Concord Bridge - American Tier VIII Aircraft Carrier 1927
A large aircraft carrier equipped with potent anti-aircraft and dual-purpose artillery. Additionally, the ship has a squadron of land-based bombers that are specifically equipped to deploy minefields.

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Key Features
Concord Bridge will have base Lexington torpedo bombers. Her attack aircraft will armed only with Tiny Tim rockets and they will have increased damage, also they will have increased HP, reduced aircraft preparation time and reduced the penalty for aiming while attacking.
Air-Dropped Minefield
Activating Air-Dropped Minefield on VIII Concord Bridge bombers launches a special airstrike that creates a circular minefield zone, consisting of scores of mines, under the squadron's current position. They take time to activate. After that, the mines explode on collision with ships, and they have high chances of causing flooding.
Concord Bridge Info
Ship Name: 
VIII Concord Bridge

Tier: 8
Paper ship: Yes
Class: WG project aircraft carrier
WG introduction: June 15, 2023
Status during tests and final:
Special Ship

Estimated Ship Release: 12.8/9

Current development status: Work in progress
Hit Points: 57,300 hp
Armour: 6-178 mm
Side plating fore/mid/aft: 19/19-178/19 mm
Deck plating fore/mid/aft: 25 mm
Fore Athwartships: 6 mm
Aft Athwartships: 6 mm
Citadel Fore Athwartships: 6-178 mm
Citadel Aft Athwartships: 6-178 mm
Superstructure: 13 mm
Armor Belt: 19 mm
Citadel Torpedo Bulkhead: 32 mm
Casemate Deck: 13 mm
Citadel Deck: 51 mm
Citadel Bottom: 40 mm
Conning Tower: 57 mm
Tonnage: 47,700
Torpedo Protection, Damage Reduction: 16%
Air Wing
Attack Aircraft - F4U-1D Corsair
Hit points: 1645
Cruising speed: 169.0 knots
Maximum speed: 209.0 knots
Size of attacking flight: 3
Aircraft per squadron: 9
Aircraft restoration time: 60 s
Detectability range: 10.0 km
Number of aircraft on deck: 14
Rocket Details
Rockets in payload: 2× Tiny Tim (HE)
Maximum rocket damage: 6,400
Armor penetration: 68 mm
Projectile detonator: 0.03
Chance to cause fire: 33 %
Torpedo Bombers - TBF Avenger
Hit points: 1800
Cruising speed: 120.0 knots
Maximum speed: 155.0 knots
Size of attacking flight: 2
Aircraft per squadron: 8
Aircraft restoration time: 86 s
detectability range: 10.0 km
number of aircraft on deck: 12
Torpedo Details
Torpedoes in Payload: 1× Torpedo Mk.13-2
Maximum torpedo damage: 6,467
Aerial speed: 35.0 knots
Torpedo range: 3.5 km
Torpedo arming distance: 376 m
Dive Bomber - SB2C Helldiver
Hit points: 1980
Cruising speed: 125.0 knots
Maximum speed: 160.0 knots
Size of attacking flight: 3
Aircraft per squadron: 9
Aircraft restoration time: 76 s
Detectability range: 10.0 km
Number of aircraft on deck: 14
Bomb Details:
Bombs in payload: 2× AN-M65
Bomb type: HE
Maximum bomb damage: 9,200.0
Armor penetration: 53 mm
Chance to cause fire: 52%
Air-Dropped Minefield - Squadron Consumable

Air-Dropped Minefield Details
The air drop minefield consumable is attached to the dive bomber armament. By activating the "Air-dropped Minefield" consumable, a circular area is created in the current coordinates of the squadron that is then filled with mines. Minefields consist of a large number of separate mines that can't deal damage immediately – they need some time to become activated. They explode on collision and have a high chance to cause flooding. They remain active for several minutes and are mainly used as a zoning tool. Mines can be destroyed with Depth Charges and Depth Charge Air Strike – when a player destroys a set amount of mines, the whole minefield will disappear.
Air-Dropped Minefield:
Max damage per mine: 9,167
Minefield radius: 2.5 km
Consumable action time: 5 s
Minefield activation time: 40 s
Minefield duration: 40 s
Cooldown time: 160 s
Detectability range: 10.0 km
Number of consumables: 3
8x1 127 mm/38 Mk.12 on a Mk.24 mount
Max HE Shell Damage: 1800
Range: 4.5 km
Reload: 6.0 s
Alpha Piercing HE: 21.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Air Drag: 0.347
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Krupp: 1350.0
Shell Mass: 24.7 kg
Shell Speed: 792.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 5%
4×2 127 mm/38 Mk.12 on a Mk.32 mount
Max HE Shell Damage: 1800
Range: 4.5 km
Reload: 6.0 s
Alpha Piercing HE: 21.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Air Drag: 0.347
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Krupp: 1350.0
Shell Mass: 24.7 kg
Shell Speed: 792.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 5%
Depth Charge Airstrike (Auto)
Reload: 25 s
Available Flights: 1
No of Aircraft in Attacking Flight: 1
Max Range: 7 km
Bombs in Payload: 1× 350 LB Depth Bomb Mk 54
Max Bomb Damage: 4200
Chance of Fire: 24%
Anti Aircraft Defence
Long Range:
8 × 1 127 mm/38 Mk.12 on a Mk.24 mount:
4 × 2 127 mm/38 Mk.12 on a Mk.32 mount:
4 × 2 127 mm/38 Mk.12 on a Mk.32 mount:
Firing range: 5.8 km
Hit Probability: 100 %
Damage Within an Explosion: 1470
Damage by long-range AA guns: 140
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 6
Continuous Damage: 555
Action Zone: 3.5 - 5.8 km
Mid Range:
23 × 4 40 mm/56 Bofors on a Mk.2 mount:
2 × 2 40 mm/56 Bofors on a Mk.1 mount:
2 × 2 40 mm/56 Bofors on a Mk.1 mount:
Firing range: 3.5 km
Damage by mid-range AA guns: 627
Hit Probability: 100%
Short Range:
16 × 1 20 mm Oerlikon on a Mk.4 mount:
Firing range: 2.0 km
Damage by short-range AA guns: 112
Hit Probability: 95%
Maximum Speed: 33.0 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 1180 m
Rudder Shift Time: 15.6 s
Propulsion: 180,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 14.5 km
Detectability by depths: 0-10.0 km
Air Detectability: 10.0 km
Available Consumables
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: infinite.
Action Time: 60 s.
Reload Time: 90 s.
Slot 2: Fighters:
Charges: 4
Action time: 600 s
Reload time: 40 s
Radius: 3 km
Fighters: +4