12x New Ships: Commonwealth Researchable Cruisers Tier I - X - Wiesbaden Tier VIII German Cruiser - Victoria Tier IX Spanish Battleship - CT 13.0

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12x New Ships: Commonwealth Researchable Cruisers Tier I - X - Wiesbaden Tier VIII German Cruiser - Victoria Tier IX Spanish Battleship - CT 13.0

Update 13.0 brings with it new ships for testing, such as Spanish battleship Victoria, German cruiser Wiesbaden, and a long-awaited full Tech Tree branch: Commonwealth cruisers!

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The new Commonwealth cruiser branch features ships from Australia, India, New Zealand, and Canada. At low and mid tiers these ships will be light cruisers armed with 152mm guns, and beginning at Tier VIII they will receive a heavier armament of 203mm guns. Their main battery will be capable of dishing out a good amount of damage per minute, but in return will have somewhat poor shell ballistics and slow turret traverse. Starting from Tier III, they will additionally be armed with torpedoes. At Tier VII these torpedoes become long-ranged and may even be launched from stealth due to the excellent concealment of these ships. For captains interested in hunting submarines, from Tier V onwards the ASW airstrikes of these ships will have improved features: longer range, additional charges, and an increased splash radius for incapacitating modules. However, they will deal somewhat less damage in return. The improved features of this line will be balanced out by generally weak armor, low HP pools, and weak AA defense.

As is standard for most cruisers, the line will feature Hydroacoustic Search, available in its own slot at Tier IV and sharing a slot with Defensive AA Fire at later tiers. Starting at Tier V, the signature Commonwealth Crawling Smoke Generator will also be available in its own slot, with its long action time allowing slow movement while remaining concealed. Starting at Tier VIII, the ships will be equipped with a Repair Party of standard characteristics.

In battle, these characteristics will come together in a mid to close-range playstyle. The Crawling Smoke Generator coupled with their excellent concealment will allow these ships to take aggressive positions and make best use of their good damage per minute, while also being able to conduct successful retreats when in danger. Captains will want to avoid exchanging fire in open waters however, due to overall low survivability; in these cases, the long-range torpedoes may be employed while repositioning.

Nation/Tier/Ship Class Early Accest Cost Dev Status Ship Page Link
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon X Cerberus Cruiser Soon  13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon IX Encounter Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon VIII Auckland Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon VII Uganda Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon VI Hobart Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon V Delhi Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon IV Dunedin Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon III Caradoc Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon II Port Jackson Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
commonwealth flag special cruiser icon I Sutlej Cruiser Soon 13.2 Early Access Ship Page Image
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.

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