0.11.3 New Flags - Ensigns with Descriptions

0.11.3 New Flags - Ensigns with Descriptions

Flags/Ensigns and descriptions from PT 0.11.3
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USS San Diego In-Game Flag
San Diego is the second most populous city in California and the key ship base of the United States Navy in the Pacific. San Diego Bay was discovered by Spanish navigators in 1524, and the city's motto reads as "Semper Vigilans" (Latin for "ever vigilant").
Aquila In-Game Flag
An aquila (from the Latin "aquila", meaning "eagle") was a prominent symbol in the shape of a golden eagle on a pole, used by Roman legions in ancient Rome. Aquila was revered as the divine symbol of Jupiter, and Roman soldiers would willing die for the standard of their legion.
USS Gato In-Game Flag
The USS Gato submarine was named after a species of cat sharks, and the word "gato" itself comes from the Spanish language where it means "a cat".

Constellation of Memory
To celebrate The Longest Night of Museums 2022.

Marina de Guerra del Perú
Un solo rumbo: el honor (Only one direction: honor).

Armada del Ecuador
Vencer o Morir. (Win or Die).

Paid Actor
It takes a paid actor to sail broadside in front of the enemy team. Here’s your Award!
Italian Destroyers: Part 2
A short sword (gladius) and a wreath of oak leaves are symbols of the military glory of Ancient Rome. This blade, sheathed with oak leaves, adorns two Italian military awards—War Cross of Military Valor and War Merit Cross.
Flag to commemorate the continuation of the Early Access Italian destroyers in Update 0.11.3.

King of the Sea XIV
To commemorate the fourteenth King of the Sea tournament.
The information in this post is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the update is released.

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