Canarias - Tier VI Spanish Heavy Cruiser 1936

 Canarias Tier VI Spanish Heavy Cruiser 1936

Canarias was a heavy cruiser designed in Great Britain, similar to the County-class ships, which had above anything else, more powerful torpedo armament envisioned in the initial project.

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Canarias In-Game Flag
Two white columns—the supporter on the coat of arms of Spain is represented by the Pillars of Hercules that flank the entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar. They are topped by the King and Emperor's crowns. When America was discovered, the "Further beyond" motto (Latin: "Plus ultra") replaced the "Nothing further beyond" motto (Latin: "Nec plus ultra") that had existed from ancient times.
Key Features:
Canarias is armed with eight 203 mm guns placed in four turrets that fire only AP Shells with improved ricochet angles, but without high armor-penetrating capabilities. The ship is also equipped with the Hydroacoustic Search  and Engine Boost consumables.
Canarias will be added to a new in-game nation,  Spain (Espana).

Canarias Info:

Ship Name:  premium cruiser VI Canarias
Tier:  VI (6)
Paper ship:  False
Class:  Canarias-class heavy cruiser
WG introduction:  Nov 07, 2021
Status:  premium cruiserPremium Ship
Ship release:  ~0.11.1
Research Purchase:  70x Mediterranean Tokens > Details here > (Link)
Nation:  Spanish
Camouflage:   Atlantic permanent camouflage Free
Current development status: Released

Ship Armor:

Health Points: 35 100 hp
Armour: 13~110 mm
Fires duration: 30 s
Superstructure: 13 mm
Armor Belt: 25~51 mm
Fore Athwartships: 25~37 mm
Aft Athwartships: 25~37 mm
Torpedo Bulkhead: 25 mm
Armored Deck Slope: 38 mm
Deck:  38 mm
Citadel Bottom: 30 mm
Turret Plating: 25 mm
Torpedo protection, Damage reduction: 10%

Main Battery Armament:

4 x 2 203 mm/50 BL Model 1924 Mark D:
Max Range: 16.2 km
Reload: 12.0 s
180° Turn Time: 22.5 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 144 m
Sigma: 2.00σ

Shell Types:

AP Shells: 8 x 203 mm AP 256 lb:
Alpha Damage: 3800
Ammo Type: Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.3037
Shell Always Ricochet At: 75.0°
Normalization: 7.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.005
Shell Detonator Threshold: 12 mm
Shell Diameter: 203 mm
Shell Krupp: 1500.0
Shell Mass: 116.1 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 60.0°
Velocity: 814.0 m/s

Secondary Armament:

8 x 1 120 mm HE-55:
Range: 5.0  km
Reload: 3.5 s
Alpha damage:  1700
HE Armour Penetration: 20 mm
Shell velocity: 808 m/s
Chance of fire: 8%

AA Defence:

Long Range:
8 x 1 120 mm:
Firing range:  5.2 km
Hit Probability:  90 %
Damage by Zone Area AA:  84
Damage Caused by Shell Explosions:  1190
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:  3
Action Zone:  3.5 - 5.2 km
Mid Range:
6 × 2 37.0 mm
Firing range:  3.5 km
Hit Probability:  90 %
Damage by Zone Area AA:  28
Action Zone:  0.1 - 3.5 km
Short Range:
2 x 1 20.0 mm
Firing range:  2.0 km
Hit Probability:  85 %
Damage by Zone Area AA:  18
Action Zone:  0.1 - 2.0 km

Depth Charge Airstrike:

Maximum bomb damage: 4300
Available flights: 1
Attack aircraft per flight: 1
Range: 4 km
Bombs per payload: 3
Reload time: 60 s


Maximum Speed: 33.0 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 740 m
Rudder Shift Time: 9.6 s
Propulsion: 90 000 hp


Surface Detectability:   11.5 km
Detectability by depths:  0~6.5 km
Air Detectability:  6.5 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   6.1 km


Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Work Time: 5 s
Reload Time: 60 s
Slot 2: Hydroacoustic Search.
Charges:   3
Action time:   100 s
Reload Time:   120 s
Torpedo detection range: 3.0 km
Ship detection range: 4.0 km
Slot 3: Engine Boost.
Charges:   3
Action time:   180 s
Reload Time:   90 s
Added Boost: 15%
All stats are listed without crew and upgrade modifiers but with best available modules. The stats are subject to change at any time.


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  1. I am already looking forward to seeing the Spanish flag wave in the game. The naval representation of Spain was missing, I am not going to go into naval history, but in the game it could have a lot of potential since it had many heavy ships and today it still has them, from the Spain-class battleships and canceled projects to Mendez cruisers Nuñez similar to Atlanta, and Dedalo aircraft carriers (Independence Class, USS CABOT). Even so, they are thanked for the work they put on the Canarias cruise as a Spanish representation.

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