London Tier VI Premium British Heavy Cruiser Stats

London Tier VI British Heavy Cruiser

Main Characteristics of London.
London is a British County-class heavy cruiser. During World War II, she participated in the hunt for battleship Bismarck, and was involved in escorting Arctic convoys to the U.S.S.R. In the post-war period, the ship was engaged in protecting British interests in China. London went through several upgrades which significantly increased the ship's AA defences, and made her markedly distinct from other same-class cruisers. In the game, she is a well-armed ship for her tier, and comes equipped with the Smoke Generator consumable which is not usually found on heavy cruisers. 
Key features:
Eight 203 mm guns placed in four turrets. The guns are peculiar for their decent HE shells with high chances of causing fire on the target
Two quadruple-tube torpedo launchers with tube-by-tube launching capabilities
Repair Party: partially restores the ship's HP during battle
Hydroacoustic Search: enables the spotting of enemy ships and torpedoes at distances of up to 3 km
Smoke Generator: an unusual consumable for a heavy cruiser
She earns more credits per battle, and her permanent camouflage adds a 50% XP bonus per battle and reduces the cost of the ship's post-battle service by 10%
The badge of HMS London, a cruiser that joined the Royal Navy in 1929, depicts a sword, one of the symbols of Saint Paul, patron Saint of City of London.
British Cruiser UK FLAGCRUISERLondon (1929)
The lead ship in the second series of County-class cruisers—British "Washington Treaty" cruisers armed with eight powerful 203 mm guns. The cruiser was rebuilt during extensive modernisation undertaken in the late 1930s, which changed the ship's exterior and reinforced her armour and AA batteries.

ship details
Ship NameLomdonTierVI (6)
Class Cruiser (CA)TypePremium Ship
Ship Release
Update 0.9.1
Resource Cost* 5,500 (Reward)
NationGreat Britain (HMS)Current Status2 x Variations in Portal Shops
* WG Doubloon Value, is the Doubloon value that WG Devs decide is the correct value of each ship during testing (This can change). To get a rough idea of what the cash cost will eventually be for the standard bundles, go to "Premium Shop" then "Doubloons" then enter the amount of doubloons valued for this ship, you will see, roughly what the ship will cost once released.
* Can also be won as a Reward Ship
SurvivabilityHit Points34,600 hp
ArmourOverall13~114 mm
Armor Belt114 mm
Hull Aft/Fore16 mm
Hull Mid16~19 mm
Deck Fore16 mm
Deck Aft16 mm
Deck Mid19 mm 
Superstructure13 mm
Turrets25 mm
Torpedo Damage Protection  4%
Tonnage13,438 tn
main battery
HullCalibreTurrets x BarrelsMax RangeReload180° Turn TimeDispersionSigma
203 mm/50 BL Mk VIII
4 x 2
13.4 km
15.0 s
22.5 s
125 m
shell types
HE203 mm 256 lb HEAP203 mm 256 lb AP
Alpha Damage2850Alpha Damage4550
Chance of Fire15%Chance of Fire0%
HE Armour Penetration33 mmDetonator Threshold34 mm
Shell Velocity855 m/sShell Velocity855 m/s
Air Drag0.346Air Drag0.346
Shell Krupp630Shell Krupp2,400
Shell Mass116.1 kgShell Mass116.1 kg
4 x 2 102 mm/45 QF Mk XIX
Range5.0 km
Alpha Damage1500
Chance of Fire6%
Reload3.0 s
HE Armour Penetration16 mm
Shell Velocity811 m/s
Shell Mass15.88 kg
torpedo armament
HullCalibreTubes x TorpedoesReload180° Turn TimeRange
A533 mm QR Mk IV/Mk VII2 x 4106 s7.2 s7 km
DamageVisibilityTypeChance of FloodSpeed
15,733 hp1.2 kmNormal262%59 kts
aa defence
RangeCalibreTurrets/GunsN° of EXPDamage per SecondHit ProbabilityAction Radius
Within EXP RadiusContinuous
102 mm/45 QF Mk XIX
4 x 2
0.1-5.8 km
40 mm/39 QF Mk VIII
2 x 8
0.1-2.5 km
20 mm Oerlikon Mk IV
15 x 1
0.1-2.0 km
mobility & Concealment
Maximum Speed32.3 ktsSurface Detectability12.1 km
Turning Circle Radius710 mAir Detectability6.6 km
Rudder Shift Time7.8 sFiring in Smoke Detectability6.8 km
Propulsion80,000 hp
Slot 1Slot 2Slot 3Slot 3
Damage Control PartyRepair PartyHydroacoustic SearchSmoke Generator
Work Time5sCharges1 (2)Charges2 (3)Charges2 (3)
Reload Time90s (60s)Action Time10sAction Time180sAction Time15s
Reload Time120 (80s)Reload Time180s (120s)Reload Time240 (160s)
HP per Second+346 hp/sTorpedo Detection3.0 kmSmoke Dispersion Time99s
Ship Detection 3.0 kmSmoke Radius0.6 km

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