Ranked Battles 18 ● Tier X ● 8 v 8 ● Date Times Rewards 5500 Steel ● 2750 Doubloons

Ranked Battles 18 - Tier X - 8 v 8


Countdown Countdown

Key Rules of the Season:

Format: 8 vs. 8 playing Tier X ships.
Maps: North, Sea of Fortune, and Greece in Domination mode; Sleeping Giant and Warrior's Path in Arms Race mode; and Tears of the Desert in Epicenter mode.

You can earn the Stars needed to climb the ranking ladder by winning battles. At the majority of ranks, a defeat means a lost Star. If you finish first on your team in terms of XP earned, you get to keep your hard-earned Star—even if your team lost the battle.

Those who are new to Ranked Battles will start the Season from Rank 18. Those who participated in the previous Season will receive bonus Stars after the first battle of the current Season: one for each rank attained in the previous Season.


      For the current Season, victories can bring you up to 5,500 Steel2,750 doubloons; one Ranked Token; and many other rewards.

      Once the Season ends, all players at Rank 15 or higher will receive a commemorative flag.

      League Flags reduce the cost of servicing your ships by 10% and 20% until the end of the Season. Flags awarded for joining Leagues will be removed from player accounts at the end of the Season.

      Feel free to Donate if you wish, any donations will help in one way or another to improve the Blog and allow me to make better content for you guys.

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