AL Aurora - Azur Lane Russian Tier III Premium Light Cruiser 1903
Aurora is a light Pallada-class cruiser and one of the oldest ships of the Northern Parliament. Her name means "dawn." From the Azur Lane game.

AL Aurora Flag From the Azur Lane game
I am Aurora, a light cruiser. I started a famous revolution, but I cannot understand what happened to the world after that... I’m no more than just another soldier in your fleet. Please utilize my abilities to their fullest, and I’ll make sure to ring victory to the fleet.
AL Aurora Info:
Ship Name: 
III AL Aurora/Avrora

Level: III
Paper ship: No
Class: Pallada-class protected cruiser
WG introduction: April 20, 2022
Premium Ship

Ship release: 0.11.4

Azur AL Aurora - Type 10 Free

Current development status: Released
Base value: 2250

AL Aurora Armor:
Hit points: 22,500
Plating: 6-152 mm
Main Battery Armament:
14 x 1 152 mm/45 Model 1892 on a Canet mounting:
Firing Range: 19.5 km
Reload Time: 15.0 s
180 Degree Turn Time: 32.7 s
Maximum Dispersion: 168 m
Sigma Value: 2.05σ
Shell Types:
HE Shells 14 x 152 mm HE 109 lb:
Alpha damage: 2100
Alpha Piercing HE: 25 mm
Ammo Type: High Explosive
Air Drag: 0.4468
Always Ricochet at: 60.0°
Normalization: 8.0°
Detonator: 0.01 s
Detonator Threshold: 2.0 mm
Diameter: 152 m
Krupp: 166.0
Mass: 49.76 kg
Start Ricochet: 91.0°
HE shell initial Velocity: 753 m/s
Chance of causing fire: 8%
AP Shells: 14 x 152 mm AP 91 lb:
Alpha damage: 2700
Ammo Type: Armor Piercing
Shell Air Drag: 0.51
Shell Always Ricochet At: 60.0°
Normalization: 8.5°
Shell Detonator: 0.01
Shell Detonator Threshold: 25.0 mm
Shell Diametr: 152 mm
Shell Krupp: 1445.0
Shell Mass: 41.4 kg
Shell Ricochet At: 45.0°
AP Shell initial velocity: 792.5 m/s
AA Defence:
Mid Range:
6 × 1 76.2 mm Model 1914/15 on an AA mounting:
Firing range: 3.0 km
Hit Probability: 90 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 18
Action Zone: 0.1~3.0 km
Mobility: Maximum speed: 19.0 knots
Turning circle radius: 410 m
Rudder shift time: 6.4 s
Propulsion: 12,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 10.6 km
Air Detectability: 4.4 km
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Work Time: 5 s
Reload Time: 60 s