Ipiranga: Tier VIII Pan-American (Brazil) Battleship 1944
A hypothetical design for a Brazilian Navy battleship developed based on British shipbuilding advancements of the 1920s and 1930s. The ship would feature dual-purpose and anti-aircraft armament of American origin, likely received during modernization in the United States in the 1940s.

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Balance Changes
VIII Ipiranga
CT 13.8 Changes:
- Ship engine parameters changed. Acceleration characteristics significantly improved. The ships will now have similar acceleration to that found on Vermont and St. Vincent.
- Access to Propulsion Modification 1, this was removed due to it becoming redundant.
Ipiranga Info
Ship Name:
VIII Ipiranga

Level: 8
Class: WG Project
WG introduction: July 5, 2024
Status when final:
VIII Ipiranga

Status during Early Access:
VIII Ipiranga

Ship release: 13.8 Early Access
Cost when final:
135 000 -
11 000 000

Pan-American (Brazil)

Current development status: Released on Early Access
How to obtain in 13.8 Early Access
Final reward on 13.8 First Progression Line Event Pass
Ipiranga Armor
Hit Points: 66,300 hp
Bow and Stern Plating: 32 mm
Torpedo Protection: 31%
Hull Plating (fore/mid/aft): 32/32-356/32 mm
Deck Plating (fore/mid/aft): 32/51/32 mm
Superstructure: 19 mm
Armor Belt: 51-356 mm
Torpedo Bulkhead: 51-83 mm
Fore Athwartships: 32-152 mm
Aft Athwartships: 32-152 mm
Citadel Fore Athwartships: 51-152 mm
Citadel Aft Athwartships: 32-152mm
Citadel Deck: 90 mm
Citadel Armored Deck Slopes: 51 mm
Turret Plating: 152-330 mm
Citadel Bottom: 50 mm
Torpedo Protection, Damage Reduction: 31%
Tonnage: 47,000
Main Battery Armament
6x2 356 mm/45 Mk.VII on a Mk.II/Mk.III mount:
Max Range: 18.7 km
Reload: 33.0 s
Minimum Shell Type Switching Time: 30.0 s
180° Turn Time: 30.0 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 247 m
Sigma: 1.70σ
Shell Types
HE Shells
12x 356 mm HE Mk VIIb:
Max HE Shell Damage: 5,000
Alpha Piercing HE: 59.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Air Drag: 0.3194
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 8.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Krupp: 385.0
Shell Mass: 721.0 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 91°
Shell Velocity: 747 m/s
Chance of fire: 31%
AP Shells
12x 356 mm AP Mk VIIb:
Max AP Shell Damage: 9,800
Ammo Type: Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.3194
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 6.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.033
Shell Detonator Threshold: 59.0
Shell Krupp: 2295.0
Shell Mass: 721.0 kg
Ricochet: 45.0°
Shell Velocity: 757 m/s
Direct Control Over Secondary Battery Crews
Combat Instructions:
To activate Combat Instructions, Press
"F Key"

Activation Conditions:
Fill the Combat Instructions progress bar by completing the conditions below.
If you are inactive, you will start losing your progress.
If you are inactive, you will start losing your progress.
- Receive 1000 HP of potential damage: +0.15%
- Hit enemy ships with main battery shells: +6.5%
Effect when Conditions not met:
After some time, you will start to lose progress
After some time, you will start to lose progress
- Time of Inactivity Before Progress Loss: 50 s
- Progress Loss per Second of Inactivity: -5%
Activation Effect:
- Secondary Battery Firing Range: +20%.
- Secondary Battery Shell Damage: +25 %.
- Added bonus to the secondary battery reload: -15 %.
- Duration: 30 s.
8x1 127 mm HE Mk32
Range: 7.6 km
Reload: 5.0 s
Max HE Shell Damage: 1800
Alpha Piercing HE: 21.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Velocity: 792.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 5%
8x2 152 mm HE Mk V
Range: 7.6 km
Reload: 8.0 s
Max HE Shell Damage: 2600
Alpha Piercing HE: 38.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Velocity: 884.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 9%
Depth Charge Airstrike
Maximum bomb damage: 4200
Reload time: 30 s
Available flights: 2
Attack aircraft per flight: 1
Aircraft HP: 2000
Range: 10.0 km
Bombs per payload: 2x 650 lb Depth Bomb
Max Depth: 80 m
Reload time: 30 s
Chance of fire: 24%
AA Defence:
Long Range
6x1 127 mm/38 Mk.12 on a Mk.24 mount:
Firing range: 5.8 km
Hit Probability: 75 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 60
Damage Caused by Shell Explosions: 1400
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 3
Action Zone: 3.5 - 5.8 km
Continuous Damage: 233
Mid Range
12x2 40 mm Bofors on a Mk.1 mount:
Firing range: 3.5 km
Damage by Zone Area AA: 242
Hit Probability: 75%
Short Range
20x1 20 mm Oerlikon on a Mk.4 mount:
10x2 20 mm Oerlikon on a Mk.20 mount:
10x2 20 mm Oerlikon on a Mk.20 mount:
Firing range: 2.0 km
Damage by Zone Area AA: 284
Hit Probability: 70%
Maximum speed: 29.0 knots
Turning circle radius: 820 m
Rudder shift time: 11.1 s
Propulsion: 150,200 hp
Surface Detectability: 15.2 km
Air Detectability: 12.4 km
Detectability by enemy subs: 0-12.4 km
Detectability whilst firing in smoke: 13.6 km

Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: Infinite
Work Time: 20 s
Reload Time: 80 s

Slot 2: Repair Party:
Charges: 4
Action Time: 28 s
Reload Time: 60 s
Regeneration: +397.8 hp/s