Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Test Ships X U-4501 and X Kitakami - Closed Test 12.7

Buffs 'n' Nerfs to Test Ships X U-4501 and X Kitakami - Closed Test 12.7

WG continue to fine-tune the ships based on the test results. The changes will affect German Submarine X U-4501 and Japanese Cruiser X Kitakami.

Changes to flag X Kitakami Ship Page
  • Main battery reload time reduced: 4 to 3s.
  • SAP shells replaced with HE shells.
  • The HE shells will have the following parameters:
    • Maximum damage: 2700
    • Fire chance: 11%

Changes to flagshipicon X U-4501 Ship Page
  • Now only acoustic torpedoes will be available.
  • Torpedo arming distance is slightly increased.
  • Sonar will have the following changes:
    • Reload time increased: 7 to 12s.
    • Ping velocity increased: 500 to 600 m/s.
    • Initial and final width of impulse will now have the same stats as standard German submarines.
    • Increased the indicated hit area of sonar pulse.
  • HP increased: 10,200 to 14,100 hp
  • Maximum dive and ascent speed increased: 1.5 to 3.4 m/s.
  • Submarine Surveillance consumable range reduced: 9 to 6km.

Due to the low combat effectiveness of the existing concept for U-4501, WG decided to change it, shifting the focus towards more tactical and cautious gameplay. In this regard, alternative torpedoes were removed and acoustic settings were changed - now it will be easier for the player to achieve a double hit in the marked sector due to an increase in both the size of the sector itself and the width and speed of the pulse. 

At the same time, in order to prevent excessive effectiveness of torpedoes, the reload time of the sonar and the arming range of the torpedoes were increased. Also, due to the low survivability of the submarine, it was decided to increase the HP along with the maximum dive and ascent speeds. This should emphasize the features of the ship as fast and comfortable when moving underwater, which allows you to quickly reach the target and hide in case of danger.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.

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