California Tier VII American Battleship Released

American Battleship VII California 1921

A battleship of the Tennessee type, armed with twelve 356-mm guns and possessing a relatively low speed. After Pearl Harbour, a deep modernisation took place, which significantly changed the appearance of the ship and significantly enhanced its air defence.
Wows Gamer BlogCalifornia Flag
I Love You, California!
Freedom Permoflage
Cost icon 4000 Doubloons
-3% to surface detectability range.
+4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy at your ship.
-10% to the cost of ship's post-battle service.
+50% to experience earned in the battle.

Ship Name:   California
Tier:   VII (7)
Is Paper Ship:   No
Class:   Battleship (BB)
WG Introduction:   Aug 15th 2019
Status:   Premium Ship
Ship Release:   ~
*Base Value:    icon 9500
Nation:   USA
Permoflage: Type 10 Free   Freedom Cost icon4000
Current Status:   Released (Regional Shops)

*Base Value is the Doubloon base value of the ship in respect of tier, class, status and final resource. (This can change)

Health Points:   58,300 hp
Armour:   16~457 mm
Citadel  Fore Athwartship:   35~343 mm
Citadel  Aft Athwartship:   35~343 mm
Citadel Torpedo Bulkhead:   44 mm
Armor Belt:   343 mm
Deck:   140~165 mm
Citadel Deck:   38 mm
Citadel Bottom:   40 mm
Conning Tower:   406 mm
Torpedo Protection Damage Reduction:   35%
Tonnage:   40,345 tn

4 x 3 356 mm/50 MK7:
Firing Range:   19.9 km
Reload Time:   34.2 s
180 Degree Turn Time:   60 s
Maximum Dispersion:   259 m
Sigma Value:   1.90σ


356 mm HE/HC Mk22:
Alpha Damage:   5000
Alpha Piercing HE:   59.0 mm
Ammo Type:   HE
Shell Air Drag:   0.325
Shell Always Ricochet At:   60.0°
Shell Detonator:   0.001
Shell Detonator Threshold:   2.0
Shell Diameter:   356 mm
Shell Krupp:   395.0
Shell Mass:   578.34
Shell Ricochet At:   91.0°
Shell Speed:   861.0 m/s
Burn Probability:   30%

356 mm AP Mk16:
Alpha Damage:   10500
Ammo Type:   AP
Shell Air Drag:   0.331
Shell Always Ricochet At:   60.0°
Shell Detonator:   0.033
Shell Detonator Threshold:   59.0 mm
Shell Diameter:   0.356
Shell Krupp:   2545.0
Shell Mass:   680.4
Shell Ricochet At:   45.0°
Shell Speed:   823.0 m/s

8 x 2 127 mm/38 Mk32:
Maximum HE shell damage:   1800
Range:   5 km
Reload:   6 s
Alpha Piercing HE:   21 mm
HE initial velocity:   792 m/s
COF:   5%
Air Drag:   0.347

8 x 2 127 mm/38 Mk32:
Action Zone:   ~3.5-5.8 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Damage Caused by Shell Explosions:   1400
Damage by Zone Area AA:   137
Continuous Damage:   386
Priority Sector Reinforcement:   35%
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:   5
14 x 4 40 mm Bofors Mk2:
Action Zone:   ~3.5 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Damage by Zone Area AA:   364
41 x 2 20 mm Oerlikon Mk20:
Action Zone:   ~2.0 km
Hit Probability:   70 %
Damage by Zone Area AA:   490

Maximum speed:   20.5 kt
Turning circle radius:   640 m
Rudder shift time:   14.7 s
Propulsion:   29,500 hp

Surface Detectability:   13.1 km
* Detectability After Firing MB Guns:   19.9 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns:   13.1 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire:   15.1 km
Air Detectability:   9.7 km
* Detectability After Firing Secondary Guns:   9.7 km
* Detectability With Ship on Fire:   12.7 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   11.7 km

Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Action Time 20 s
Reload Time 80 s

Slot 2: Repair Party:
Charges 4
Action Time 28 s
Reload Time 80 s
HP per Second +291 HP
(Total hp regenerated per charge ~8,148 hp)

Slot 3: Spotting Aircraft:
Charges 4
Action Time 100 s
Reload time 240 s
Main Battery Firing Range +20%

Slot 3: Fighter:
Charges:   3
Action time:   60 s
Reload Time:   90 s
Flight Radius:   3 km
Fighters:   x3

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