Changes To 8x Test Ships - Closed Test 13.5

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Changes To 8x Test Ships - Closed Test 13.5

Based on the testing results, we're applying changes to Incheon, Jacksonville and French Destroyers.

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CT 13.5 Changes to   X Incheon Ship Page
  • Turret traverse time reduced from 30 to 22.5s
CT 13.5 Changes to flag shipicon supership icon Jacksonville Ship Page
  • Rudder shift time reduced: 11.5 to 8.5s
  • Combat instructions parameters changed:
    • Bonus to main battery HE shells penetration increased: +25 to +40%
    • Progress per shell hit increased: 1 to 1.3%
CT 13.5 Changes to flag shipicon V Vent Ship Page
  • Main battery reload time reduced: 6.4 to 5.5s
  • Main battery turret traverse time reduced: 18 to 13.8s
  • Main battery shell ballistics have been changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.
  • Stock torpedo reload time reduced: 95 to 90s
  • Researchable torpedo reload time reduced: 95 to 87s
  • Changed parameters of the "Emergency Engine Power" consumable:
    • Bonus to maximum speed increased: 20 to 25%
    • Action time increased: 40 to 60s
    • Cooldown time decreased: 120 to 90s
    • Number of charges increased: 3 to 5

NOTE: V VENT is a testing clone for French Destroyer L'Adroit. All changes applied to Vent will apply to L'Adroit

CT 13.5 Changes to flag shipicon VI Duchaffault Ship Page
  • Changed parameters of the "Emergency Engine Power" consumable:
    • Bonus to maximum speed increased: 20 to 25%
    • Action time increased: 40s to 60s
    • Cooldown time decreased: 120s to 90s
    • Number of charges increased: 3 to 5
CT 13.5 Changes to flag shipicon VII Le Hardi Ship Page
  • Changed parameters of the "Emergency Engine Power" consumable:
    • Action time increased: 50s to 75s
    • Cooldown time decreased: 120s to 90s
    • Number of charges increased: 3 to 5

The following changes mention a unique feature of the new French Destroyer line: 'Variable Torpedo Damage' mentioned in Devblog 527

CT 13.5 Changes to flag shipicon VIII L'Aventurier Ship Page
  • Researchable torpedo parameters changed. Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage increased: 6 to 7km
  • Changed parameters of the "Emergency Engine Power" consumable:
    • Bonus to maximum speed decreased: 30 to 25%
    • Action time increased: 60 to 75s
    • Cooldown time decreased: 120 to 90s
    • Number of charges increased: 3 to 5
CT 13.5 Changes to flag shipicon IX Orage Ship Page
  • Stock torpedo parameters changed. Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage increased: 6 to 7km
  • Researchable torpedo parameters changed. Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage increased: 6 to 7.5km
  • Changed parameters of the "Emergency Engine Power" consumable:
    • Action time increased: 60 to 90s
    • Cooldown time decreased: 120 to 90s
    • Number of charges increased: 3 to 5
CT 13.5 Changes to flag sipicon X Cassard Ship Page
  • Main battery range reduced: 13.9 to 12.6km
  • Torpedo parameters changed. Distance until which torpedoes deal maximum damage increased: 6 to 8km
  • Changed parameters of the "Emergency Engine Power" consumable:
    • Action time increased: 60 to 90s
    • Cooldown time decreased: 120 to 90s
    • Number of charges increased: 3 to 5
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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