Superships Devastation and Novosibirsk and Destroyer Somers are Charting a Course for the 12.5 Auction


Superships Devastation and Novosibirsk and Destroyer Somers are Charting a Course for the 12.5 Auction.

The 12.5 auction has started, the lots include super battleship Devastation and Super cruiser Novosibirsk along with American destroyer X Somers.
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flagshipicon warship Devastation - British Super Battleship 1952

{getButton} $text={Devastation Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={#e7ca94}
A ship that embodies all the ideas of the British shipbuilding school of the 1940s, concerning battleships unconstrained by the limits of the Washington Naval Treaty. The general layout of structures is close that of battleship Vanguard, and the power plant is similar to the one used on the Audacious-class aircraft carriers.

flagshipiconwarship Novosibirsk - Soviet Super Cruiser 1936

{getButton} $text={Novosibirsk Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={#e7ca94}
In the mid-1930s, the U.S.S.R. began working out preliminary designs for large artillery ships to meet the needs of their navy in the future.

flagshipicon USS Somers - American Tier X Destroyer 1937

{getButton} $text={Somers Stats Page} $icon={link} $color={#e7ca94}
Somers-class lead destroyers differed from their predecessors in terms of new high-temperature boilers and the absence of a torpedo-reloading system, which made it possible to deploy three torpedo tubes positioned along the centerline. The main guns weren't dual-purpose either. During World War II, USS Somers served in the Atlantic, where she conducted patrol and escort missions. The destroyer also participated in the landings in Normandy and southern France. Over the course of World War II, the ship was awarded 2 battle stars.

flagshipicon X USS Somers comes with a permanent camouflage, and she has standard economic bonuses for her tier. She also earns more Credits per battle and has a reduced post-battle service cost. Commander retraining is not required for this ship.


Times and Dates

12.5 Auction [UTC]

Regional Links to Auction

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Navigate to the relevant Armory tab to take part in the 12.5 auction by clicking the regional button above (Be sure you are already logged into the regional web portal).

12.5 Auction Ships

  •  level Devastation and special level Novosibirsk will be available as lots in the 12.5 Auction.
  •  100,000,000 (100 million) credits will be the Minimum bid, each with a maximum 1,050 lots for EUNAAsia.
  • flagshipicon X USS Somers will also be available with a minimum bid of 30,000 STEEL Steel
  • The auction will be available during the times and dates stated above
  • All winners will have paid the lowest winning bid.
  • In update 12.7 we should see flag level Devastation enter the tech tree at a cost of  57,000,000 Credits and flagshipicon level Novosibirsk enter the tech tree at a cost of   47,500,000 Credits.

Single-Price Auction Rules

Bids are placed in the Armory

You can participate in the auction only within the special Armory category.
The highest and earliest bids win.
Identical bundles are compiled into lots at the auction. The number of auctioned bundles is limited for each lot, the higher your bid and the earlier it is placed, the higher your chances of obtaining the item.
You can change your bid until the summing up of the results starts. The bid placement time will also change.

Single-Price Auction

Once the auction results have been summed up, the highest bids win. In the case of equal bids, the bid that was placed earliest wins. However, all winners will only pay as much as the lowest winning bid for the selected lot. Any excess will be returned to their accounts. Each winner obtains one bundle.

No Losses

If your bid does not win, don't stress! It will be automatically returned to you after the auction ends.

Bids, Summing up of the Results, Rewards for the Winners

Each auction consists of three stages:
Bidding Time
Bids are accepted for 4 days. During this time, you can also change any bids you have placed.
Result Calculations
Summing up the auction results. Bids can no longer be placed.
Rewarding Winners
The auction winners obtain their rewards, while the other participants receive their bids back.

4 Days in Total

The entire auction takes 4 days. Bidding then ends until the next auction. Stay tuned for updates! WG will make announcements both in the game and on the website.

It's a no-risk adventure! Any bid that doesn't win will be returned to the bidder when the auction closes.

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