Clan Battles 22 Season "Anaconda" - 7 vs 7 Playing Tier X and Superships - Restrictions, Rewards, Times and Dates - All WG Regions

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Clan Battles 22 Season "Anaconda" - 7 vs 7 Playing Tier X and Superships - Restrictions, Rewards, Times and Dates - All WG Regions

Clan Battles offer an excellent opportunity to show off your skills in World of Warships. It's not only the results of individual battles that are important here but also general progress. Fight alongside your allies and rise to the top!
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Win Clan Battles to earn valuable rewards, such as Steel, Oil, days of Warships Premium Account, and combat signals, as well as Level 3 and 4 expendable economic bonuses. The more victories you achieve, the more rewards you'll earn!

New ship restriction changes

Based on analysis of the previous week's data and player feedback of the current Clan Battles season, we've decided to make some changes to the ship restrictions.

Ragnar, Gdańsk and Marseille have been removed from the first group of limited ships. These ships were not overperforming and were seeing less play compared to other ships in that restriction group, so we've removed them from the restricted ships list.

San Martín has been added to the list due to excessively strong performance and fair popularity since the start of the season.

Zorkiy was removed from the restriction list with Kléber and Marceau. Given her very low popularity in comparison with other supership picks such as Annapolis, we'd like to open up the option for more teams to pick her. Additionally, with Ragnar and Gdańsk being unrestricted, Zorkiy may act as a counterbalance as she has the capability to deal with them quite effectively.

Harugumo has been added to the list with Kléber and Marceau, as she has become an increasingly strong pick after the last set of restrictions.

All in all, these restrictions are to shake up the meta a bit and provide a newer and more dynamic experience by making some other ships and compositions more viable, as well as reign in some of the stronger picks.

In total, the restrictions will now be as follows:

  • Now, a team can have no more than one ship in total from the following list: Petropavlovsk, Napoli, Aleksander Nevsky, San Martín.
  • No more than one: Kléber, Marceau or Harugumo.
  • Banned from battles: Ohio, Kremlin, St. Vincent, SmÃ¥land, Condé, Admiral Ushakov, Louisiana.

These changes come into effect on September 22nd.


Regional Times

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Clan Battles 22 Season "Anaconda" [UTC]


Game Maps and Modes

Land of Fire, Shards, Sea of Fortune, Shatter, Warrior's Path, Haven, and Riposte.

Battles on all maps are fought in the "Clans: Domination" mode.

The following rules apply for all maps:

  • Number of Key Areas: 3
  • Capture time: 30 seconds
  • Scoring of capture points: 3 points every 4 seconds
1 / 7
Land of Fire
2 / 7
3 / 7
Sea of Fortune
4 / 7
5 / 7
Warriors Path
6 / 7
7 / 7


Gaming sessions are available on: Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Format: 7 vs. 7 playing Tier X ships and superships.

On the days of any update releases, Clan Battles are held only during the Prime Time of your server.


The following rules apply for all maps:
  • Number of Key Areas: 3
  • Capture time: 30 seconds
  • Scoring capture points: 3 points every 4 seconds

Ship Restrictions

Just like in previous seasons, certain restrictions on the numbers of specific ships per team apply in Clan Battles.

The restrictions can be set for the entire duration of a season or for specific periods of time. For example, they might be set after the first 2 weeks of a season then replaced with different restrictions a few weeks later. This allows us to promptly react to the current state of the season. Season 22 begins with the following restrictions:

  • No Image of Carrier icon aircraft carriers and Image of Submarine icon Submarines in battles.
  • No more than (1) one Image of Supership icon Supership.
  • No more than (1) one Image of battleship icon Battleship.
  • Now, a team can have no more than one ship in total from the following list: Petropavlovsk, Napoli, Aleksander Nevsky, San Martín.
  • No more than one: Kléber, Marceau or Harugumo.
  • Banned from battles: Ohio, Kremlin, St. Vincent, SmÃ¥land, Condé, Admiral Ushakov, Louisiana.

Additional restrictions on the following ships will apply from the start of the season:

  • No more than (1) one X RépubliqueflagX Preussenflag X RagnarflagX GdaÅ„skX Petropavlovsk X Napoli and X Marseille.
  • No more than (2) two X Kléber and/or  X Marceau.
  • Banned ships: flag X OhioX The KremlinflagX St. Vincentflag X SmÃ¥land★ Condé

For ships that have analogues (for example, Black Friday ships or collaboration ships), the restrictions will be applied automatically if they apply to the original.

During the season, based on WG's statistical analysis, new restrictions may be applied, and existing restrictions may be changed. WG will announce any changes separately on their Development Blog. Information about any changes will also be available in the game client.


Detailed information about the completion criteria and rewards can be found in the game client.

Clan Treasury

Clans with Ranks 1–50 in the Global Rating will receive from steel 5,000 to steel 25,000 Steel.
Place in the Global Rating steel Steel
1 25,000
2 22,500
3 20,000
4 17,500
5–50* 16,250–5,000
* Each following step brings steel 250 Steel less.
Clans that don't enter the top 50 will receive steel Steel and coal Coal for their Treasury at the end of the season. The exact amount depends on their league and group.
League, Group steel Steel coal Coal
Hurricane, 1 2,500 25,000
Typhoon, 1 1,500 25,000
Typhoon, 2 1,000 20,000
Typhoon, 3 0 15,000
Storm, 1 0 12,500
Storm, 2 0 10,000
Storm, 3 0 7,500
Gale, 1 0 5,000

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