CT 0.11.11 New Ships Dupleix Tier VI French Heavy Cruiser and Z-42 Tier X German Destroyer


CT 0.11.11 New Ships Dupleix Tier VI French Heavy Cruiser and Z-42 Tier X German Destroyer

Closed testing of new ships Dupleix Tier VI French Heavy Cruiser and Z-42 Tier X German Destroyer will begin in Update 0.11.11


Z-42 Tier X German Destroyer

A variant of the Type 1936B destroyer class field by the Kriegsmarine. Unlike her sister ships, Z42's main battery is composed of dual-purpose gun, which are spread between five twin 105mm mounts.
In terms of gameplay, Z-42 is reminiscent of Harugumo due to her quick-firing guns with increased armour penetration and good AP shell damage. She is quite capable of countering enemy destroyers and supporting allies with covering fire.
Her torpedo armament is represented by two four-tube torpedo launchers with average characteristics for the Tier. The ship's small HP pool is offset by her good concealment and speed.
As far as consumables, Z-42 has access to a Short-Burst Smoke Generator with a short action time but large number of charges, Engine Boost, and Hydroacoustic Search with improved action time and acquisition range.

Hit points – 19700.
Plating – 19 mm.

Main battery – 5x2 105 mm.
Firing range – 12.6 km.
Reload time – 3.1 s.
180 degree turn time – 18.0 s.
Maximum dispersion – 109 m.
Sigma – 2.00.

Maximum HE shell damage – 1200.
HE shell armor penetration – 26 mm.
Chance to cause fire – 5%.
HE initial velocity – 900 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 2300.
AP initial velocity – 900 m/s.

Depth charges:
Maximum damage – 2200.
Number of charges – 2.
Bombs in a charge – 8.
Reload time – 40.0 s.

Torpedo tubes – 2x4 533 mm:
Maximum damage – 18400.
Range – 10.0 km.
Speed – 66 kt.
Reload time – 100 s.
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s.
Torpedo detectability – 1.8 km.

AA defense short-range 3x4 30.0 mm:
continuous damage per second – 98,
hit probability – 95 %,
action zone – 3.0 km;

AA defense mid-range 4x2 37.0 mm:
continuous damage per second – 77,
hit probability – 100 %,
action zone – 3.5 km;

AA defense long-range 5x2 105.0 mm:
continuous damage per second – 112,
hit probability – 100 %,
action zone – 5.2 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 5,
damage within an explosion – 1540,
action zone 3.5 – 5.2 km.

Maximum speed – 36.5 kt.
Turning circle radius – 670 m.
Rudder shift time – 4.4 s.

Surface detectability – 7.2 km.
Air detectability – 3.5 km.
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 2.4 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party.
2 slot – Short-Burst Smoke Generator (Duration time – 10 s; Smoke screen dispersion time – 40 s; Radius – 600.0 m; Reload time – 70 s; Charges – 6).
3 slot – Engine Boost.
4 slot – Hydroacoustic Search (Duration time – 120 s; Torpedo detection range – 4.0 km; Ship detection range – 6.0 km; Reload time – 120 s; Charges – 3)


Dupleix Tier VI French Heavy Cruiser

A Suffren-class heavy cruiser that differed from her sister ships in her armour scheme, which incorporated an internal armour belt. A typical "Treaty" cruiser, heavy gunnery was favoured over strong protection.
The ship is armed with eight 203 mm main battery guns placed in four turrets, and a torpedo armament comparable to that found aboard the researchable French heavy cruisers. Her main battery's low fire rate is compensated by its long range and turret traverse speed, as well as the availability of the Main Battery Reload Booster consumable.
Dupleix has a sizeable HP pool, but a vulnerable citadel, and mediocre concealment and armour. She is at her finest when engaging in mid- and long-distance gunfights, and her torpedoes can get her out of sticky situations at close range. The ship's good maneuverability and her improved Engine Boost consumable can work in unison to help in quickly changing flanks or swiftly coming to the aid of allied ships.
Her wide range of consumables includes the aforementioned Engine Boost which increases the ship's speed by 15%, a choice between Hydroacoustic Search or Defensive AA Fire, Fighter, and Main Battery Reload Booster.

Hit points – 34900.
Plating – 16 mm.
Fires duration: 30 s.
Torpedo protection – 10%.

Main battery – 4x2 203 mm.
Firing range – 16.9 km.
Reload time – 15.0 s.
180 degree turn time – 25.7 s.
Maximum dispersion – 150 m.
Sigma – 2.00.

Maximum HE shell damage – 2800.
HE shell armor penetration – 34 mm.
Chance to cause fire – 15%.
HE initial velocity – 850 m/s.
Maximum AP shell damage – 4800.
AP initial velocity – 820 m/s.

Airstrike (DC):
Reload time – 30.0 s.
Available flights – 1.
Number of Aircraft in Attacking Flight – 1.
Maximum range – 6.0 km.
Number of Bombs in Payload – 1.
Maximum bomb damage – 3400.

Torpedo tubes – 2x3 550 mm:
Maximum damage – 14833.
Range – 9.0 km.
Speed – 60 kt.
Reload time – 90 s.
Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s.
Torpedo detectability – 1.3 km.

Secondary Armament:
4x2 90.0 mm,
range – 5.6 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1300.
Chance to cause fire – 5%.
HE initial velocity – 850 m/s

AA defense short-range 2x4 13.2 mm 2x1 13.2 mm:
continuous damage per second – 53,
hit probability – 85 %,
action zone – 1.5 km;

AA defense mid-range 4x2 37.0 mm., 1x1 37.0 mm:
continuous damage per second – 32,
hit probability – 90 %,
action zone – 3.0 km;

AA defense long-range 4x2 90.0 mm:
continuous damage per second – 32,
hit probability – 90 %,
action zone – 4.6 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 1,
damage within an explosion – 980,
action zone 3.5 – 4.6 km.

Maximum speed – 32.0 kt.
Turning circle radius – 700 m.
Rudder shift time – 9.5 s.

Surface detectability – 12.1 km.
Air detectability – 6.4 km.
Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 7.1 km.

Available consumables:
1 slot – Damage Control Party.
2 slot – Hydroacoustic Search / Defensive AA Fire.
3 slot – Engine Boost (Duration time – 180 s; Maximum speed +15%; Reload time – 90 s; Charges – 3).
4 slot – Fighter.
5 slot – Main Battery Reload Booster (Duration time – 15 s; Main battery recharge time -50%; Reload time – 120 s; Charges – 4)

Please note! that all information in this post is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published stated as Released on our WGB website.

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