Brisbane - Tier X Commonwealth Australian Light Cruiser 1947


brisbane_cruiser Brisbane Tier X Commonwealth (Australian) Light Cruiser 1947

Developed after the end of World War II, this light cruiser project has powerful and advanced AA defenses. She is armed with 152 mm dual-purpose main battery guns housed in turrets designed to facilitate a high rate of fire.
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HMAS Brisbane Commemorative Flag
At the top of the coat of arms of the Australian city Brisbane are two stars and a Staffordshire knot, a badge of the same-name British regiment which represent the life events of Sir Brisbane, a governor, officer, and astronomer. Below, against a background of river waves, is depicted the caduceus, the staff carried by Hermes, the herald of the gods, and port symbols on the Brisbane River banks.

Key Features of Brisbane

  • HE Shells and Torpedoes: Brisbane has access to High-Explosive (HE) shells and a reinforced torpedo armament, which can launch more torpedoes with higher range and speed compared to its British counterpart, the Minotaur.
  • AP Shells: Unlike Minotaur, Brisbane’s Armor-Piercing (AP) shells do not have improved characteristics.
  • Consumables: The ship is equipped with Hydroacoustic Search and Surveillance Radar, making it a significant threat to enemy destroyers at medium distances.
  • Armor and Survivability: Brisbane’s armor is not very sturdy, and it lacks the option to switch Surveillance Radar for a Smoke Generator. However, it can restore a large portion of lost HP using the Specialized Repair Teams consumable.

This combination of features makes Brisbane a versatile and formidable cruiser, especially effective against destroyers but requiring careful handling due to its weaker armor.

Brisbane Info

Ship Name: flag shipicon X Brisbane
Tier: 10
Paper Ship: Yes
Class: Project Light Cruiser
WG Introduction: November 2, 2022
Status: shipicon Special Ship
Release: 12.1
Game Nation: flag Commonwealth
Resource Cost: coal 252,000 Coal


image of warship Brisbane armour
Hit Points: 43,300
Overall: 13-127 mm
Torpedo Protection, damage reduction: 13%
Plating: 16 mm
Fires Duration: 30 s
Fore Athwartships: 16 mm
Aft Athwartships: 16 mm
Citadel  Fore Athwartships: 38-127 mm
Citadel  Aft Athwartships: 38-101 mm
Armor Belt: 101 mm
Citadel Deck: 38-57 mm
Superstructure: 13 mm
Citadel Bottom: 25 mm
Turrets: 38-102 mm
Tonnage: 16,970 t

Main Battery Armament

5x2 152 mm/50 QF Mk.V on a Mk.XXVI mount:
Max Range: 15.8 km
Reload: 5.0 s
180° Turn Time: 4.7 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 142 m
Sigma: 2.05σ

Shell Types

HE Shells:

10x 152 mm HE Mk XXVIM:
Maximum HE shell damage: 2,150
Salvo: 21,500
DPM: 258,000
Alpha Piercing HE: 30.0 mm
Shell Air Drag: 0.3475
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 8.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.01
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 152 mm
Shell Krupp: 1.0
Shell Mass: 59 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 91.0°
HE Shell initial velocity: 768.0 m/s
Chance of causing fire: 9.0%

AP Shells:

10x 152 mm AP Mk V:
Maximum AP shell damage: 3,200
Salvo: 32,000
DPM: 384,000
Shell Air Drag: 0.3457
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 8.5°
Shell Detonator: 0.025
Shell Detonator Threshold: 25.0 mm
Shell Diameter: 152 mm
Shell Krupp: 2672.0
Shell Mass: 60 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 45.0°
AP Shell initial velocity: 768.0 m/s

Depth Charge Airstrike

Reload: 30 s
Available Flights: 2
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight: 1
Plane HP: 2000
Max Range: 8.0 km
Bombs in Payload: 2x 650-LB. Bomb MK VIII
Max Bomb Damage: 4900
Flood Chance: 300%
Fire Chance: 28%


4×5 533 mm PR Mk II/Mk IXM*:
Range: 13.5 km
Reload: 131 s
Alpha Damage: 16,767
Speed: 65 kts
180 degree turn time: 7.2 s
Torpedo detectability: 1.3 km
Chance of Flood: 282%
Enemy response time after spotting these torps: 7.4 s
Instead of choosing between wide and narrow spreads, you can select to fire off individual torpedoes or expend the entire launcher at once.

Anti Aircraft Defence

Long Range:

5x2 152 mm/50 QF Mk.V on a Mk.XXVI mount:
Action Zone: 3.5-6.9 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Damage Within an Explosion: 1890
Continuous Damage Per Second: 133
Continuous Damage: 426
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 6

Mid Range:

6x1 40 mm/56 OQF Mk.III on a Mk.VII mount:
8x2 76.2 mm/70 QF Mk.N1 on a Mk.6 mount:
Action Zone: 4.0 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Continuous Damage Per Second: 588


Maximum Speed: 33.5 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 750 m
Rudder Shift Time: 10.4 s
Propulsion: 110,000 hp


Surface Detectability: 12.1 km
Air Detectability: 8.5 km
Detectability by enemy Subs: 0-8.5 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 6.1 km

Available Consumables

Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Work Time: 5 s
Reload Time: 60 s
Slot 2: Specialized Repair Teams:
Charges: 3
Action time: 20 s
Reload time: 80 s
Regeneration per second: +866 hp/s
Slot 3: Hydroacoustic Search:
Charges: 3
Action Time: 100 s
Reload Time: 120 s
Submarine Spotting Range at Max Depth: 2.0 km
Torpedo Detection Range: 3.5 km
Ship Detection Range: 5.0 km
Slot 4: Surveillance Radar:
Charges: 3
Action time: 20 s
Reload time: 120 s
Ship detection radius: 12 km
All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change at any time.

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