Buffs 'n' Nerfs to 9x In-Game Ships - Public Test 12.10

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Buffs 'n' Nerfs to 9x In-Game Ships - Public Test 12.10

WG continue to fine-tune ships. The changes will affect Austin, ZF-6, Tashkent '39 as well as the Pan-Asian Cruisers.

 The changes will be applied on the Public Test for Update 12.10.
PT 12.10 Changes to flagSpecial Cruiser X Austin Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced: 8 to 7.5s.
Main Battery Reload Booster consumable reload time reduced: 125 to 120s.
PT 12.10 Changes to flagshipicon IX ZF-6 Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced: 4 to 3.8s.
Main battery 180 degrees turn time reduced: 18 to 10s.
PT 12.10 Changes to shipicon VII Tashkent ‘39 Ship Page
Torpedo reload time reduced: 100 to 93s.
PT 12.10 Changes to flag  V Chungking
Base hull main battery reload time reduced: 10.5 to 9.9s.
Researchable hull main battery reload time reduced: 9.5 to 9s.
Researchable Gun Fire Control System main battery firing range increased: 12 to 13km. 
Stock module main battery firing range increased accordingly.
Main battery shell ballistics have been changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.
PT 12.10 Changes to flag  VI Rahmat Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced: 7.5 to 7s.
Researchable Gun Fire Control System main battery firing range increased: 12.5 to 13.5km.
Stock module main battery firing range increased accordingly.
Shell Air Drag on AP and HE: from 0.3296 to 0.3039
Main battery shell ballistics have been changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.
PT 12.10 Changes to flag  VII Chumphon Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced 6.5s to 6.1s
Researchable Gun Fire Control System main battery firing range increased: 13.2 to 14.2km. 
Stock module main battery firing range increased accordingly.
Shell Air Drag on AP and HE: from 0.347 to 0.32
Main battery shell ballistics have been changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.
PT 12.10 Changes to flag  VIII Harbin Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced 5.5s to 5.2s
Researchable Gun Fire Control System main battery firing range increased: 13.5 to 14.5km. 
Stock module main battery firing range increased accordingly.
Shell Air Drag on AP and HE: from 0.37 to 0.341
Main battery shell ballistics have been changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.
PT 12.10 Changes to flag  IX Sejong Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced 4.8s to 4.5s
Researchable Gun Fire Control System main battery firing range increased: 14 to 15 km. 
Stock module main battery firing range increased accordingly.
Shell Air Drag on AP and HE: from 0.347 to 0.32
Main battery shell ballistics have been changed. The firing arcs will now be flatter.
PT 12.10 Changes to flag X Jinan Ship Page
Main battery reload time reduced 3.2s to 3s
Main battery firing range increased: 14.5 to 15.5 km.
Shell Air Drag on AP and HE: from 0.347 to 0.32
All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change at any time.
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.


😃Thank you for your comment, it will be added asap.✅

  1. When will WOWs fix the recruiting bug introduced in 12.8 update? Any ideas?

    1. I didnt realise there was a recruiting bug, have you tried customer service?

  2. Yes they say they are aware of it, but did not fix it in 12.9

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