)

- Main battery reload time increased: 6.0 to 6.6 s
- Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km
- Other ASW parameters changed to be as announced in https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/505
- Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Hobart
- Torpedo protection removed
CT 13.1 Changes to
VI Hobart

- Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.5s
- Range of the ASW airstrike decreased: 8 to 7km
CT 13.1 Changes to
VII Uganda

- Main battery reload time increased: 6.5 to 7.1 s
- Range of the Depth Charge Airstrike decreased: 9 to 8km
- Other ASW parameters changed to be as announced in https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/505
- Added Submarine Surveillance with parameters similar to Auckland
- Removed torpedo protection
CT 13.1 Changes to
VIII Auckland

- Main battery reload time increased: 10 to 11 s
- Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 13.28km
- All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly
CT 13.1 Changes to
IX Encounter

- Main battery reload time increased: 8.9 to 9.8 s
- Surface detectability range increased: 12.3 to 12.96km
- All other detectability ranges adjusted accordingly
CT 13.1 Changes to 
VII Jupiter '42

- Main Battery reload time increased: 4.5 to 6.5s
- AP shell parameters changed:
- damage increased: 1700 to 2500
- arming threshold decreased: 20mm to 12mm
CT 13.1 Changes to 
VIII Wiesbaden

- Main battery reload time increased: 5 to 6s
- Hydroacoustic Search consumable changed:
- Ship detection range decreased: 6 to 5km
- Torpedo detection range decreased: 4 to 3.5km
- Action time reduced: 120 to 100s
- Smoke generator consumable changed:
- Action time reduced: 20 to 15s
- Cooldown increased: 160 to 180s
CT 13.1 Changes to 
IX Victoria

- Improved the main battery firing angles
- Sigma parameter increased: 1.8 to 2.0
- Switched standard and alternatives shells. Fast-moving shells are now base shells, and slow-moving but high-damage ones are alternative.
- Alternative AP shell parameters changed:
- Damage increased: 13800 to 14200
- Alternative HE shell parameters changed:
- Damage increased: 5250 to 5850
- Fire chance increased: 30 to 40%
CT 13.1 Changes to 
IX Chikuma II

- Decreased the firing angle of the torpedo tubes by 1 degree as a result of a bug-fix to the model
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.