0.9.5 "Buffs' n' Nerfs" to Premium and Researchable Ships
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Any showcased features may or may not end up on the main server. The final information will be published on our game's website.
WG continue to adjust the parameters of test ships
* Main Turret traverse speed reduced from 6.0 to 4.0 degrees per second.
WG continue to adjust the parameters of test ships
IX Zarya Svobody
* Ships HitPoints reduced from 88,100 to 80,900.* Main Turret traverse speed reduced from 6.0 to 4.0 degrees per second.
VIII Champagne
* AP shell Krupp increased from 2400 to 2900* Number of HitPoints reduced from 60,900 to 52,600.
* Main battery reload time increased from 26 to 28.6 s.
X F.D.Roosevelt
- Attack aircraft parameters were changed:
- Cruising speed increased from 113 to 124 knots;
- Maximum speed increased from 153 to 164 knots;
- Time to regain full squadron control after an attack increased from 4 to 5 s;
- Speed of flight after an attack was increased.
- Invulnerability time after an attack decreased from 8 to 5 s.
- Torpedo bombers' parameters were changed:
- Cruising speed increased from 108 to 119 knots;
- Maximum speed increased from 143 to 154 knots;
- Time to regain full squadron control after an attack increased from 4 to 6 s;
- Speed of flight after an attack was increased.
- Invulnerability time after an attack decreased from 8 to 6 s.
- Bombers parameters were changed:
- Cruising speed increased from 108 to 119 knots;
- Maximum speed increased from 143 to 154 knots;
- Time to regain full squadron control after an attack increased from 4 to 6 s;
- Speed of flight after an attack was increased.
- Invulnerability time after an attack decreased from 8 to 6 s.
- Bomb drop time was reduced.
- The "Repair" consumable's parameters were changed:
- The percentage of restored HitPoints increased from 2 to 2.3%;
- The number of charges increased from 4 to 5.
German Aircraft Carriers
- All attack aircraft parameters were changed:
- Rocket armor penetration was increased;
- The height of attack was reduced;
- The angle of the attack was reduced;
- Vertical dispersion was slightly reduced.
- All torpedo bombers' parameters were changed:
- Aiming speed increased;
- Launching cone's dispersion when turning during the attack was increased.
- Stock torpedo parameters of IV Rhein and VI Weser were changed:
- Maximum torpedo damage reduced from 6,200 to 3,600;
- Torpedo range reduced from 6 to 2 km;
- Torpedo speed increased from 25 to 50 knots;
- Torpedo arming distance reduced to 403 m;
- Torpedo detectability increased to 1.3 km.
- Parameters of VI Weser's researchable torpedoes and VIII August von Parseval's torpedoes were changed:
- Maximum torpedo damage reduced from 8,367 to 4,067;
- Torpedo range reduced from 6 to 2.5 km;
- Torpedo speed increased from 25 to 52 knots;
- Torpedo arming distance reduced to 489 m;
- Torpedo detectability increased to 1.3 km.
- Parameters of X Manfred von Richthofen's torpedoes were changed:
- Maximum torpedo damage reduced from 10,200 to 4,533;
- Torpedo range reduced from 6 to 3 km;
- Torpedo speed increased from 25 to 55 knots;
- Torpedo arming distance reduced to 591 m;
- Torpedo detectability increased to 1.4 km.
IMPORTANT! Because the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.