ST: 0.10.0 Big Changes to Commander Skill System including Table of Skills / Parameters

Big Changes to Commander Skill System

In the near future, there will be а ST of the updated commander skills system. At the moment, WG plan to update the skills in 0.10.0. WG will conduct several stages of testing and will closely monitor your feedback.

In Summary:
  • New skills were added and some of the old ones were changed
  • Now each class will have a separate section with unique skills
  • Maximum skill points number increased from 19 > 21
  • 19 point commanders will stay at 19 points and not changed to 21 points
  • New way to get elite commander experience: dismiss unused commanders
  • The amount of experience required to retrain a commander to another researchable ship reduced by 50%.
If and when the changes come to the live server, everyone will have an opportunity to reset their commanders' skills for free. Details will be announced at a later date.
Skills already existing in the game will be adapted to the new system in as comfortable a way as possible, taking all changes into account. Thus, players will not have to necessarily redistribute all their commanders' skills, as they will already be trained for the skills most similar to the ones they were trained for in the old system.

Main Changes:
Updated changes November 30, 2020
The cost of retraining for doubloons was reduced from 750 to 500 doubloons.
As commander retraining now costs half the amount of XP, the ability to accelerate retraining time using credits was removed.
Commanders with less than the maximum number of skill points (<21) will earn additional Elite Commander XP equivalent to 5% of the received commander XP.
  • WG have updated the skill sections for each ship type.
  • Skills were distributed in each section within particular categories:
    • Attack
    • Defense
    • Support (only for aircraft carriers)
  • Enhanced skills were adjusted to the new system.
The updated list of commander skills can be found here: Commander skills' matrix. Please note: The names of the skills are not final and may change.

With the release of update 0.10.0, for the duration of the update, you will be able to reset commander skills for free, and the retraining cost in doubloons will be discounted by 50%/

The commander skills system in its current form has existed for a long time, the last time major changes to the system were made was a few years ago, in 0.6.0. Since then, new mechanics and many ships with unique gameplay styles have been added to the game. Taking into account these and many other factors, we decided to update the skills system to better match the current realities of World of Warships.
Many skills in the game are not suitable for certain classes and individual ships, which greatly limits the variability of builds. In such conditions, there were not as many effective ways to distribute skills as we wanted. These change will help players not only to allocate skills to match their playstyle, but also to try new tactics.
New System:
In the new system, each commander will have an opportunity to distribute skills for each class separately, each in a specialized section. We have also improved the interface and functionality of the system: for example, you can now assign a commander to different classes without having to redistribute skills.

Reshuffled Skills:
We have also significantly changed and reshuffled the skills themselves, added new ones, and removed some of the old ones. The skills have been changed so that in each row there is a choice between several effective options, instead of one ultimate skill.

More Skills, More Logic?
Have you always wanted to pick just a few more skills? Now, as skills are becoming more specialized and their total number increasing, the maximum number of commander skill points is also being increased from 19 > 21.
The distribution of skills by categories will become more logical, which will help to match the skills to the chosen style of play.

New Elite Commander Conversion:
There will also be a new way to get elite commander experience in the game. Players will be able to transform part of a commander's experience into elite experience when dismissing him:
  • 25% of experience earned at the cost of 1 experience for 10 credits.
  • 50% of experience earned at the cost of 150 experience per 1 doubloon.
Thus, you can demobilize unused commanders, and spend the gained elite experience on training, redistributing skills, or retraining the commanders you need.

Details about the changes:
  • Commanders will still have a specialization for a particular ship.
  • Only one skill set corresponding to a class of ship is active at one time. 
  • The skills for each class are distributed independently from each other. 
    • For example, a commander with 10 skill points can distribute 10 points in the section of destroyers and 10 points for battleships.
  • The basics of skills distribution will not change:
    • each section will have 4 rows of skills;
    • to access the next row you have to learn a skill from the previous one;
    • the cost of learning skills increases with each row: the skill on the first row costs one point, the second two points, etc.;
  • The cost and number of skills for recruited commanders will change so that, if necessary, the player will be able to recruit a commander with a large number of skill points:
    • commander without skills is hired for free.
    • commander with 6 skill points is available for 900,000 credits.
    • commander with 10 skill points is available for 1,750 doubloons.
  • To redistribute the skills, as before, elite commander experience or doubloons will be required. Each skill section is redistributed separately.
  • The cost of redistribution for a section with a commander with 21 skill points will be 525 doubloons or 500,000 elite commander experience. For 19 skill points, the cost remains unchanged.
  • A commander with no specialization for a specific ship cannot be assigned to it without retraining. This rule is not applied to premium or special ships.
  • You can go into battle on a ship without a commander. In this case, commander experience will not be credited to the account.
  • The amount of experience required to retrain a commander to another researchable ship will be reduced by half. Skills will not work until the commander completes retraining.
  • The cost of commander retraining changes:
    • Since redistribution of commander skills will be required much less often, the cost of retraining in doubloons will increase from 500 to 750 doubloons.
    • It is no longer possible to undergo retraining using credits.
Please note that skills and their names are preliminary and subject to change during testing.

Aircraft Carriers
Skill Tier
Aircraft MechanicAccelerates aircraft servicingAircraft restoration time -5%
Engine MechanicIncreases the engine boost time for the aircraft carrier’s squadronsEngine boost time +10%
Engine TechnicianReduces reload time of Engine CoolingReload time of the Engine Cooling consumable -20%
Damage Control SpecialistReduces reload time of Damage Control PartyReload time of the Damage Control Party consumable -10%
СAP SpecialistWhen the Fighter consumable is activated, an additional aircraft is launchedNumber of aircraft +1The skill affects only the carrier's consumables
Patrol ExpertIncreases the action radius of Patrol FightersAction radius +10%
Torpedo Bombers SpecialistReduces the torpedo arming distance from drop pointTorpedo arming distance -10%
Torpedo Armament SpecialistIncreases the aerial torpedo speedAerial torpedo speed +5%
Engine ExpertIncreases the speed of the aircraft carrier’s squadronsSquadron speed +2.5%The skill increases the cruise speed of squadrons
Repair SpecialistImproves the effectiveness of the Repair consumableNumber of the Repair consumables +1

Action time of the Repair consumable +10%
Expert AA GunnerIncreases the damage by shell explosions and continuous AA damageDamage by shell explosions +10%
Continuous damage by AA mounts +10%
InterceptorWhen the Patrol Fighter consumable is activated, the time before an enemy squadron comes under attack is reduced.
Increases the time until the Patrol Fighters become ready to attack.
Time before Patrol Fighter starts attacking the target -80%
Time before Patrol Fighters become active +50%
Action time of the consumable -25%
Expert MarksmanImproves the aiming time of the aircraft carrier’s planesAiming speed +7.5%
Piercing ArmamentIncreases the damage of Armor Piercing aircraft armamentAP bombs damage +5%
AP rockets damage +5%
PyrotechnistIncreases the chance of causing a fire by aircraft armamentChances of HE rockets causing a fire on target +2%
Chances of HE bombs causing a fire on target +5%
EnduringIncreases the HP of aircraftAircraft HP for each ship tier +25
Aircraft EngineerDecreases the continuous damage taken by aircraft within the effective area of AA mountsContinuous damage from AA mounts -10%
Flight DirectorIncreases the number of squadron consumables.Number of Patrol Fighter consumables +1
Navigator-bombardierIncreases the speed of HE and AP bombers.Bombers’ speed +5%The skill increases the cruise speed of bombers
RuthlessAerial torpedoes partially ignore torpedo protectionTorpedo protection damage reduction -15%The torpedo protection reduction from the skill is an absolute value. (For example, target's torpedo protection damage reduction is 45%. With the skill mastered the damage reduction will be 45-15=30%)
Close-quarters SpecialistIncreases the firing range and reduces the shell dispersion of secondary armamentSecondary battery firing range +20%
Maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells -30%
StealthyReduces the aircraft carrier’s detectability range and the Damage Control Party reload time.
Increases aircraft return time
Ship’s detectability range -15%
Reload time of the Damage Control Party consumable -20%
Aircraft return time +50%
Senior Aircraft EngineerDecreases the damage from AA shell explosions taken by aircraftDamage from AA explosions -33%
FocusedPatrol Fighter attacks only aircraft carrier's squadrons and can be destroyed only by AA fire.
Patrol Fighter cannot spot enemy's ships
Action Radius +N km.
Patrol Fighter cannot spot enemy ships
The Patrol Fighters' action radius increase value will be defined later.
Skill Tier
LoaderReduces the time taken to switch shell type if all main battery guns are loadedTime taken to switch shell type -50%
PyrotechnistIncreases the chance of causing a fire by the ship's armamentChance of HE shells causing a fire on target +0.5%
Chance of secondary armament shells causing a fire on target +0.5%
Consumables SpecialistReduces the reload time of the ship's consumablesReload time of the Main Battery Reload Booster, Torpedo Reload Booster, Spotting Aircraft, Fighter, Defensive AA Fire consumables -10%
Emergency Repair SpecialistReduces the reload time of the “Damage Control Party” and “Repair Party” consumables.Reload time of the Damage Control Party and Repair Party consumables -5%
AA GunnerIncreases the number of shell explosions in an AA salvoNumber of explosions in a salvo +1
Maintenance SpecialistReduces the risk of main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated.Risk of modules becoming incapacitated -30%The skill doesn't prevent main turrets from being destroyed.
GunnerIncreases the traverse speed of main battery gunsMain battery guns traverse speed +20%
ThreshingImproves the armor penetration capabilities of HE shells fired from both main and secondary battery guns.
Decreases the chances of setting an enemy ship on fire by half.
Armor penetration capacity of HE shells +25%
The chances of fire being caused by HE shells without modifiers being applied reduced by half
With this skill mastered, the fractional value of the new penetration capacity of HE shells will be rounded down.
Consumables ExpertIncreases action time of consumablesAction time of Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator and Engine Boost consumables +10%
Argus-EyedThe detection indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at your ship with their main battery guns
AA Gunners Training ExpertIncreases continuous damage in the priority AA sector.Priority sector reinforcement +20%The priority sector reinforcement given by the skill is an absolute value. For example, 135% basic reinforcement with the skill mastered will become 135+20=155%
VigilanceExtends the torpedo acquisition range, even while the Hydroacoustic Search consumable is active and when the Torpedo Lookout System upgrade is mounted.Torpedo acquisition range by the sea +25%
Armor PiercingIncreases main calibre AP shell damage.
Increases the duration of fire and flooding effects on your ship.
Maximum AP shell damage +5%
Fire duration +40%
Flooding duration +40%
Secondary Armament BallisticianIncreases the firing range of secondary gunsSecondary battery firing range +20%
Adrenaline RushIncreases the reload speed of all armaments and AA damage for each 1% HP lostReload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost -0.2%
AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost +0.2%
Survivability ExpertAccelerates repairs of modules, firefighting, and recovering from floodingTime of repair, firefighting, and recovery from flooding -15%
Expert AA GunnerIncreases the damage by shell explosions and continuous AA damageAA shell explosions damage +10%
Continuous damage by AA mounts +10%
SteadyIncreases torpedo protectionTorpedo protection damage reduction +10%
MarksmanIncreases the accuracy of main battery guns if there are no visible enemy ships within the ship's base detectability radius.Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -10%A visible ship is a ship you are able to see on the battlefield. It's not important who spotted her and if she is in your direct line of sight or not.
Secondary Armament ExpertIncreases the accuracy of secondary guns when a priority target is manually indicatedMaximum dispersion of shells for the secondary armament -35%
Straight-A ArtilleristIncreases reload speed of secondary armament.

When an enemy is detected within the firing range of the secondary armament, increases the reload speed of main battery guns.
Reload time of main battery guns -10%

Reload time of secondary armament -10%
Emergency Repair ExpertImproves the effectiveness of Damage Control Party and Repair Party consumablesAction time of Damage Control Party and Repair Party consumables +10%
Number of Damage Control Party and Repair Party consumables +1
Concealment ExpertReduces the detectability range of the shipDetectability range of the ship -10%
Fire Prevention ExpertReduces the risk of fire. The maximum number of fires on a ship reduced to threeRisk of catching fire -10%
Skill Tier
GunnerIncreases the traverse speed of main battery gunsMain battery guns traverse speed +20%
TorpedoIncreases the chance of causing floodingChances of causing flooding +30%
Consumables SpecialistReduces the reload time of the ship's consumablesReload time of the Main Battery Reload Booster, Torpedo Reload Booster, Spotting Aircraft, Fighter, Defensive AA Fire consumables -10%
LoaderReduces the time taken to switch shell type if all main battery guns are loadedTime taken to switch shell type -50%
AlarmingA warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4.5 km
AA GunnerIncreases the number of shell explosions in the AA salvoNumber of explosions in a salvo +1
PyrotechnistIncreases the chance of causing a fire by the ship's armamentChance of HE shells causing a fire on target +1%
Chance of secondary armament shells causing a fire on target +1%
Torpedo Armament SpecialistIncreases the ship torpedo speedShip torpedo speed +5%
Consumables ExpertIncreases action time of consumablesAction time of Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator and Engine Boost consumables +10%
Spotting Aircraft ExpertImproves the effectiveness of the Spotting Aircraft.Reload time of the Spotting Aircraft consumable – 50%
The number of Spotting Aircraft consumables +2
Action time of the Spotting Aircraft consumable – 50%
Argus-eyedThe detection indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at your ship with their main battery guns
AA Gunners Training ExpertIncreases continuous damage in the priority AA sector.Reinforcement of the priority sector +20%The priority sector reinforcement given by the skill is an absolute value. For example, 135% basic reinforcement with the skill mastered will become 135+20=155%
DemomanIncreases maximum HE and SAP shell damage
Increases the detectability range of a ship with main battery guns with a caliber higher than 149 mm.
HE shells damage +10%
SAP shells damage +10%
Ship’s detectability +15%
Torpedoman – demolition expertIncreases torpedo damageMaximum torpedo damage +15%
Adrenaline RushIncreases the reload speed of all armaments and AA damage for each 1% HP lostReload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost -0.2%
AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost +0.2%
AP Demolition ExpertIncreases the damage of AP shells with a calibre higher than 190 mmAP shells damage +7%
ProvidentIncreases the number of the ship’s consumablesNumber of consumables +1
EnduringIncreases the ship’s HPHP for each ship tier +350
Straight-A ArtilleristIncreases reload speed of secondary armament.

When an enemy is detected within the firing range of the secondary armament, increases the reload speed of main battery guns.
Reload time of main battery guns -8%

Reload time of secondary armament -10%
BrawlerIncreases the ship’s parameters if there are more visible enemy ships than ally ships within your ship's base main caliber firing rangeShip’s speed +8%
Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -10%
A visible ship is a ship you are able to see on the battlefield. It's not important who spotted her and if she is in your direct line of sight or not. When a ship is visible for allies but not visible for you, like, for example, through the use of the Surveillance Radar consumable, the skill will not be triggered.
Intelligence Radio TechnicianShows the direction to the nearest enemy ship
The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship
ThreshingImproves the armor penetration capabilities of HE shells fired from both main and secondary battery guns.
Decreases the chances of setting an enemy ship on fire
Armor penetration capacity of HE shells +25%
The chances of fire being caused by HE shells without modifiers being applied reduced by half
With this skill mastered, the fractional value of the new penetration capacity of HE shells will be rounded down.
Concealment ExpertReduces the detectability range of the shipDetectability range of the ship – 10%
Expert AA GunnerIncreases the damage by shell explosions and continuous AA damageDamage from shell explosions +15%
Continuous damage by AA mounts +20%
Skill Tier
GunnerIncreases the traverse speed of main battery gunsMain battery guns traverse speed +20%
TorpedomanIncreases the chance of causing floodingChances of causing flooding +30%
Consumables SpecialistReduces the reload time of the ship's consumablesReload time of the Main Battery Reload Booster, Torpedo Reload Booster, Spotting Aircraft, Fighter, Defensive AA Fire consumables -10%
LoaderReduces the time taken to switch shell type if all main battery guns are loadedTime taken to switch shell type -50%
Maintenance specialistReduces the risk of main turrets, torpedo tubes, steering gears, and engine becoming incapacitated.Risk of modules becoming incapacitated -30%The skill doesn't prevent main turrets from being destroyed.
AA GunnerIncreases the number of shell explosions in the AA salvoNumber of explosions in a salvo +1
PyrotechnistIncreases the chance of causing a fire by the ship's armamentChance of HE shells causing a fire on target +1%
Chance of secondary armament shells causing a fire on target +1%
Torpedo Armament SpecialistIncreases the ship torpedo speedShip torpedo speed +5%
Consumables ExpertIncreases action time of consumablesAction time of Hydroacoustic Search, Surveillance Radar, Smoke Generator and Engine Boost consumables +10%
AP Demolition ExpertIncreases the damage of AP shells.AP shells damage +5%
Argus eyedThe detection indicator will show the number of opponents currently aiming at your ship with their main battery guns
PropulsiveWhen the engines or steering gears are incapacitated, they continue to operate but with a penalty
Main battery and AA specialistImproves the effectiveness of main battery and AA gunsMain battery guns reload time -5%
Continuous AA damage +10%
Torpedo Armament ExpertReduces the reload time of torpedo tubesTorpedo tubes reload time -10%
Adrenaline RushIncreases the reload speed of all armaments and AA damage for each 1% HP lostReload time of all armaments per 1% HP lost -0.2%
AA continuous damage per 1% HP lost +0.2%
ThreshingImproves the armor penetration capabilities of HE shells fired from both main and secondary battery guns.
Decreases the chances of setting an enemy ship on fire
Armor penetration capacity of HE shells +25%
The chances of fire being caused by HE shells without modifiers being applied reduced by half
With this skill mastered, the fractional value of the new penetration capacity of HE shells will be rounded down.
ProvidentIncreases the number of the ship’s consumablesNumber of consumables +1
EnduringIncreases the ship’s HPHP for each ship tier +350
Main battery and AA ExpertImproves the effectiveness of main battery and AA gunsMain battery firing range +20%
Damage from AA shell explosions +15%
CautiousIncreases the ship's speed as long as the ship remains undetected.
Reload time of main battery guns is increased
Ship’s speed +8%
Reload time of main battery guns +10%
Intelligence Radio TechnicianShows the direction to the nearest enemy ship
The enemy player will be alerted that a bearing was taken on their ship
FearlessReduces the reload time of main battery guns when your ship is spotted.
Ship's concealment is increased
Reload time of main battery guns -10%
Ships concealment +5%
Concealment ExpertReduces the detectability range of the shipDetectability range of the ship -10%
NimbleReduces the accuracy of enemy fire on your ship for 15 seconds after being detected.Dispersion of shells fired by enemies attacking your ship +20%Shell dispersion of the enemy ship attacking you will be active for 15 seconds. If you become undetected before those 15 seconds are up, and then get detected again, the skill begins to work again, counting down from 15 seconds. The skill affects only ships’ shells.

IMPORTANT! Because the information stated is WIP, the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after this info have been released.


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