Updated 11 Feb: 2 x Nerfs Changes to Upgrades

ST: Changes to Upgrades

Latest: 11 Feb Changes: WG decided to remove bonuses to ship torpedo protection, as it could lead to excessive efficiency of these upgrades.
Torpedo Protection System (Slot #5)
Damage Control System Modification 1 (Slot #2)

Updates to upgrades

Some upgrades will be replaced with new ones: if you have any of these upgrades already mounted on your ships, they will be replaced with their new versions. Any upgrades in your Inventory that are removed from the game will be exchanged for their full cost in credits.

In Update 0.9.1, old upgrades will be updated and some new ones will be added. We have also removed all type and tier restrictions for any special upgrades that improve the efficiency of ship consumables.

Some upgrades will be replaced by new ones and removed from the game. In this case, the upgrades already mounted on the ships will be replaced by their new versions. Upgrades in the inventory will be exchanged for credits for their full value.

Also, many of you have raised concerns about how some of the new upgrades may affect game balance. For example, the upgrade "Torpedo protection system (slot #5)" may be too effective against ships equipped with low-detectability torpedoes. During testing, we will closely monitor the impact of the upgrades on game balance and, if necessary, make additional changes.

New and Modified Upgrades:
Extends the action time of the Surveillance Radar, Hydroacoustic Search, and Defensive AA Fire consumables.
* Defensive AA Fire Work Time: +20%
* Surveillance Radar Search Work Time: +20%
* Hydroacoustic Search Work Time: +20%
Cost:   5.000.000    Credits

Increases the action time of all consumables of a squadron
* Squadron Consumables Action Time Multiplier: +50 %
Cost:   5.000.000    Credits

iconReduces the risk of incapacitation, and accelerates repairs, of the engine and steering gears
* Steering Gears Critical Probability: -20%
* Steering Gears Repair Time: -20%
* Engine Critical Probability: -20%
* Engine Repair Time: -20%
Cost:   250.000    Credits

Torpedo Tubes Modification 1(Slot #3)
Improves efficiency of torpedoes and torpedo tubes.
* Torpedo Tube Critical Probability: -40%
* Torpedo Tube Rotation Speed: +20%
* Torpedo Speed Multiplier: +5%
Cost:   500,000   Credits

Aerial Torpedoes Modification 1(Slot #3)
Improves efficiency of aerial torpedoes.
* Planes Torpedo Speed Multiplier: +5%
Cost:   500,000   Credits

Torpedo Protection System(Slot #5)

Replaces the "Target Acquisition System Modification 1" and will give the following bonuses:
Increases maximum acquisition range.
* Guaranteed Torpedo Visibility Distance: 1.8 km ("Vigilance" skill will improve it)
* Add +5% to ship's torpedo protection. REMOVED
Removed the bonus that gave +5% to the ship's torpedo protection.
Cost:   2.000.000   Credits

Ship's Consumables Modification 1 (Slot #5)

Increases the action time of all consumables of a ship.
* Ship Consumables Work Time Multiplier: +10%
Cost:   2.000.000   Credits

Auxiliary Armaments Modification 2 (Slot #6)

Upgrade will combine the "AA Guns Modification 2" and "Secondary Battery Modification 2" upgrades, which will be removed from the game.
‎Increases survivability of the secondary battery and AA mounts.
* AA Near Continuous Damage: +15%
* AA Outer Continuous Damage: +15%
* Secondary Battery Shot Delay: -20%
* Extra number of explosions produced by salvos from AA defences while the "Defensive AA fire" consumable is active: +2
Cost: 3.000.000  Credits

Upgrades Changes:

Damage Control System Modification 1(Slot #2)

Reduces the risk of fire and flooding
*Burn Probability: -5%
* Flood Probability: -3%
* Torpedo Protection: +2% REMOVED
Removed the bonus that gave +2% to the ship's torpedo protection.
Cost: 250,000  Credits

Defensive AA Fire Modification 1 (Slot #2)

Increases the action time of the Defensive AA Fire consumable. Available on Tier VIII–X ships.
*Defensive AA Consumable Reload Multiplier: -10%
* Defensive AA Consumable Work Time: +20%
Cost: 1.250.000  Credits

Main Battery Modification 2
(Slot #3)

Removed penalty to main battery reload time.
*  Main Battery Shot Delay: Removed: 0.0
* Main Battery Rotation Speed: +15%
Cost:   500,000   Credits

AA Guns Modification 1 (Slot #3)

Improves AA efficiency.
Bonus to the number of explosions produced by salvos from AA defences replaced by a -20% reduction to Priority AA Sector preparation time.
* Priority Sector Cooldown Multiplier: -20%
Cost:   500,000   Credits

Special Upgrades:
For all special upgrades, the restrictions on installation by class and tier of ships have been removed.

IMPORTANT!   Because the information in this Article is  tentative   and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the finalised information is released.

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