Zao CLR: Tier X Japanese Heavy Cruiser 1941

zao header image

flag Cruiser Special Ship Icon Zao CLR: Tier X Japanese Heavy Cruiser 1941

Eight heavy cruisers were supposed to be built under the Japanese naval building program. They were a further development of the Takao, Tone, and Mogami classes. It was planned to arm these ships with twelve 203 mm guns in four turrets—a traditional arrangement. Their armor was designed to withstand 203 mm HE shell hits. The number of ships was later reduced to four, and their construction was then cancelled altogether.

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Public Test 14.0 - Balance Changes, Zao and Zao CLR

Tier X Cruisers flag shipicon Zao and flag Cruiser Special Ship Icon X Zao CLR

In Public Test 14.0, the Japanese Tier X cruiser Zao is receiving several adjustments aimed at enhancing its combat effectiveness and adaptability on the battlefield. These changes focus on improving the ship's main battery turret firing angles and introducing a new torpedo turning feature, which adds flexibility to its torpedo gameplay. Let’s dive into the specifics:

Main Battery Turret Angle Improvements

One of Zao’s notable strengths is its reliable and powerful main battery. To further enhance its usability, the firing angles of all turrets have been adjusted, allowing for greater flexibility in positioning during combat:

  • First turret: Firing angles widened by 8 degrees per side, improving forward and backward coverage.
  • Second turret: Firing angles widened by 1 degree per side, offering a slight increase in its effective firing arc.
  • Third turret: Firing angles widened by 4 degrees per side, making it easier to maintain firing solutions while maneuvering.
  • Fourth turret: Firing angles widened by 9 degrees per side, significantly enhancing its ability to engage targets while kiting or retreating.

These adjustments enable Zao captains to maintain effective firepower without needing to expose as much broadside, thereby improving survivability.

Torpedo Turning Feature and Adjusted Firing Angles

A major update for Zao is the addition of a torpedo turning feature, which increases the versatility of its torpedoes. This feature provides Zao with more options for launching torpedoes in various combat situations. To accommodate this improvement, the following changes to torpedo firing angles have been made:

  • Forward firing angles: Increased by 10 degrees, allowing for improved torpedo deployment when closing in on targets.
  • Backward firing angles: Increased by 45 degrees, offering significantly better coverage for disengaging scenarios and surprise attacks while retreating.

This change makes Zao’s torpedoes more effective in both offensive and defensive roles, further solidifying its reputation as a versatile and tactical cruiser.


The adjustments in Public Test 14.0 aim to make Zao a more flexible and resilient combatant. Improved turret firing angles enhance its main battery’s usability, while the addition of a torpedo turning feature expands its tactical options. These changes should appeal to captains who appreciate Zao’s unique blend of stealth, firepower, and torpedo capabilities.

WG encourage players to participate in the Public Test to provide feedback and share their experiences with these changes. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of World of Warships!
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Zao CLR Game Flag
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Zao CLR Info

zao clr paint image
Ship Name:  flag Cruiser Special Ship Icon X Zao CLR
Level: 10
Class:  WG Project Heavy Cruiser
WG introduction:  July 6, 2024
Staus during testing and Final Cruiser Special Ship Icon Special Ship
Estimated release: 13.7
Base Value: resource 34 650
Nation:  flag Japan
Current development status: Released


Health Points: 44,900 hp
Armour: 16-203 mm
Side Plating: Fore/Mid/Aft: 25/30/25 mm
Deck: Fore/Mid/Aft: 25/30/25 mm
Superstructure: 16 mm
Fore Athwartships: 30 mm
Aft Athwartships: 30 mm
Citadel Fore Athwartships: 127-203 mm
Citadel Aft Athwartships: 105-160 mm
Armor Belt: 30 mm
Citadel Armor Belt: 100-152 mm
Citadel Torpedo Bulkhead: 90 mm
Citadel Deck Slopes: 65 mm
Citadel Deck: 55 mm
Citadel Bottom: 40 mm
Turret Plating: 50-127 mm
Torpedo Protection: 19%
Tonnage: 17,958 t

Main Battery Armament

4x3 203 mm/50 3rd Year Type No.2 in a triple turret:
Max Range: 16.2 km
Reload: 13.7 s
180° Turn Time: 30.0 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 137 m
Sigma: 2.05σ

Shell Types

HE Shells

12x 203 mm HE Type1:
Alpha Damage: 3,400
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Alpha Piercing HE: 34.0 mm
Shell Air Drag: 0.337
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 203 mm
Shell Krupp: 560.0
Shell Mass: 155.0 kg
Velocity: 920.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 19%

AP Shells

12x 203 mm AP Type92:
Alpha Damage: 5,400
Ammo Type: Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.337
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0
Normalization: 7.0
Shell Detonator: 0.033
Shell Detonator Threshold: 34.0 mm
Shell Diameter: 203 mm
Shell Krupp: 2468.0
Shell Mass: 155.0 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 45.0
Velocity: 920.0 m/s


4x5 610 mm Quintuple/Type F3
Reload: 104 s
180° Turn Time:  7.2 s
Range: 8.0 km
Damage: 21,367 hp
Speed: 76 kts
Visibility Distance: 1.8 km

4x5 610 mm Quintuple/Type 93 mod.3
Reload: 171 s
180° Turn Time:  7.2 s
Range: 12.0 km
Damage: 23,367 hp
Speed: 67 kts
Visibility Distance: 1.7 km


6x2 100 mm HE Type98:
Max HE Shell Damage: 1,700
Range: 7.3 km
Reload: 3.0 s
Alpha Piercing HE: 30 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Speed: 1000 m/s
Burn Probability: 6%

Depth Charge Airstrike

Reload time: 30.0 s
Available flights: 2
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight: 1
Maximum range: 8.0 km
Number of Bombs in Payload: 2x Type 1 No. 25 MK 2 Mod. 1
Maximum bomb damage: 4900
Burn Probability: 28%

AA Defence:

Long Range

6×2 100 mm/65 Type 98 on a Model A mount:
Firing range: 5.8 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 151
Damage Caused by Shell Explosions: 1540
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 6
Continuous damage: 285
Action zone: 3.5-5.8 km

Mid Range

9×2 40 mm/60 Type 5 on a twin mount:
Firing range: 3.5 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 172

Short Range

20×1 25 mm/60 Type 96 on a single mount:
11×3 25 mm/60 Type 96 on a triple mount:
Firing range: 2.5 km
Hit Probability: 85 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 151


Maximum Speed: 34.5 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 840 m
Rudder Shift Time: 7.7 s
Propulsion: 159,000 hp


Surface Detectability: 12.2 km
Air Detectability: 7.5 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 7.2 km


Slot 1 Damage Control Party:
Charges:  infinite.
Action Time: 5 s.
Reload Time: 60 s.

Slot 2 Repair Party:
Charges: 3.
Action Time: 28 s.
Reload Time: 80 s.
HP per Second: +224 hp/s.

Slot 3: Fighter:
Charges: 3
Action time: 60 s
Reload time: 90 s
Radius: 3 km
Fighters: 4

Slot 3: Spotting Aircraft:
Charges: 4
Action time: 100 s
Reload time: 240 s
Firing distance: +20%

Slot 4 Defensive AA Fire:
Charges: 3.
Action Time: 40 s.
Reload Time: 80 s.
Average AA Damage: +50%
Damage within the explosion radius of shells fired from medium and long-range AA defenses: 300%.

Slot 4 Hydroacoustic Search:
Charges: 3.
Action Time: 100 s.
Reload Time: 120 s.
Torpedo Detection: 3.5 km.
Ship Detection: 5 km.

Slot 5: Submarine Surveillance:
Charges: 3
Action time: 20 s
Reload time: 120 s
Sub Detection: 7 km
All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change at any time.

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