CT 0.11.11: 3 x New Ships X Brisbane - Super Destroyers Kunming and Joshua Humphreys


CT 0.11.11: 3 x New Ships X Brisbane - Super Destroyer Kunming - Super Destroyer Joshua Humphreys

Closed testing of 3 x new ships X Brisbane - Super Destroyers Kunming and Joshua Humphreys will begin in Update 0.11.11


Brisbane Tier X Commonwealth Light Cruiser

A project for a light cruiser developed after the end of World War II that would have been equipped with powerful and advanced AA defences, thanks in part to its main battery of ten quick-firing 152 mm dual-purpose guns.

Brisbane resembles Minotaur but with access to HE shells and a reinforced torpedo armament that can launch a greater number of torpedoes. The torpedoes themselves have a higher range and speed than those of the ship’s British counterpart. Not all differences are advantages, however, as Brisbane’s AP shells lack the improved characteristics that Minotaur’s have.

This cruiser poses a serious threat at medium distances, especially for enemy destroyers due to her Hydroacoustic Search and Surveillance Radar consumables. At the same time—as most Minotaur captains can attest to—Brisbane’s armour is not the sturdiest, and unlike Minotaur, this ship cannot switch out her Surveillance Radar for a Smoke Generator for an added layer of security. In case of heavy damage, though, she can restore a large part of her lost HP with the Specialized Repair Teams consumable.

Hit points – 43300. 
Plating – 16 mm. 
Fires duration: 30 s. 
Torpedo protection – 13%.

Main battery – 5x2 152 mm. 
Firing range – 15.8 km.
Reload time – 4.5 s. 
180 degree turn time – 4.7 s. 
Maximum dispersion – 142 m. 
Sigma – 2.05.

Maximum HE shell damage – 2150. 
HE shell armour penetration – 30 mm. 
Chance to cause fire – 9%. 
HE initial velocity – 768 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 3200. 
AP initial velocity – 768 m/s.

Depth Charge Airstrike:
Reload time – 30.0 s. 
Available flights – 2. 
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1. 
Maximum range – 8.0 km. 
Number of Bombs in Payload – 2. 
Maximum bomb damage – 4900.

Torpedo tubes – 4x5 533 mm:
Maximum damage – 16767. 
Range – 12.5 km. 
Speed – 65 kt. 
Reload time – 131 s. 
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. 
Torpedo detectability – 1.3 km.
Instead of choosing between wide and narrow spreads, captains can choose to fire off individual torpedoes or expend the entire launcher at once.

AA defense mid-range 6x1 40.0 mm, 8x2 76.2 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 588, 
hit probability – 90 %, 
action zone – 4.0 km;

AA defense long-range 5x2 152.0 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 133, 
hit probability – 90 %, 
action zone – 6.9 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 6, 
damage within an explosion – 1890, 
action zone 3.5 – 6.9 km.

Maximum speed – 33.5 kt. 
Turning circle radius – 750 m. 
Rudder shift time – 10.4 s. 

Surface detectability – 11.5 km. 
Air detectability – 8.5 km. 
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 5.6 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party.
2 slot – Specialized Repair Teams (Duration time – 20 s; HP per second – 866; Reload time – 80 s; Charges – 3)
3 slot – Hydroacoustic Search
4 slot – Surveillance Radar (Duration time – 40 s; Detection of ships – 10.0 km; Reload time – 120 s; Charges – 3)


Kunming Pan-Asian Super Destroyer

An evolution of the American Somers-class, this destroyer is fast, well-armed, and features enhanced torpedo and anti-aircraft armament.
Kunming follows the gameplay concept of existing researchable Pan-Asian destroyers. The main difference between this ship and Yueyang is an additional main battery turret, a longer firing range, and more torpedo tubes. Her powerful deepwater torpedoes that have a low detectability and an increased chance to cause flooding are suitable for performing stealthy torpedo attacks on large targets.
Thanks to her Smoke Generator with a large number of charges and accelerated cooldown, this superdestroyer can effectively fight for control of Key Areas and make a quick retreat in case of a bad engagement. The Surveillance Radar consumable is available as an alternative to Smoke Generator in the same slot, which gives its own advantages in hunting enemy destroyers and supporting allies. It’s important to remember that the ship has a rather small HP pool and a below-average damage per second on her main battery guns.
Kunming also has access to the Engine Boost and Torpedo Reload Booster consumables in separate slots.

Hit points – 20200. 
Plating – 19 mm.

Main battery – 4x2 127 mm. 
Firing range – 13.4 km.
Reload time – 5.0 s. 
180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. 
Maximum dispersion – 115 m. 
Sigma – 2.00.

Maximum HE shell damage – 1800. 
HE shell armour penetration – 21 mm. 
Chance to cause fire – 5%. 
HE initial velocity – 792 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 2100. 
AP initial velocity – 792 m/s.

Depth charges:
Maximum damage – 1700. 
Number of charges – 2. 
Bombs in a charge – 6. 
Reload time – 40.0 s.

Torpedo tubes – 3x5 533 mm:
Equipped with deep-water torpedoes that cannot hit destroyers and submarines.
Maximum damage – 18800. 
Range – 13.5 km. 
Speed – 69 kt. 
Reload time – 139 s. 
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. 
Torpedo detectability – 0.8 km.

AA defense short-range 10x2 20.0 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 137, 
hit probability – 95 %, 
action zone – 2.0 km;

AA defense mid-range 4x2 76.2 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 154, 
hit probability – 100 %, 
action zone – 4.0 km;

AA defense long-range 4x2 127.0 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 77, 
hit probability – 100 %, 
action zone – 5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 4, 
damage within an explosion – 1680, 
action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 38.0 kt. 
Turning circle radius – 700 m. 
Rudder shift time – 4.4 s. 

Surface detectability – 7.8 km. 
Air detectability – 3.9 km. 
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 3.0 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party.
2 slot – Surveillance Radar (Duration time – 25 s; Detection of ships – 7.5 km; Reload time – 120 s; Charges – 3) / Smoke Generator (Duration time – 30 s; Smoke screen dispersion time – 70 s; Radius – 450.0 m; Reload time – 100 s; Charges – 5).
3 slot – Engine Boost.
4 slot – Torpedo Reload Booster (Duration time – 1 s; Torpedo reload time – 8 s; Reload time – 300 s; Charges – 2).


Joshua Humphreys American Super Destroyer

A destroyer structurally similar to the Gearing-class ships. The main armament of this supership consists of powerful 127 mm post-war dual-purpose mounts, complemented with two five-tube torpedo launchers.
Joshua Humphreys is a faster and more agile ship with six main battery guns and access to the “Burst Fire” alternative firing mode. In addition to a greatly increased fire rate, the alternative mode grants a temporary bonus to HE shells' damage and chance to set fire. The ship’s strong gunnery and large HP pool allow her to effectively contest Key Areas while posing a serious threat to enemy destroyers.
The torpedo armament has a high range, but not the greatest speed and damage. Joshua Humphreys stands out for her good concealment and access to the signature American Smoke Generator consumable with a smoke screen dispersion time. The remainder of her arsenal of consumables is composed of an Engine Boost and Defensive AA Fire in the same slot.
Hit points – 23700. 
Plating – 19 mm.

Main battery – 3x2 127 mm. 
Firing range – 12.1 km.
Reload time – 3.0 s. 
180 degree turn time – 4.5 s. 
Maximum dispersion – 106 m. 
Sigma – 2.00.

Maximum HE shell damage – 1800. 
HE shell armour penetration – 21 mm. 
Chance to cause fire – 5%. 
HE initial velocity – 792 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 2100. 
AP initial velocity – 792 m/s.

Burst Fire:
Reload time – 35.0 s. 
Interval between individual shots – 1.5 s. 
Bursts in a series – 3.
Temporary bonus: Maximum HE shell damage +50%, 
Chances of HE Shell causing a Fire +5%.

Depth charges:
Maximum damage – 5100. 
Number of charges – 2. 
Bombs in a charge – 12. 
Reload time – 40.0 s.

Torpedo tubes – 2x5 533 mm:
Maximum damage – 17900. 
Range – 16.5 km. 
Speed – 66 kt. 
Reload time – 116 s. 
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. 
Torpedo detectability – 1.4 km.

AA defense short-range 6x2 20.0 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 67, 
hit probability – 95 %, 
action zone – 2.0 km;

AA defense mid-range 4x2 76.2 mm, 2x1 76.2 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 214, 
hit probability – 100 %, 
action zone – 4.0 km;

AA defense long-range 3x2 127.0 mm: 
continuous damage per second – 130, 
hit probability – 100 %, 
action zone – 6.0 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 6, 
damage within an explosion – 1820, 
action zone 3.5 – 6.0 km.

Maximum speed – 37.2 kt. 
Turning circle radius – 750 m. 
Rudder shift time – 5.1 s. 

Surface detectability – 7.3 km. 
Air detectability – 4.2 km. 
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 2.8 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party.
2 slot – Smoke Generator.
3 slot – Engine Boost / Defensive AA Fire.
Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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