ST 0.10.9, Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Test Ships, Verdi, Gibraltar, Marlborough, Incomparable, Schlieffen and more

ST 0.10.9, Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Test Ships, Verdi, Gibraltar, Marlborough, Incomparable, Schlieffen and more

WG continue adjusting the ships based on testing results. The changes will be applied to German battleships, Marlborough, Béarn, and to some other ships. 
Several issues will also be fixed for other test ships.

Changes to Test Ships

germany battleship VII Prinz Heinrich (Link)
  • Base main battery firing range (without Gun Fire Control system installed) reduced from 15,8 to 15,5 km;
  • Main battery reload time increased from 29 to 30 s.

germany battleship VIII Zieten (Link)
  • Main battery reload time decreased from 25 to 22,5 s.

 X Schlieffen (Link)
  • Main battery reload time decreased from 28 to 27 s.

cruiser_icon X Gibraltar (Link)
  • Main battery reload time decreased from 14,5 to 13,5 s.

 VI Béarn (Link)
The parameters of bombers were changed:
  • Number of bombs equipped increased from 1 to 2;
  • Maximum damage of a bomb decreased from 6,300 to 3,600;
  • Arming threshold of a bomb increased from 30 to 36 mm;
  • Fragmentation area of damage to submarines by a bomb decreased by approximately 2 times.
The parameters of skip-bombers were changed:
  • Number of bombs equipped increased from 1 to 2;
  • Maximum damage of a bomb decreased from 11,000 to 6,100;
  • Armor penetration of a bomb decreased from 68 to 32 mm;
  • Chance of a bomb causing fire on a target decreased from 63 to 35%;
  • Accuracy of bombs when dropped and after bounces decreased;
  • Attack time decreased from 10 to 6 s;
  • Attack preparation time increased from 4 to 7 s.

Issue Fixes
 IX Marlborough (Link)
Fixed a situation because of which the visibility range of the ship could be shorter than the maximum firing range:
  • Visibility range increased from 23,5 to 26 km.

UNION JACKbattleship X HMS Incomparable (Link)
Fixed a situation because of which the visibility range of the ship could be shorter than the maximum firing range:
  • Visibility range increased from 24,4 to 25,4 km.

 IX Giuseppe Verdi (Link)
  • Fixed an issue because of which the ship couldn't have the "Spotting Aircraft Modification I" special upgrade mounted
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Any showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. The final information will be published on our game's website.{alertError}

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