K-1 Soviet Tier X Researchable Submarine 1939
A large Kreyserskaya-class submarine (series XIV) designed for use in joint operations with surface ships, as well as long-distance solo raids. The boat was armed with ten torpedo tubes, and could run at a comparatively high speed while on the surface.
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Key Features of Soviet Submarines
The main role of the new branch in battle is to counter other submarines. Soviet submarines' torpedoes have low damage and long reload time, but good range and speed. The number of loaders allows only part of the bow and stern torpedo tubes to be reloaded simultaneously similar to how it works on the American submarines. These torpedo characteristics do not allow for high damage per torpedo salvo, so they are less effective against targets with good torpedo protection and good HP pools.
In addition to torpedoes, all submarines in the branch have a player-controlled main battery. It has a low range and number of guns, so it is most often used in combat with other submarines or with ships that have low remaining hit points. Only SAP shells are available.
The new submarines have an average dive capacity and low recharge rate. They also have a mediocre concealment, which is compensated for by a good speed on the surface.
K-1 Info
Ship Name: X K-1
Level: 10
Paper ship: No
Class: K-class submarine
WG introduction: October 31, 2022
Status during testing: Special Ship
Status when final: Researchable ship
Estimated Research Cost: 355 000 28 000 000
Estimated Ship release: 12.5/6
Nation: Soviet Russia
Current development status: Work in progress
K-1 Plating
Hit Points: 19,000 hp
Plating: 6-25 mm
Fore / Middle / Aft Light Hull Plating: 19 mm
Fore / Middle / Aft Pressure Hull Plating: 25 mm
Deck Plating: 16 mm
Tonnage: 2,110 t
Main Battery Armament
2x1 100 mm/51 B-24PL Model 1936:
Max Range: 6.0 km
Reload: 5.0 s
180° Turn Time: 18.0 s
Max Dispersion: 36 m
Sigma: 2.00σ
Shell Types:
SAP Shells
2 x 1 100 mm CS Model 1928 HE-56:
Max SAP Shell Damage: 2200
Alpha Piercing CS: 29.0
Ammo Type: Semi Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.2886
Shell Always Ricochet At: 85.0°
Normalization: 45.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.03
Shell Detonator Threshold: 25.0 mm
Shell Krupp: 3.0
Shell Mass: 15.8 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 80.0°
Shell Speed: 804.0 m/s
Hitting the target with the help of sonar highlights the sector into which the torpedoes will home in on.
Hitting the highlighted sector for the second time increases the duration of the effect and improves the maneuverability of homing torpedoes.
Launched torpedoes home in on their priority target, which is the last highlighted hull sector.
Press G to ignore the priority target.
Reload: 6.0 s
Duration of a ping effect on a highlighted sector: once 25 s/ twice 65 s
Ping velocity: 600 m/s
Ping width: 15 m
Max Range: 10.0 km
10 × 1 533 mm 53-38 U:
Max Damage: 5,167
Range: 10.0 km
Reload: 43 s
Speed: 78 kts
Launcher 180 degree turn time: 15.0 s
Bow torpedo tubes: 1x6 533 mm
Stern torpedo tubes: 1x4 533 mm
Loaders: 3/2
Torpedo detectability: 2.1 km
Reaction time: 10 s
Chance of flood: 68%
Alternative Torpedoes
Torpedo Switching time: 8.6 s
10 × 1 533 mm 53-38U MZ:
Max Damage: 12,767
Range: 13.5 km
Reload: 43 s
Speed: 72 kts
Launcher 180 degree turn time: 15.0 s
Bow torpedo tubes: 1x6 533 mm
Stern torpedo tubes: 1x4 533 mm
Loaders: 3/2
Torpedo detectability: 1.5 km
Reaction time: 9.7 s
Chance of flood: 75%
Dive Capacity
Dive capacity: 250 units
Dive capacity depletion whilst submerged: 1.0 units/s
Dive capacity recharge rate whilst surfaced: 0.8 units/s
Maximum speed: 37 knots
Turning circle radius: 680 m
Rudder shift time: 6.8 s
Propulsion: 8,400 hp
Maximum speed: 18 knots
Drive plane shift time: 18.5 s
Dive and ascent speed: 2.9 m/s
Surface Detectability: 6.1 km
Air Detectability: 2.2 km
Detectability by depths: 0-2.2 km
Available Consumables
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: 3
Work time: 15 s
Reload time: 60 s
Slot 2: Hydrophone:
Charges: Infinite
Ship bearing: 7 km
Interval between pings: 6 s
Consumable action time: 30 s
Reload time: 80 s
Slot 3: Submarine Surveillance:
Charges infinite
Detection of submarines: 10 km
Consumable preparation time: 275 s
Consumable action time: 30 s
Reload time: 60 s
Will we see Soviet submarines somewhere in the game or is this project completely dead? They were announced earlier and now it's a year late when they should have been in the game.
ReplyDeleteI will try and find out.