Superships Patrie and Edgar are Charting a Course for the Lighthouse - and More

Superships Patrie and Edgar are Charting a Course for the Lighthouse - and More

It's auction day, have your credits ready to bid on some excellent rare lots, in this Lighthouse Auction

flagship iconlevel Patrie - French Super Battleship 1957

{getButton} $text={Patrie Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
A battleship armed with twelve 431 mm main battery guns. The ship's AA defences comprise artillery systems designed during the 1950s.

flagshipicon level Edgar - British Light Super Cruiser 1975

{getButton} $text={Edgar Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={red}
Edgar is the development of a Minotaur cruiser project with an increased number of main battery guns, as well as more advanced effective anti-submarine and AA weaponry, developed in the 1950s and 1960s.

0.11.6 Lighthouse Auction [UTC]

Lighthouse Auction
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Navigate to the relevant Armory tab to take part in the Lighthouse auction (Be sure you are already logged into the regional web portal).

Players in all World of Warships regions compete with each other for the same lots, so the final number of winners is shared between all four servers.
After the Auction has finished and the 500 lots of Patrie and Edgar have been awarded to the lucky 500 players on all regions. Patrie and Edgar will once again be available as researchable ships in the tech-tree during 0.11.9.

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