0.9.1 British Cruisers: Part 2, HMS London, Unique Commander Andrew Cunningham


British Cruisers: Part 2, HMS London, Unique Commander Andrew Cunningham

With the release of Update 0.9.1 the British heavy cruisers branch will become available free for everyone to research.

Royal Tokens: a themed temporary resource which can be obtained by completing Directives and Daily Missions, and collected from Daily Shipments.

British Premium cruiser London: will be awarded for completing all four Directives of British Cruisers Part II.

Click the Image above for London full stats.

Commander Andrew Cunningham: can be obtained from the Armory in exchange for Royal Tokens.


Commander Andrew Cunningham has three talents:
* Lightning Fast: the speed of your ship and squadrons increases by 5% after scoring two "Caused flooding" ribbons.
* Consumables Expert: the number of consumable charges of your ship increases by one after destroying two enemy ships.
* Sink, Burn, and Destroy!: the reload time of your ship’s main battery guns and torpedo launchers, as well as the aircraft restoration time, reduce by 10% after earning the “Witherer” achievement.
* All three talents can be activated only once per battle. The talents do not work in Clan Battles or Training Rooms.
Commander Andrew Cunningham has the improved skills:
* Jack of All Trades: −10% to the reload time of all mounted consumables instead of the standard −5%.
* Aircraft Armor: −11.5% of the continuous damage of AA guns instead of the standard −10%.
! Please Note: the rewards for activities on the Public Test server and the ways in which they can be earned may differ from those on the live server. Cruiser VI London will not be available on the Public Test server.
IMPORTANT! Because the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.


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