Submarines - Buffs 'n' Nerfs Planned Changes in Updates 0.11.4 and 0.11.5

Submarines - Buffs 'n' Nerfs Planned Changes in Updates 0.11.4 and 0.11.5

Here are some changes WG have planned based on your feedback about submarines.
WG have received a lot of feedback about your testing of submarines, WG intend to address the following commonly-raised points:
  • The matchmaker
  • Anti-submarine gameplay and submarine survivability
  • New mechanics for displaying the source of enemy sonar pings
  • Removal of the ability to remain constantly between two depth states by quickly tapping the dive and surface buttons

The Matchmaker

The following changes to the matchmaker will be implemented with the release of Update 0.11.5:

The limit on the number of destroyers and submarines in a team will depend on the length of the waiting time of the first player in the queue:

  • 0-39 seconds: 4 in total, with no more than 4 destroyers and no more than 2 submarines;
  • 40-89 seconds: 5 in total, with no more than 4 destroyers and no more than 2 submarines;
  • 90+ seconds: These limits will be softened.

Also in Update 0.11.5:

  • In order to unclutter the interface, the animation associated with a sonar ping hitting a target has been toned down for ships which currently have active pinged sector, and the sound effect for them has been removed.
  • Added a warning icon when aiming a sonar ping in a direction that intercepts with an island, similar to the one used for main battery guns.
  • Added a marker on the depth meter displaying the depth at which the sea floor under the submarine is located, as long as the seafloor above the submarine’s maximum depth.
  • Added a warning when a collision is possible when transitioning to a selected depth.

Anti-submarine gameplay and submarine survivability

After some analysis of their combat effectiveness, WG will be reducing the survivability of submarines in Update 0.11.4:

  • The damage radius of ship-dropped depth charges has been significantly increased: 450 to 800 m.
  • Increased the damage dealt by airstrike depth charges in the outermost part of their damage radius.
  • The minimum airstrike depth charge drop distance for battleships has been changed to 500 m, like cruisers.

New mechanics for displaying the source of enemy sonar pings

In the Public Test for Update 0.11.4, WG tested a change to the sonar ping visual effect from enemy submarines: instead of displaying the ping itself in real time, an effect is played on the water surface near to where the ping was emitted.

The new effect makes it easier to find the source of the ping. If the submarine emitting the ping is undetected, the effect is displayed at a certain distance from the submarine in order to give the submarine a chance to avoid taking damage.

After the Public Test, WG received a lot of feedback about this new effect. Mainly:

  • The effect disappears too quickly and is difficult to notice.
  • The effect is often displayed too far from the submarine to determine its actual location

Therefore, WG are introducing the following changes to this mechanic:

  • Increased the time the effect remains visible to 5 seconds.
  • The distance at which the ping from the emitting submarine is displayed has been halved.

Removal of the possibility to remain constantly between two depth states by quickly tapping the dive and surface buttons

In Update 0.11.4, WG removed the possibility of walking the line between two different depths while enjoying the benefits of both.

The characteristics of periscope depth are maintained between the depths of 0 and 15 m, where the border between periscope depth and maximum depth now lies. Now, there are two possible levels while at maximum depth: 30 m and 60 m.

Other submarine changes:

The following captain skills are changed

  • Sonarman
    • The duration of the marked sector after a single sonar ping hit changed: -10% to +25%
    • The duration of the marked sector after two hits changed from +20% to -15%
  • Torpedo crew training
    • Bonus to torpedo reload time when the submarine is detected increased: 5% to 15%
  • Enhanced Impulse Generator 
    • The skill is activated when less than 33% of the sub’s maximum dive capacity remains
  • Consumables Enhancements
    • Bonus to consumable action time is increased: 7.5% to 10%
  • Adrenaline Rush
    • Bonus to armament reload speed per percentage of HP lost increased: 0.2% to 0.25%
  • Improved Battery Efficiency
    • The bonus is activated when the submarine has less than 50% of its maximum dive capacity remaining, instead of 25%
  • Enlarged Propeller Shaft
    • The bonus is activated when the submarine has less than 50% of its maximum dive capacity remaining, instead of 25%
    • Underwater speed bonus increased: 15% to 18%


All changes mentioned in the post - with the exception of the matchmaker improvements and the additional changes mentioned to be released in Update 0.11.5 - can already be tested on the Public Test of Update 0.11.4.
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.

😃Thank you for your comment, it will be added asap.✅

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