Update 13.2 introduces Early Access to Commonwealth Cruisers, along with new Containers, Commanders, Times and Dates (How to Obtain)

Image of Commonwealth Cruisers Early Access

Update 13.2 introduces Early Access to Commonwealth Cruisers, along with new Containers, Commanders, Times and Dates (How to Obtain)

Early Access to the new Commonwealth cruisers is coming in Update 13.2! These ships are from Australia, India, New Zealand, and Canada. The game will also feature thematic permanent camouflages for Delhi, Auckland, and Cerberus, along with a new Commonwealth Team Event Pass, commanders, patch, flags and Commonwealth Team premium containers, also including partial details on how to obtain this line of cruisers

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Full List of Early Access Ships

In Update 13.2, a new line of Commonwealth cruisers will join Early Access with their own Tech Tree. The following ships will be added:


Early Access Commonwealth Cruisers [UTC]

Nation/Tier/Ship Class Early Accest Cost Dev Status Ship Page Link
commonwealth flag  X Cerberus Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, 19,999doubloon Doubloons  13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  IX Encounter Cruiser *CWT containersPremium Container 0.93% 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
*CWT = 13.2 containersCommonwealth Team Premium Container
commonwealth flag  VIII Auckland Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens1100 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  VII Uganda Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens900 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  VI Hobart Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens500 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  V Delhi Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens200 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  IV Dunedin Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens150 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  III Caradoc Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens100 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag  II Port Jackson Cruiser Consecutive Bundle, Commonwealth Tokens50 Tokens 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
Total amount of Tokens needed to obtain T2 - T8 ships and including  VIII Auckland will be Commonwealth Tokens3000 Tokens.

These ships can inflict high damage per minute, but they suffer from low ballistic performance and slow turret rotation. From Tier III onwards, these ships also have torpedoes as a secondary weapon. At Tier VII, the torpedoes have an extended range and can be fired from concealment thanks to the superb stealth of the ships.

Like most cruisers, the line has Hydroacoustic Search, which has its own slot at Tier IV and shares a slot with Defensive AA Fire at higher tiers. From Tier V onwards, the unique Commonwealth Crawling Smoke Generator is also in its own slot, and its long duration lets the ships move slowly and stay hidden. From Tier VIII onwards, the ships get a standard version of Repair Party.

Moreover, Commonwealth cruisers can use an upgraded Submarine Surveillance consumable with a longer range from Tier V onwards, and a Depth Charge Airstrike with better features.

Previously announced Perm Camos permanent camouflages for commonwealth flag  V Delhicommonwealth flag  VIII Auckland, and commonwealth flag  X Cerberus will be available.

Permanent Camouflages
Cerberus Perm Camo Auckland Perm Camo Delhi Perm Camo

13.2 Event Pass:


Commonwealth Cruisers Event Pass [UTC]

Update 13.2 brings a new thematic Event Pass! You can participate in it and journey through two progression lines that offer loads of rewards. Each line comprises a total of 20 levels—complete them to earn all the main rewards and gain access to additional rewards for completing extra levels.

You'll be able to obtain historical Commander Harold Farncomb with 6 skill points, the Commonwealth Team commemorative flag, the Indian Tiger permanent camouflage for commonwealth flag  V Delhi, and Commonwealth Tokens in the first progression line, as well as other valuable rewards for free. After completing the initial 20 levels, you'll receive 2x More Signals containers as a reward for completing each extra level.

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List of Rewards 1st Progression Line

  • port slot   2x Port slots
  • More Container 27x More Signals containers
  • Commonwealth Tokens   950 Commonwealth Tokens
  • Commander   Commander Harold Farncomb with 6 skill points
  • coal   12,000 Coal
  • Steel   1,200 Steel
  •   Commonwealth Team commemorative flag
  • Special Container  6x Special Bonuses containers
  • Perm Camos   Indian Tiger permanent camouflage for commonwealth flag  V Delhi
  • Rare Container  3x Rare Bonuses container

The second progression line can be unlocked for 2,500 doubloon Doubloons. After unlocking it, each level of both progression lines can be completed either by completing missions or by purchasing each level for 1000 doubloon Doubloons. This progression line holds various rewards, including the Gregale, Canada Day, Indian Tricolor, and Blue Lagoon Perm Camos permanent camouflages. Additionally, you can obtain Commonwealth Tokens Commonwealth Tokens,

commonwealth flag  VI Mysore, and other valuable rewards via progression. After completing the initial 20 levels, you'll earn Commonwealth Tokens Commonwealth Tokens as rewards for completing extra levels.

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List of Rewards 2nd Progression Line

  • Commonwealth Tokens  1,000 Commonwealth Tokens
  • Special Boost 10x special economic bonuses of each type
  • Rare Boost 6x rare economic bonuses of each type
  • coal  12,000 Coal
  • commonwealth flag  VI Mysore
  • Perm Camos  2x Gregale permanent camouflages
  • Perm Camos  2x Canada Day permanent camouflages
  • Perm Camos  2x Indian Tricolor permanent camouflages
  • Perm Camos  2x Blue Lagoon permanent camouflages

Update 13.2 will bring two new Event Pass missions to the game:

Daily and Weekly Missions

Completing daily and weekly missions will earn you the necessary Points to complete the Commonwealth Team Event Pass.




Terra Australis
Earn 250 Base XP in any battle type 10 Points
Rivers Sanctuary
Earn 1,500 Base XP in any battle type 10 Points
Land of White Clouds
Earn 25,000 Base XP in any battle type (once per week) 20 Points
Great White North
Earn 7,000 Base XP in any battle type (up to 3 times per weekend) 10 Points (up to 30 Points per weekend)

In Update 13.2, we're introducing two new Event Pass missions:

  • The first is a weekend mission that can be completed up to three times. It will be available from Friday through Sunday every week while the Event Pass is live.
  • The second mission is a weekly one. It can be completed only once per week, and you'll be able to contribute to the Base XP metric throughout the whole week.

You can earn 65 more Points for completing regional activities.


Points per Level

Total Points

10 50
15 125
30 275
50 525

The number of Points required to complete a progression level will gradually increase for every 5 levels completed.

Combat Missions

During the Early Access period, a special combat mission chain will be available for those who possess the new Commonwealth cruisers, starting from commonwealth flag  V Delhi. The rewards are bonus packages for commonwealth flag  VI Hobartcommonwealth flag  VII Ugandacommonwealth flag  VIII Aucklandcommonwealth flag  IX Encounter, and commonwealth flag  X Cerberus Additionally, coal10,000 Coal is the final reward for completing the entire chain.


Commonwealth Cruisers Combat Missions [UTC]

Image of combat missions

Commonwealth Tokens



Commonwealth Tokens [UTC]

Commonwealth Tokens
For progressing through the levels of the Commonwealth Team event until the end of Update 13.2 and from Commonwealth Team Premium containers throughout Updates 13.2 and 13.3. Sequential bundles with Early Access ships, historical Commanders, permanent camouflages, and other items in the event category of the Armory throughout Updates 13.2. and 13.3.
Image of Commonwealth Tokens spend banner

Commanders. Patch and Flag

Historical commanders Harold Farncomb and Leonard Murray, Commonwealth Rockfish patch, Commonwealth Team commemorative flag will be added to the game.

nation flag
Harold Farncomb
On 30 June 1937 Farncomb was the first RAN College graduate to be promoted Captain. Home again, he commanded the sloop, HMAS Yarra (II) (October 1937 to November 1938), then went back to England to commission the cruiser, HMAS Perth, in June 1939.
nation flag
Leonard Murray
Rear Admiral Leonard Warren Murray, CB, CBE (22 June 1896 – 25 November 1971) was an officer in the Royal Canadian Navy who played a central role in the Battle of the Atlantic, and was the only Canadian to command an Allied theatre of operations during World War II.
nation flag
Rockfish Patch
Diverse and abundant, resilient and enduring. Rockfish became the mascot of the Commonwealth Team, represented by cruisers from Australia, New Zealand, India, and Canada.
nation flag
Commonwealth Team Flag
Greet the Commonwealth Team in the game! Cruisers from Australia, New Zealand, India, and Canada grace our virtual waters. The rockfish on the team's flag embodies endurance, strength, and hunger for victory.
To commemorate the launch of the Commonwealth cruisers that hit our seas in Early Access in Update 13.2.

Commonwealth Team Premium Container and Contents

Image of Containers cost banner
image of container contents
  • Slot 1:
    • Commonwealth Tokens  40 Commonwealth Tokens - 100%.
  • Slot 2:
    • Commonwealth Tokens  400 Commonwealth Tokens - 2.5%.
    • Special Boost  24 Special economic bonuses of all types - 20% for each type.
    • credits  1,000,000 Credits - 14.7%.
    • 2.8% chance to receive one of the following rewards.
    • Perm Camos  New Zealand Fern Permanent camouflage for commonwealth flag special cruiser icon VIII Auckland0.93% chance
    • Perm Camos  Australian Ornament Permanent camouflage for commonwealth flag special cruiser icon X Cerberus0.93% chance
    • Special ship iconCommonwealth cruiser commonwealth flag special cruiser icon IX Encounter0.93% chance

If you already have the ship and permanent camouflages that can be obtained from this container, you will instead receive credits1,000,000 Credits.

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