ST: 0.9.3 "Buffs' n' Nerfs"

ST: 0.9.3 "Buffs' n' Nerfs"

WG continue to work on improving the balance in the game. The following balance changes will be made to test ships.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. Any final information will be published on our official portal.
We adjusted the parameters of ships based on testing results.

European destroyer Orkan, Tier VIII:
Detectability range by ships increased from 7.0 to 7.5 km. Other detectability ranges increased accordingly.

Soviet cruiser Petropavlovsk, Tier X:
"Surveillance Radar" consumable action time increased from 10 to 15 s;
The angle at which the check for ricochets is made for AP shells is reduced from 55 to 50 degrees;
Detectability range by ships increased from 14.4 to 14.9 km. Other detectability ranges increased accordingly;
Fixed an issue which caused the citadel torpedo bulkhead plating (40 mm) to duplicate.

Soviet cruiser Riga, Tier IX:
The angle at which the check for ricochets is made for AP shells is reduced from 55 to 50 degrees;
"Surveillance Radar" consumable action time increased from 10 to 15 s;
Detectability range by ships increased from 14.2 to 14.7. Other detectability ranges increased accordingly.

Soviet cruiser Tallin, Tier VIII:
The angle at which the check for ricochets is made for AP shells is reduced from 55 to 50 degrees;
"Surveillance Radar" consumable action time increased from 10 to 15 s.

German cruiser Ägir, Tier IX:
Main battery guns firing range reduced from 18.5 to 17.0 km.

IMPORTANT! Because the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.

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