0.11.4 Changes in the Armory - New Content sequential bundles

0.11.4 Changes in the Armory - New Content.

WG have prepared a special Portal campaign for Update 0.11.4, upon the completion of which you will receive an American Commander with 12 skill points, and ways to obtain Tier IX Destroyer USS Black.
{tocify} $title={Table of Contents}

Return of USS Black Event.

{getButton} $text={USS Black Page} $icon={link} $color={red} < Much more details about the return of USS Black.

From 10th of June to 1st of July during Updates 0.11.4 and 0.11.5, you will be able to earn and exchange  tokens for themed sequential bundles which contain historical Commanders, a patch, a flag, and the Sui Generis permanent camouflage for warshipIX Black
To unlock all the bundles, you will need to have 24,000 tokens, which can be purchased with  Doubloons at a rate of 1:1. You can also earn up to 2,500 tokens during the course of the portal campaign, which itself is enough to purchase bundles with the patch, themed expendable camouflages, signals, and more. At the end of the chain of sequential bundles, warshipIX Black itself will be available to purchase for 19,300 Doubloons,.

Immediately following the end of the portal campaign, warshipIX Black will be made available in the Armory in exchange for ~COAL296,000 Coal. The exact cost will be about the same as that of warshipIX Neustrashimy. It will be possible to apply the Ships Armory coupon, which will incidentally be refreshed in June. Thus, in you will be able to purchase her either with Doubloons or with Coal.

Changes in the Armory.

At the request of players, instead of Premium ships warshipwarshipVII LeningradflagwarshipV Exeter, and warshipIV Ishizuchi, the Naval Community tab will offer Premium Ship II-IV, Premium Ship V, and Premium Ship VII containers in exchange for Community Tokens.

New Content.

The following will be added to the game:
  • 2 new Commanders — Tamio Yamazaki and Nathan Wyatt, as well as the “Battle of Midway” patch, in honour of the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Midway.
  • Commander Fredrik Henrik af Chapman with unique Swedish voiceover, the Gamla örlogsflaggan flag, and the Vasa patch, as part if the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Swedish Navy.
  • The “Sui Generis” permanent camouflage for warshipIX Black.
  • Commemorative flags for French cruisers, the Battle of HelgeÃ¥, and USS Black.
  • Commanders Satou Ichirou, Arleigh Burke, Takeo Takagi, and Hank Bailey
  • The USS Black patch
  • The achievements “Caiman” and “Hurricane. Caiman”
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.


😃Thank you for your comment, it will be added asap.✅

  1. Replies
    1. USS Black DD-666 is the identity hull number, example below:

      The United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, and United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employ hull numbers in conjunction with a hull classification symbol to uniquely identify vessels and to aid identification. A particular combination of hull classification and hull number is never reused and therefore provides a means to uniquely identify a particular ship. For example, there have been at least eight vessels named USS Enterprise, but CV-6 uniquely identifies the World War II aircraft carrier from all others. For convenience, the combined designation, which is painted on the sides of the hulls, is frequently called the "hull number".

      Military Wiki.

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