ST 0.10.7 Updated Changes to Commander Skills

ST 0.10.7 Updated Changes to Commander Skills

Details about the changes to commander skills planned for Update 0.10.7

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More than two updates have passed since the last commander skill changes. During this time we collected a lot of feedback and statistical data and, based on it, we both worked on balance and improved or replaced non-popular skills. Some skills also had some new effects added for the purpose of countering submarines, which will become available in Ranked battles starting in Update 0.10.7

Please note that the names and characteristics of some skills can be changed during testing{alertError}

Battleship Skills:

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> Added a bonus: +15% to the fragmentation damage area of main battery and secondary battery shells, as well as HE rockets and bombs, when firing at submarines.{alertSuccess}

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Consumables Enhancements
> The skill is replaced with "Brisk": which will increases your ship's speed by 10% while she remains undetected.{alertSuccess}

> Added a bonus: +7% to torpedo protection. (Damage reduction).{alertSuccess}

AA Gunner
> Added a bonus: +10% damage caused by depth charges.
> Added an activated effect: Ship consumables reload 5% faster while the ship's AA is active.{alertSuccess}

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Added a new skill (instead of Enhanced Anti-Torpedo Protection):
> Activated effect: -0.5% to the reload time of the Repair Party consumable for each potential damage
value received, equal to the total ship's HP.

The name of the skill is currently WIP.{alertSuccess}

Expert AA Marksman
> Added a bonus: -15% to the reload time of the Airstrike armament (including the one of anti-
submarine defence aircraft).{alertSuccess}

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Added a new skill (instead of Brisk):
> Activated effect: -5% to the main battery reload time and +5% to the dispersion of shells fired by enemies attacking your ship for each active fire set on your ship.

The name of the skill is currently WIP.{alertSuccess}

Improved Secondary Battery Aiming
Added permanent effects:
> -10% to the secondary battery reload time
> -10% to the dispersion of main battery shells
Changed the mechanics of the bonus to the maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells fired at
a priority target:

> Activated effect: the accuracy of the secondary battery on a priority target gradually increases with the continuous firing of the secondary battery. Maximum bonus to the secondary battery from this activated effect is +50%. This can be achieved if the secondary battery was continuously firing for 45 seconds.

If the secondary battery is not firing for 15 seconds, the bonus to accuracy from the activated effect gradually decreases. 
When the priority target is changed, bonus to the accuracy on the priority target from the activated effect is instantly reset to 75% of the accumulated bonus.{alertSuccess}

Close Quarters Combat
> Removed the bonus of -10% to the secondary battery reload time.{alertSuccess}

Cruisers Skills:

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> Added a bonus: +15% to the fragmentation damage area of main battery and secondary battery shells, as well as HE rockets and bombs, when firing at submarines.{alertSuccess}

Expert AA Marksman
> Added a bonus: -10% to the reload time of the Airstrike armament (including the one of anti-submarine defence aircraft).{alertSuccess}

Line 4

> Bonus to the main battery accuracy and ship speed is now activated when there are not only more visible enemy ships than allies, but also the same number of them within the firing range of your ship's main battery. The bonus will also be active when there are both no enemy or allied ships within the firing range of your ship's main battery.{alertSuccess}

AA Gunner
> Added a bonus: +15% damage caused by depth charges.
> Added an activated effect: Ship consumables reload 10% faster while the ship's AA is active.{alertSuccess}

Destroyers Skills

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> Added a bonus: +15% to the fragmentation damage area of main battery and secondary battery shells when firing at submarines.{alertSuccess}

Extra-Heavy AP Shells
> Added a bonus: +10% damage caused by depth charges.{alertSuccess}

Aircraft Carriers Skills:

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Hidden Menace
> Added a bonus: -50% to the height which planes have to reach to become invulnerable either after an attack or after recalling them to the carrier by pressing F. 

Now squadrons will reach the height at which they will become invulnerable to the AA faster.{alertSuccess}

In the first two weeks since the release of Update 0.10.7, all players will have a 100% discount on the
commander skill reset.{alertInfo}

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. The final information will be published on our game's website.{alertError}

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