0.10.6 New Flags - Ensigns with Descriptions
Datamined flags/ensigns from PT 0.10.6
Updated June 30, 2021

Colombian Independence Day Flag
In celebration of the victory achieved in the battle for independence.

Argentine Independence Day Flag
In celebration of the victory achieved in the battle for independence.

Glory to the Navy! Flag
The continuation of the traditions of Russian sailors in the modern navy is symbolized not only by St. Andrew's flag, but also by the naval jack that was used from 1699 to 1917. The primary distinguishing feature of St. Andrew's flag was the depiction of Saint George on the coat of arms. It was the highest award for warships of the Russian navy.

Naval Ensign of Belgium Flag
At the beginning of World War II, neutral Belgium didn't have its own navy. But in 1936, all state-owned ships received a special flag that depicted a black lion with a crown in the center of the Belgian tricolor. A sparse number of mobilized vessels of the hastily created Naval Corps of Belgium served during the brief military campaign of 1940 under this flag.

Carnot Flag (Link)
Lazare Carnot (1753–1823) was a prominent statesman, scientist, and military leader. He came to be known as the "Organizer of Victory" of the French Republic over its enemies. In 1815, Napoleon made Carnot a belted earl of the French Empire. His coat of arms is depicted on the ship's commemorative flag.

Kearsarge Flag (Link)
The tradition of decorating ship stems with beautiful sculptures stayed in the U.S. Navy up until the era of armored ships. The commemorative flag features the bow decoration of battleship Kearsarge—a ship which was in service from 1900 to 1923.

Rochester Flag (Link)
The cruiser was named after the city of Rochester, New York, which was one of the leading centers of science, technology, and education in the United States. The city's flag, which was adopted in 1934, depicts the coat of arms of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester, who founded the settlement in the early 19th century.

Chkalov Flag (Link)
Famous Soviet pilot Valery Chkalov (1904–1938) graduated from aviation school and started his service in a fighter squadron in 1924. That same year, a special sleeve insignia was introduced for the aircrew of the Soviet Air Forces and Navy's Air Force, and it was worn until 1943.

Dutch Cruisers: Part 1 Flag
To celebrate the arrival of Dutch cruisers in Early Access in Update 0.10.6.

Repulse Flag (Link)
The official crest of Repulse perfectly matches the ship's name—a mighty fortress tower, ready to repel any hostile assault. The battlecruiser carried the crest until October 1941.

Ragnar Flag (Link)
Ragnar Lodbrok, the legendary king of the 9th century who struck fear in the hearts of his enemies and rivals. The ship carries the Helm of Awe (Aegishjalmur), one of the most widely known Viking symbols of protection.