12.10 Asymmetric Battles - Brings Expanded Tiers VI–X ships and Superships, Divisions up to 5 Players for Clans and Friends, Times, Dates and Format.

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12.10 Asymmetric Battles - Brings Expanded Tiers VI–X ships and Superships, Divisions up to 5 Players for Clans and Friends, Times, Dates and Format.

This battle type is inspired by historical battles that typically involved unequal numbers of ships on each side, meaning that players will face a numerically superior team of bots with inferior firepower.

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This time, WG are happy to present some quality changes comparing to the previous iterations! First and foremost, WG have expanded the selection of tiers that can participate in Asymmetric Battles: you can participate at the helms of Tier VI–X ships, as well as superships.

You can also now grab your friends and Clanmates to join battles in Divisions of up to five players.

Bot changes in this iteration of Asymmetric Battles:

  • AI-controlled ships will be more likely to prioritize attacking the player ship with the highest HP in proximity.
  • Bots will now be less successful at evading torpedoes.
  • Bots will be more likely to head toward Key Areas to capture or defend them.

WG have implemented these changes based on analytics and player feedback with the aim of enhancing the gameplay experience for non-battleship classes. They will add more dynamism and challenge to battles involving Key Areas.


Rules and Format, Time and Dates

Asymmetric Battles [UTC]


Team Players

  • Tier VI–X ships and superships
  • Number of ships in a team: 5
  • Maximum tier difference between ships limited to one
  • All ship types

Divisions of up to five players; a single division may include:

  • One aircraft carrier
  • Up to two battleships
  • Up to two cruisers
  • Up to two destroyers
  • One submarine

Team Bots

  • Number of ships in a team: 12
  • Bot ships will be two tiers lower than each tier represented in the player team. Example: If a player team has only Tier VI ships, they will face Tier IV bots, but if there are Tier VI and VII ships in the player team, there will be Tier IV and V bots, respectively
  • No submarines

Asymmetric Battles offer greater rewards in terms of XP and Credits compared to Co-op Battles; however, they're not as lucrative as Random Battles in this regard.

Game Maps and Modes

  • Strait, New Dawn, Trident, Neighbors, North, Hotspot, and Islands of Ice; Domination mode with three Key Areas, and the Standard Battle mode.
  • Fault Line, Trap, and Shards; Domination mode with three Key Areas.

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