Ranked Sprint 1 v 1 Tier VIII Battles Rewards Rules Times Dates
RuleSNobody to blame, rely and depend on, a real chance to demonstrate your skills in a real duel. a 7 day Season of Ranked Sprint Battles playing Tier VIII ships in a 1 vs. 1 solo task to reach Rank #1.
What makes a Ranked Sprint different from a regular Ranked Battles season? The answer is simple: a easier competition format with a reduced duration. The new Sprint will run for only 7 days, with all Ranks and Stars being irrevocable. For participating in the Sprint, you can obtain a huge number of Signals and 500,000 Credits. The reward for achieving Rank 1 is 10,000 Coal for use in the Armory.
times and dates
Countdown | Countdown |
- Only Tier VIII ships are allowed in these battles.
- Battles are held in a 1 vs. 1 format.
- Battle maximum duration: 15 minutes.
- A ship's type won’t be taken into account during the matchmaking process. For example, when playing a battleship, you might find yourself opposing a cruiser, destroyer, aircraft carrier, or another battleship.
- Players earn the Stars needed to climb the ranking ladder by winning battles.
- The number of Ranks is 10, less than in a regular season.
- All players start battles at Rank 10.
- This Season, all Ranks and Stars are irrevocable.
- All Ranks are divided into two leagues: Ranks 10 - 6 and Ranks 5 - 1.
- To attain Rank 1, you must earn 40 Stars.
- Players who reach Rank 1 can no longer participate in any further battles of the current Season.
- Ranked Sprint achievements aren’t inherited from previous Ranked seasons, and won’t transfer to those that follow.
- Stars earned in Ranked Sprints aren’t counted as the Stars required to obtain Ranked Battle emblems.
- Due to the specifics of the format, there will be no battle achievements.
Battles will be fought in Domination mode on the following maps with a reduced combat area: Islands of Ice, Land of Fire, Sea of Fortune, Trident, Loop, and Greece.