The Return of the Colorful Regatta Event
Color Regatta Event Pass Schedule UTC
Event Pass First Progression Line
Some pretty awesome rewards await you in the first progression line: the Colorful Regatta flag, a Colorful Regatta Premium container, special expendable economic bonuses of all types, 3 days of Premium Account, Colorful Tokens, Coal, Steel, and more.
Event Pass Second Progression Line
In the second progression line, which is unlockable for 2,500 Doubloons, you'll find the Fields of Tuscany permanent camouflage; additional Colorful Tokens; special and rare expendable economic bonuses of all types; and even more Coal, Steel, and other rewards!
After unlocking all the progression levels, more rewards await you for each extra level: 2x More Signals containers as a reward in the first progression line, and 3x Special Bonuses containers in the second progression line.
Our Event Pass isn't the only way you can obtain Colorful Tokens; they can also drop from the Colorful Regatta Premium containers available in the Armory and Premium Shop. Once you obtain some of these Tokens, check out our Armory where you can use them to purchase new X Zaō CLR and ships from the previous event!
During the first week of the event, coupons will be available that provide a 25% discount on X Zaō CLR and a 40% discount on all the rest of the Colorful Regatta lineup.
Ships in the Colorful Regatta Event
How to obtain Zao CLR during 13.7
13.7 Updated Colorful Regatta Premium Container
Each Colorful Regatta Premium container includes (the % percentage indicates the drop rate for each group of items):
- One item from the list below — 100%. Breakdown:
- 10 Colorful Tokens — 75%
- 20 Colorful Tokens — 24.5%
- 200 Colorful Tokens — 0.5%
- One item from the list below — 100%. Breakdown:
- 15,000 Doubloons — 0.30%
- 750,000 Credits — 24.93%
- 12,500 Free XP — 24.93%
- 37,500 Elite Commander XP — 24.93%
- 5,000 Coal — 24.93%
- One item from the list below — 100%. Breakdown:
- 5x India Delta — 10%
- 5x India Yankee — 10%
- 5x Juliet Charlie — 10%
- 5x November Foxtrot — 10%
- 5x Sierra Mike — 10%
- 5x November Echo Setteseven — 10%
- 5x Victor Lima — 10%
- 5x India X-Ray — 10%
- 5x X-Ray Papa Unaone — 10%
- 5x Sierra Bravo — 10%