PTS 0.9.3 Campaign "Strong-Willed" Tier IX Ranked Sprint, Spring Season Missions Win Containers


PTS 0.9.3 Campaign "Strong-Willed" Tier IX Ranked Sprint

For the purpose of conducting the test, WG have simplified the conditions for the Ranked Sprint and the "Strong-Willed" Campaign.

During Round 1 of the Public Test, the Ranked Sprint will be played on Tier IX ships, and during Round 2—Tier X ships.

P.T.S 0.9.3 Round 2

Countdown Countdown
Balance Changes:
In the second stage of the Public test for Update 0.9.3, we've changed the characteristics of several ships, having analyzed their combat performance and taken player feedback into account. Such changes were required in order to carefully adjust the balance of selected warships. We'll continue to introduce changes in the updates that will follow, if deemed necessary.
  • III Aurora: Turret traverse speed increased from 5.1 to 5.3 degrees per second. 
  • III Valkyrie: Main battery reload time increased from 5.2 to 5.4 s; Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 43 to 45 s.
  • IV Orion: Base Main battery firing range reduced from 14.7 to 14.4 km.
  • V Hawkins: Main battery reload time reduced from 14 to 13.5 s; Turret firing angles were increased.
  • VII Atlanta: Main battery reload time reduced from 4.9 to 4.8 s.
  • IX Jutland: Main battery reload time increased from 4.1 to 4.2 s; Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 122 to 124 s.
  • X Daring: Main battery reload time increased from 2.6 to 2.7 s; Torpedo tubes reload time increased from 122 to 124 s.
  • X HakuryÅ«: Maximum rocket damage reduced from 3,250 to 3,150; Chance of a rocket causing fire reduced from 15 to 14%.
  • X Colbert: Main battery reload time reduced from 3.5 to 3.4 s; Restoration of hit points by Repair party consumable increased from 0.5% to 0.66% of total hit points per second.
  • X Kremlin: Continuous AA damage reduced from 433 to 412; Number of explosions in a salvo reduced from 10 to 9; Damage by shell explosions reduced from 1820 to 1750.
  • VI Pensacola: Fore- and aft-end armor plating increased from 16 to 25 mm.
  • VII New Orleans: Fore- and aft-end armor plating increased from 16 to 25 mm.
  • VII Yorck: Fore- and aft-end armor plating increased from 16 to 25 mm.
  • Aircraft: Spotting range of all planes reduced from 18 to 17 km.
Other Changes and Improvements:
  • Updated tooltips with descriptions of ship groups in the tech tree.
  • Volume of the sound of the flying plane in the port of Fjords is reduced.
  • Fixed a bug with the incorrect firing range of VIII Cheshire and VIII Albemarle Secondary battery. The Secondary battery firing range increased from 3 to 5 km.
  • Fixed a bug that caused enemy squadrons' hit points bar not to be displayed.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a buff area in the Arms Race mode from disappearing after it was captured.
Special Features of the Test
For the purpose of conducting the test, we’ve simplified the conditions for the Ranked Sprint and the "Strong-Willed" Campaign.

Combat Missions and Rewards:
Play one Random or Co-op Battle.
Reward on the live server: 3x each type of signal, except for special signals
Play three Random or Co-op Battles.
Reward on the live server: 10x Type 6 camouflage patterns
Finish the "Strong-Willed" Campaign in Random, Co-op, or Ranked Battles.
Reward on the live server: 1x Wargaming container
Attain Rank 1 in the Ranked Sprint.
Reward on the live server: 5x of each of the following special signals: Dragon, Wyvern, Red Dragon, Ouroboros, and Hydra

One Wargaming container provides 1 day of Warships Premium Account.

Spring Season
Public Test 0.9.3 will open the Spring Season, which is scheduled to run across three updates 0.9.3-0.9.5.

* Completing two personal missions will reward you with a season emblem.
* Completing three personal missions will reward you with a unique flag, patch, and Premium Tier VI Ship container.
* Those in possession of all four different season emblems will be rewarded with the unique Public Test Veteran emblem.

Spring Season #1
* Play 20 battles
* Earn 30,000 base XP
* Destroy 30 enemy ships
Reward on the live server: 1x container with signals, 1x container with resources, 1x More Consumables container, and 1x Try Your Luck container

The mission can be completed only once, playing Tier VIII–X ships in Random Battles.

IMPORTANT! Because the information in this Article is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.

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