Balance Changes to Several Test Ships, Closed Test 14.1
Based on the testing results, WG are applying changes to VIII Eskimo, X Yari, IX Valparaíso, X Selkie, VIII Metz, IX Vyazma and X Oregon.

VIII HMS Eskimo Ship Page
- Maximum HE shell damage increased: 2300 to 2350.
- Main Battery reload time increased: 6 to 7.7s.
IX Valparaiso Ship Page
- Maximum AP shell damage increased: 11,750 to 12,500.
X HMS Seal (*Selkie) Ship Page
- Torpedo launcher reload time reduced: 90 to 75s.
NOTE: *Selkie is a clone ship used to test Seal. All changes to Selkie will be applied to Seal.
X Yari Ship Page
- Main battery guns parameters changed:
- Reload time reduced: 12.4 to 9.5s.
- Firing range reduced: 15.9 to 14.4km.
- Turret traverse time reduced: 30 to 22.5s.
- First turret firing angles widened by 7 degrees per side.
- Maximum torpedo damage reduced: 17,533 to 15,633.
- Detectability by sea increased: 12.2 to 13km.
- All other detectability ranges were adjusted accordingly.
- Fighter consumable removed.
- Spotter Plane consumable added with the following parameters:
- Main battery firing range: +10%
- Dispersion of shells fired at your ship by enemies: +20%
- Action time: 60s.
- Cooldown time: 60s.
- Number of charges: 5.
The changes above are aimed at evaluating another concept for Yari. These changes, together with the new Spotter Plane will shift her playstyle to be much more artillery oriented. However, the ship still has strong torpedoes. Summed up with the reduction to her main battery firing range, this makes Yari a strong cruiser in mid to close range combat.
VIII Metz Ship Page
- Main Battery reload time increased: 27 to 30s.
- Burst fire reload time increased: 36 to 40s.
IX Vyazma Ship Page
- Main Battery reload time increased: 29 to 33s.
- Burst fire reload time increased: 40 to 45s.
X Oregon Ship Page
- Main Battery reload time increased: 25 to 27s.
- Burst fire reload time increased: 35 to 38s.