IX Ferrante Gonzaga: Italian Premium Light Cruiser 1943
A hypothetical design of a light cruiser armed with advanced artillery systems that were under development in Italy in the late 1930s. The 135 mm dual-purpose guns were also mounted on the Andrea Doria-class battleships and the Capitani Romani-class cruisers, while the 65 mm anti-aircraft guns remained as prototypes. The ship's hull and architecture are similar to those of the Duca degli Abruzzi-class cruisers.

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Closed Test 14.0 Balance Changes
- SAP shell parameters changed:
- The angle at which the check for ricochets is made increased: 60 to 70 degrees.
- Guaranteed ricochet angle increased: 75 to 80 degrees.
- Main battery reload time reduced: 8.5 to 7.7s
Short Video:
Key Features:
- Main Battery: Four triple 135mm turrets with HE and SAP shells. Despite the short firing range, these guns can deal significant damage.
- Torpedoes: Long-range and powerful, but with only one triple launcher per side and a long reload time.
- Concealment: Excellent for a cruiser, allowing for stealthy maneuvers.
- Consumables: Equipped with an Exhaust Smoke Generator (with extra charges), Emergency Engine Power, and a Repair Party to compensate for her short main battery range, poor armor, and small hit point pool.
Ferrante Gonzaga excels as an ambush predator:
- Stealth and Surprise: Use her good concealment to get close to enemy ships and unleash high damage per minute.
- Escape Tactics: After attacking, use the Exhaust Smoke Generator and Emergency Engine Power to quickly retreat and avoid counterattacks.
- Consumable Management: Keep an eye on cooldowns and be cautious of enemy destroyers. If caught without consumables, Ferrante Gonzaga is vulnerable to being quickly sunk.
F Gonzaga Info:
Ship Name:
IX Ferrante Gonzaga

Level: 9
Class: WG Project Light Cruiser
WG introduction: October 25th, 2024
Status during Testing:
Special Ship

Base Value:


Current development status: Work in Progress
Hit Points: 34,100 hp
Fires duration: 30 s
Torpedo Protection: 16%
Overall: 6-130 mm
Hull Plating (fore/mid/aft): 16-30/16-30/16 mm
Deck Plating (fore/mid/aft): 16/16/16 mm
Casemate Fore Athwartship: 15 mm
Casemate Aft Athwartship: 15 mm
Citadel Fore Athwartship: 20-130 mm
Citadel Aft Athwartship: 20-130 mm
Citadel Armor Belt: 100 mm
Citadel Plating: 16 mm
Citadel Deck: 40 mm
Citadel Bottom: 30 mm
Turrets: 30-60 mm
Superstructure: 13-30 mm
Tonnage: 11,760 tn
Main Battery Armament:
4x3 135 mm/45 Model 1938 on a Model 1938 mount:
Max Range: 13.4 km
Reload: 7.7 s
180° Turn Time: 9.5 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 125 m
Sigma: 2.05σ
Shell Types:
HE Shells:
12x 135 mm proiettili HE 1938:
Alpha Damage: 1,950
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Alpha Piercing HE: 23.0 mm
Shell Air Drag: 0.29
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60°
Normalization: 68°
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Krupp: 480.0
Shell Mass: 32.7 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 91.0°
Velocity: 875.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 9%
SAP Shells:
12x 135 mm proiettili CS 1938:
Max SAP Shell Damage: 3,050
Ammo Type: Semi Armor Piercing
Alpha Piercing CS: 38.0 mm
Shell Air Drag: 0.29
Shell Always Ricochet At: 80.0°
Normalization: 45.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.03
Shell Detonator Threshold: 25.0
Shell Krupp: 3.0
Shell Mass: 32.7 kg
Shell Ricochet: 70.0°
Shell Velocity: 875.0 m/s
Depth Charges:
Maximum damage: 3,200
Charges: 2
Bombs per charge: 6
Reload time: 40 s
Chance of fire: 13%
2x3 533 mm tubo lanciasiluri/Si 270 M2:
Damage: 20,433 hp
Reload: 120 s
180° Turn Time: 7.2 s
Range: 10 km
Speed: 72 kts
Visibility Distance: 1.7 km
Chance of Flood: 160%
AA Defense:
Long Range:
4x3 135 mm/45 Model 1938 on a Model 1938 mount:
Action Zone: 3.5-5.2 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Damage Within an Explosion: 1540
Continuous Damage Per Second: 39
Continuous Damage: 265
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 2
Mid Range:
12x2 65 mm/64 Model 1939 on a twin mount
4x2 37 mm/54 Model 1938 on a Model 1938 mount:
4x2 37 mm/54 Model 1938 on a Model 1938 mount:
Firing range: 3.7 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 347
Short Range:
2x1 20 mm/65 Model 1939 on a Model 1939 mount
2x2 20 mm/65 Breda Model 1935 on a Model 1935 mount:
2x2 20 mm/65 Breda Model 1935 on a Model 1935 mount:
Action Zone: 2.0 km
Hit Probability: 85 %
Continuous Damage Per Second: 25
Maximum Speed: 35.0 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 600 m
Rudder Shift Time: 8.9 s
Propulsion: 101,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 11.0 km
Air Detectability: 6.4 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 5.0 km
Available Consumables
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: Infinite
Work Time: 5s
Reload Time: 60 s
Slot 2: Repair Party:
Charges: 3.
Action Time: 28 s.
Reload Time: 80 s.
HP per Second: +170 hp/s.
Slot 3: Exhaust Smoke Generator:
Charges: 2
Action time: 40 s
Smoke screen lifetime: 10 s
Reload time: 160 s
Smoke Radius: 0.51 km
Slot 4: Emergency Engine Power:
Charges: 5
Action Time: 40 s
Reload Time: 120 s
Maximum speed: +20%