"Buffs' n' Nerfs" to German, Soviet and European Ships
Tier X Soviet Cruiser Nevsky:

- Torpedo protection reduced from 31 to 19%;
Armor Value Changes:
- Superstructure plating thickness reduced from 16 to 13 mm;
- Upper armour belt plating thickness reduced from 30 to 25 mm.
- Detectability range by ships increased from 13.32 to 16.32.
- Long-range AA defence action zone increased from 5.8 to 6.9 km
Tier VIII Soviet Cruiser Tallin:

- "Surveillance Radar" consumable action time reduced from 20 to 10 s;
- Detectability range by ships increased from 12.24 to 14.04.
Tier IX Soviet Cruiser Riga:

- "Surveillance Radar" consumable action time reduced from 20 to 10 s;
- Detectability range by ships increased from 14.04 to 14.24.
Other detectability ranges increased in accordance with it;
- Initial shell velocity reduced from 985 to 965 m/s;
- Maximum AP damage reduced from 6,250 to 6,200.
Tier X Soviet Cruiser Petropavlovsk:

- "Surveillance Radar" consumable action time reduced from 20 to 10 s;
- The main battery turrets can now rotate 360 degrees.
- Main battery turret traverse speed reduced from 5.5 to 4.7 degrees per second.
Tier VIII Soviet Cruiser Ochakov:

- "Surveillance Radar" consumable action range reduced from 12 to 10 km.
Tier VIII German Battleship Odin:

- Fuse arming time of AP shells increased from 0.010 to 0.033 s.
Tier IX German Cruiser Agir:

- Fuse arming time of AP shells increased from 0.010 to 0.033 s.
Odin and Ägir were excessively effective against lightly-armoured cruisers and destroyers.
EU Destroyers:
Tier IV European Destroyer Klas Horn:
- Main battery reload time increased from 6.1 to 7.5 s;
- Maximum HE shell damage reduced from 1,700 to 1,600;
- Probability of causing fire by HE shell reduced from 8 to 7%;
- Maximum damage reduced from 7,533 to 6,200;
- Torpedo speed reduced from 65 to 60 kt;
- Torpedo tubes reload time reduced from 59 to 55 s.
Tier V European Destroyer Visby:

- Main battery reload time increased from 7.0 to 7.5 s;
- Maximum HE shell damage reduced from 1,700 to 1,600;
- Probability of causing fire by HE shell reduced from 8 to 7%;
- Maximum damage reduced from 7,533 to 6,200;
- Torpedo tubes reload time reduced from 59 to 55 s.
Tier VI European Destroyer Vasteras:
- Main battery reload time increased from 7.0 to 7.5 s;
- Maximum HE shell damage reduced from 1,700 to 1,600;
- Probability of causing fire by HE shell reduced from 8 to 7%;
Tier VIII European Destroyer Oland:
- "Repair Party" consumable action time increased from 10 to 14 s;
- Main Battery reload time reduced from 2.6 to 2.5 s.
Tier X French Destroyer Marceau:

- Main battery reload time reduced from 4.0 to 3.5 s.
IMPORTANT! Because the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.