Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Pan American Cruisers, Nebraska, Dupleix, Ning Hai, Hector, and Brisbane CT 12.0


Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Pan American Cruisers, Nebraska, Dupleix, Ning Hai, Hector, and Brisbane CT 12.0

Based on testing results, WG are applying changes to Pan American cruisers, Nebraska, Dupleix, Ning Hai, Hector, and Brisbane. Small fixes are also being made to some other test ships.
Changes to Tier VI-X Pan-American cruisers {getButton} $text={Pan-American Cruisers} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Idle time before the Combat Instructions meter begins to deplete has been increased: 6 to 10 s.
  • Rate at which the Combat Instructions meter depletes after a period of inactivity has been decreased: one tick per second to one tick every two seconds.
Changes to Coronel Bolognesi {getButton} $text={Coronel Bolognesi Ship Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Combat Instructions parameters changed for the Hull A module:
    • Action time reduced: 60 to 30 s.
    • Amount of the total Combat Instructions meter capacity lost per tick after a period of inactivity increased: 8% per tick to 25% per tick.
Changes to flag ship icon VIII Nebraska - January 13, 2023 {getButton} $text={Nabraska Ship Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Main battery reload time increased: 27 to 30 s.
Changes to  VI Dupleix - January 13, 2023 {getButton} $text={Dupleix Ship Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Main battery firing range reduced: 15.5 to 15 km.
Changes to flagcruiser Ning Hai - January 13, 2023 {getButton} $text={Ning Hai Ship Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Main battery firing range reduced: 13.7 to 12.7 km.
Changes to  IX Hector - January 13, 2023 {getButton} $text={Hector Ship Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Detectability range by sea increased: 10.5 to 11.6 km.
    • Detectability range after firing the main battery in smoke increased: 4.6 to 5.3 km.
  • Hydroacoustic Search consumable replaced with Short-Range Hydroacoustic Search, similar to the one present on British destroyers.
Changes to ship X Brisbane - January 13, 2023 {getButton} $text={Brisbane Ship Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
  • Main battery reload time reduced: 6 to 5 s.
  • Surveillance Radar consumable action time reduced: 40 to 20 s.
  • Surveillance Radar consumable ship detection range increased: 10 to 12 km.
  • Detectability range by sea increased: 11.5 to 12.1 km.
    • Detectability range after firing the main battery in smoke increased: 5.6 to 6.1 km.
Fixed a bug with the maximum sonar range of British submarines Undine, Sturdy, Thrasher, and Alliance: now it is equal to the homing torpedo range.

Fixed a bug due to which the Depth Charge Airstrike did not work on Tier V Pan-American Cruiser La Argentina. Also fixed the incorrect range of the Airstrike.
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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