AL Littorio Tier VIII Azur Lane Italian Battleship

Italian Battleship VIII AL Littorio 1942

The second Vittorio Veneto-class warship to be built, and one of the most powerful battleships in the Mediterranean. From the game Azur Lane
Wows Gamer BlogAzur Littorio Flag
Littorio was the second Vittorio Veneto-class warship to be built, and the most powerful ship in the Mediterranean. From the game Azur Lane.
Commander Azur Littorio
AL Littorio Permoflage

ship details
Ship Name:   AL Littorio
Tier:   VIII (8)
Class:   Battleship (BB)
Status:   Premium Ship
WG Introduction:   Mar 10th 2020
Ship Release:   ~0.9.6
Nation:   Italy

Hit Points:   65,400 hp
Overall:   13~380 mm
Torpedo Protection:   38%

main battery
3 x 3 381 mm/50 OTO 1934:
Max Range:   18.1 km
Reload:   30 s
180° Turn Time:   30 s
Dispersion at Max Range:   244 m
Sigma:   1.80σ

shell types

 381 mm proiettili HE:
Alpha Damage:   5100
Alpha Piercing HE:   64.0 mm
Ammo Type:   HE
Shell Air Drag:   0.275
Shell Detonator:   0.003
Shell Detonator Threshold:   2.0
Shell Krupp:   1.0
Shell Mass:   824.3
Shell Speed:   880.0 m/s
Burn Probability:   24%

381 mm proiettili AP:
Alpha Damage:   12000
Ammo Type:   AP
Shell Air Drag:   0.2954
Shell Detonator:   0.033
Shell Krupp:   2434.0
Shell Mass:   884.8
Shell Speed:   850.0 m/s

4 x 3 152 mm/55 OTO 1936:
Range:   5.0 km
Damage:   2100 hp
Chance of Fire:   7%
Reload:   12 s
HE Armour Penetration:   25 mm
Shell Velocity:   950 m/s
Shell Mass:   44.3 kg
12 x 1 90 mm/50 OTO 1939:
Range:   5.0 km
Damage:   1300 hp
Chance of Fire:   5%
Reload:   4 s
HE Armour Penetration:   15 mm
Shell Velocity:   860 m/s
Shell Mass:   10 kg

aa defence
12 x 1 90 mm/50 OTO 1939:
Action Zone:   ~3.5-4.6 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Damage Caused by Shell Explosions:   1190
Damage by Zone Area AA:   144
Number of Explosions Per Salvo:   6
Priority Sector Reinforcement:   35%
4 x 1 37 mm/54 Breda 1939:
8 x 2 37 mm/54 Breda 1932:
Action Zone:   ~3.5 km
Hit Probability:   75 %
Continuous Damage Per Second:   228
16 x 2 20 mm/65 Breda 1935:
Action Zone:   ~2.0 km
Hit Probability:   70 %
Continuous Damage Per Second:   116

Maximum Speed:   30 kts
Turning Circle Radius:   810 m
Rudder Shift Time:   15.6 s
Propulsion:   128,200 hp

Surface Detectability:   14.5 km
Air Detectability:   10.7 km
Detectability after Firing Main Guns in Smoke:   13.7 km

Slot 1:  Damage Control Party:
Work Time:   10 s
Reload Time:   80 s

Slot 2:  Repair Party.
Charges:   4
Action time:   28 s
Reload Time:   80 s
Regenerated hp per Second:   +327 hp/s
(Total hp regenerated per charge ~9,156 hp)

Slot 3:  Spotting Aircraft.
Charges:   4
Action time:   100 s
Reload Time:   240 s
Spotting Distance:   +20%

Slot 3:  Fighter.
Charges:   3
Action time:   60 s
Reload Time:   90 s
Flight Radius:   3 km
Fighters per Charge:   x3


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