Rooke - British Tier VII Battlecruiser 1920
A battlecruiser project designed after World War I (project J3). A large and very quick ship for her size, which had more powerful armament and protection compared to her predecessors.
Rooke Info:
Ship Name:
VII Rooke

Tier: VII (7)
Paper ship: Yes
Class: Battlecruiser
WG introduction: April 7, 2022
Early Access: Yes in 0.11.6
Status during tests and Early Access:
Special Ship

Status when final:
Researchable ship

How to obtain when final in Update 0.11.8:
~80 000 XP
~7 100 000 

Ship release: 0.11.6
How to obtain during 0.11.6/7, Rooke will be available in the Armory by obtaining bundle 4 of 10 of the sequential bundles at a cost of
British Tokens.


Current development status: Released Early Access
Your 1st Regular permanent Camo will cost
100 doubloons.

Rooke Armor:
Hit Points: 59,200 hp
Armour: 16-457 mm
Fore Athwartships: 26-305 mm
Aft Athwartships: 305 mm
Citadel Fore Athwartships: 26 mm
Citadel Aft Athwartships: 26 mm
Citadel Torpedo Bulkhead: 38 mm
Casemate Armor Belt: 26-305 mm
Citadel Armor Belt: 152 mm
Citadel Deck: 16 mm
Citadel Bottom: 40 mm
Turret Plating: 152-457 mm
Tonnage: 41,082 t
Main Battery Armament:
Main Battery Armament:
3 x 3 381 mm/45 Mk.VII on a Mk.III mount:
Max Range: 18.2 km
Reload: 31.0 s
180° Turn Time: 30.0 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 195 m
Sigma: 1.5σ
Shell Types:
HE Shells 9 x 381 mm HE Mk VIIIc:
Max HE Shell Damage: 5,350
HE Max Salvo: 48,150
HE Max DPM: 96,300
Alpha Piercing HE: 64.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Air Drag: 0.3379
Normalization: 45.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.03
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 381 mm
Shell Krupp: 3.0
Shell Mass: 879.0 kg
Shell Ricochet: 60.0/45.0°
Shell Speed: 836.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 34%
AP Shells: 9 x 381 mm AP Mk XIIIb:
Max AP Shell Damage: 11,400
AP Max Salvo: 102,600
AP Max DPM: 205,200
Ammo Type: Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.31
Normalization: 6.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.015
Shell Detonator Threshold: 64.0
Shell Diameter: 381 mm
Shell Krupp: 2350.0
Shell Mass: 809.0 kg
Ricochet At: 60.0/45.0°
Shell Speed: 836.0 m/s
8 × 2: 152 mm HE Mk V:
Max HE Shell Damage: 2150
Range: 5.6 km
Reload: 12.0 s
Alpha Piercing HE: 25.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Air Drag: 0.3623
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 68.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 152 mm
Shell Krupp: 1.0
Shell Mass: 50.8 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 91.0°
Shell Speed: 884.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 9%
6 × 2: 113 mm HE 5crh:
Max HE Shell Damage: 1700
Range: 5.6 km
Reload: 5.0 s
Alpha Piercing HE: 19.0 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Shell Air Drag: 0.329
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 68.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold: 2.0
Shell Diameter: 113 mm
Shell Krupp: 1.0
Shell Mass: 24.95 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 91.0°
Shell Speed: 746.0 m/s
Burn Probability: 8%
Depth Charge Airstrike:
Reload: 37 s
Available Flights: 2
No of Aircraft in Attacking Flight: 1
Aircraft HP: 2000
Max Range: 8 km
Bombs in Payload: 2 x 250 lb. Bomb Mk VIII
Max Bomb Damage: 2300
4 × 1: 533 mm Mk IX*:
Alpha Damage: 15,867
Range: 8.0 km
Reload: 95 s
Speed: 61 kts
180 degree turn time: 12.5 s
Torpedo detectability: 1.3 km
Enemy response time after spotting these torps: 8.20 s
AA Defence:
Long Range:
6 × 2: 113 mm/45 QF Mk.I/III on an RP10 Mark II BD mount:
Firing range: 5.8 km
Hit Probability: 75 %
Damage Within an Explosion: 1260
Damage by long range AA guns: 67
Number of Explosions Per Salvo: 3
Action Zone: 3.5 - 5.8 km
Mid Range:
6 × 8 40 mm/39 Vickers QF Mk.VIII on a Mk.VI mount:
4 × 4 40 mm/39 Vickers QF Mk.VIII on a Mk.VII mount:
4 × 4 40 mm/39 Vickers QF Mk.VIII on a Mk.VII mount:
Firing range: 2.5 km
Damage by mid range AA guns: 312
Hit Probability: 75%
Short Range:
8 × 1 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.I on a Mk.IIIA mount:
8 × 1 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.I on a Mk.IIA mount:
16 × 2 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.II on a Mk.V mount:
8 × 1 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.I on a Mk.IIA mount:
16 × 2 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.II on a Mk.V mount:
Firing range: 2.0 km
Damage by mid range AA guns: 333
Hit Probability: 70%
Maximum speed: 31.9 knots
Turning circle radius: 950 m
Rudder shift time: 14.9 s
Propulsion: 151,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 13.4 km
Air Detectability: 11.2 km
Detectability by depths: 0-11.2 km
Detectability whilst firing in smoke: 12.3 km
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Work Time: 15 s
Reload Time: 80 s
Slot 2: Repair Party:
Charges: 4
Action Time: 28 s
Reload Time: 80 s
Regeneration: +263 hp/s
Regeneration HP per Charge: 7,364 hp/c
Slot 3: Engine Boost:
Charges: 3
Action Time: 120 s
Reload Time: 180 s
Boost: +10%
Slot 4: Defensive AA Fire:
Charges: 3
Action Time: 40 s
Reload Time: 80 s
I was afraid of this when I saw the 836 m/s velocity for the main guns in the devblog for when the British battlecruisers were announced because that's the same velocity as Monarch's guns. Lo and behold, of course it seems like they are giving the J3 design the wrong guns (just like Kansas (South Dakota (1920)-class battleship) and Constellation (Lexington-class battlecruiser)) for whatever reason. The whole point of J3 was that she was the K3 design with improvements and had the 3x3 18-inch/45-cal main battery reduced to 3x3 15-inch/50-cal main battery to save almost 100,000 tons. She's essentially an improved Hood with slightly better armor, much bigger, faster and had essentially the most powerful type of 15-inch gun the Royal Navy would ever design in a layout extremely reminiscent of a Littorio-class battleship. But, sure, Wargaming, let's give her Monarch's 15-inch/45 Mark II guns (erroneously designated in-game as the Mark VII gun, despite there was nowhere near that much 15-inch gun designs, only the WW1 42-caliber gun, the 50-caliber one for the J3 design, the 45-cal 15-inch gun proposal (15C) of the KGVs, and the all-forward 2x4 15-inch/45-cal design (1945 X3a) of the Lion-class battleships). Oh, yeah, and let's give it 31.9 knots (marginally slower than Hood) instead of 33 knots. Because, why not.