12.11 Salvage for Victory - Missions, Rewards, Resources - Times and Dates for NA, Asia and EU.
A chance to learn about the Salvage for Victory event in Update 12.11 and its rewards that include new ships Elli, Francesco Ferruccio and Defence, as well as the long-awaited Kitakami!

The Salvage for Victory Event Returns!
Combine your resources to obtain ships, X Kitakami,
X Defence,
VII F. Ferruccio,
VI Elli, as well as other valuable items.
The new event is centred around cruisers: four new ships are entering our waters, and all the event rewards are available for free-to-play earnable resources, but you'll need a sizable amount of them to obtain everything on offer.
- At Stage 3, you’ll find 4x
Santa's Big Gift containers.
- Unlocking Stage 8 will grant you
VI Elli.
- The reward for Stage 16 is
VII F. Ferruccio.
X Defence clad in the Christmas Lights permanent
camouflage (in addition to the Default one) will be waiting for you at Stage 40!
- At Stage 80, you’ll find
Kitakami, a unique cruiser that was removed from the game several years ago and is now back to overwhelm her opponents with her superior torpedo armament.

The event will start on the second week of Update 12.11 and will come to an end with the release of Update 13.1.
Salvage for Victory Regional Times and Dates [UTC]

Event Rewards
- 4x
Santa’s Big Gift containers will be your reward at the 3rd Stage!
Santa’s Big Gift containers have a wealth of prizes.

Elli is armed with eight 152mm guns that have excellent range and firing ballistics. She can rapidly redeploy and hold range with a high maximum speed of 37.7 knots. Should Elli need to close the distance, each side boasts three fast-moving torpedoes along with spaced armor to protect her citadel. Her consumables are Hydroacoustic Search and Defensive AA Fire in different slots.
VII F. Ferruccio 12.11 "Salvage for Victory" Stage 16 Ship Page
The ship is armed with eight 152mm main battery guns with great firing range and an aft-end main battery turret that can rotate 360 degrees. She has access to HE- and SAP-shells with flat ballistics which allows for steady long range striking with her lower damage per minute. The SAP shells in particular have exceptional ricochet angles, which make them a highly reliable damage-dealing tool. Additionally, she is equipped with two quadruple-tube torpedo launchers that, while having a slower speed, make up for it with low detectability and a 13.5 km range. The ship's weaker armor and health pool are offset by high speed and good maneuverability, as well as excellent concealment. She has access to Exhaust Smoke Generator and can choose between Fighter or Spotting Aircraft.

Defence is armed with six 356mm main battery guns located on the bow of the ship which deal powerful damage per shell. Her British HE shells have a high penetration and fire chance while the AP shells have improved ricochet angles. The large calibre main battery guns are a threat to be reckoned with, despite their lower damage per minute. Defence is also armed with eight torpedo tubes (distributed evenly on either side of the bow) with wide launching angles. Her consumables are Repair Party, Hydroacoustic Search, and Short-Burst Smoke Generator in different slots.
The permanent camouflage for Defence will be revealed in the future.

The legends were true! Kitakami enters World of Warships with a fearsome capability of launching heavy torpedo salvos albeit with a very fragile hull. Each side is equipped with five quadruple-tube torpedo launchers that are loaded one at a time. Reload times are low, so players can elect to launch torpedoes as they become available or to amass them over time to unleash a mighty wave of destruction! Fast, lower damage 12km torpedoes are available, as well as the hard-hitting 20km deep water torpedoes, similar to those of Asashio.
Take care to keep Kitakami hidden with her low detection range and smoke generator, because a small health pool and very exposed citadel can lead to her fast demise if positioned too aggressively. She comes equipped with Exhaust Smoke Generator, Engine Boost, and Repair Party.
A unique and stylish Kitakami permanent camouflage "Bitter Winds" and Memorable flags for each of the above ships will be a bonus reward at the 100th Stage! The permanent camouflage for
Kitakami will only be available as a part of this Salvage for Victory event, so be sure to earn it while you can!
The appearance of the permanent camouflage for Kitakami is shown in the above image.