Gustav Julius Maerker German Tier VIII Destroyer 1937
A large destroyer designed to act as an ocean-going raider or scout within a raider ship formation (Type 1937). The ship was developed in the late 1930s, and was to be equipped with powerful artillery.
Ship Details:
Ship Name:

WG Introduction: Jan 14th 2021
Is Paper Ship: Yes
Tier: VIII (8)
Class: Destroyer
Status when Final:

Status During 0.10.3 - 0.10.4:

Ship release: 0.10.3
Resource Purchase 0.10.3: Sequential bundle #6 (Armory)
Resource Purchase 0.10.5:
Type 18 Value 3000
Current Status: Released



Current Status: Released
Hit Points: 25,000 hp
Overall : 18 mm
Main Battery:
5 x 1 150 mm:
Max Range: 11.9 km
Reload: 6.5 s
180° Turn Time: 22.5 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 57 m
Sigma: 2.0σ
Shell Types/Ballistics:
HE Shells:
5 x 150 mm:
Alpha Damage: 1,800
Alpha Piercing HE: 38 mm
Muzzle Velocity: 835 m/s
Burn Probability: 12%
AP Shells:
5 x 150 mm:
Alpha Damage: 3,700
Muzzle Velocity: 835 m/s
Torpedo Armament:
2 x 2 533 mm - 1 x 4 533 mm:
Reload: 90 s
180° Turn Time: 7.2 s
Range: 12 km
Damage: 16,533 hp
Speed: 50 kts
Visibility Distance: 1.2 km
AA Defence:
Mid Range
4 x 2 37.0 mm
AA Damage: 98
Hit Probability: 100%
Action Radius: ~3.5 km
Continuous damage: 176
Short Range
8 x 4 20.0 mm
AA Damage: 144
Hit Probability: 95%
Action Radius: ~2.0 km
Maximum Speed: 36.0 kts
Turning Circle Radius: 760 m
Rudder Shift Time: 5.5 s
Surface Detectability: 8.0 km
Air Detectability: 4.4 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke: 3.5 km
Available Consumables:
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Work Time: 5 s
Reload Time: 40 s
Slot 2: Smoke Generator:
Charges: 3
Action time: 20 s
Reload time: 160 s
Lifetime: 69 s