Ranked Sprint 12 Domination Rewards Rules Times Dates

Ranked Sprint 12

The new Ranked Sprint will be fought in Domination mode playing Tier VIII ships. Join the race for credits, signals, and Coal!

Format: 8 vs. 8, playing Tier VIII ships
Mode: Domination
RewardsCoal 10,000 Coal - Credits 500,000 Credits; and loads of other valuable in-game items

times and dates


Countdown Countdown
* Players who reach Rank 1 won't be able to participate in any further battles of the current Season.
* Ranked Sprint achievements aren't inherited from previous Ranked seasons, and won’t transfer to those that follow.
* Divisions consisting of two players are allowed in the Ranked Sprint. A Division can enter battle only if the opposing team also has a Division.
* A maximum of four Divisions is allowed per team.
    Haven, Fault Line, Greece, Northern Waters, and Loop


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