La Pampa: Tier X Pan-American (Argentina) Destroyer 1945 (How to Obtain)
La Pampa: Tier X Pan-American (Argentina) Destroyer 1945
A battle-class destroyer built in the 1940s according to a project that considered the experience of the war. While still on the slipway, the destroyer could have been purchased by the government of Argentina, which in the post-war decades sought to strengthen its Navy by purchasing "surplus" ships from Great Britain and the United States. La Pampa differs from its British counterparts in its enhanced torpedo armament due to installing a third torpedo launcher.
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Key Features of La Pampa
Torpedo-Focused Armament: Sacrifices her rear turret for an additional torpedo rack, bringing her total to 15 tubes, rivaling the Shimakaze.
Medium-Range, Balanced Torpedoes: Torpedoes offer a blend of speed, damage, and range, suited for versatile engagements.
Superior Concealment: Great concealment allows La Pampa to outspot most destroyers, enabling effective close-range torpedo strikes.
Powerful Consumables:
Torpedo Reload Booster: Fires up to 30 torpedoes in quick succession for overwhelming spread.
Smoke Generator: Provides concealment for ambushes or retreat, enhancing her survivability.
Combat Instructions: Reduces consumable cooldowns by landing torpedo hits and remaining undetected.
Weaknesses: Low base hitpoints, weak main battery, slow speed, and no Engine Boost make her vulnerable in direct gunfights.
Gameplay Tactics for La Pampa
Invisible Assassin: Use concealment to remain undetected, positioning for close-range torpedo ambushes.
Maximize Torpedo Potential: Use the Torpedo Reload Booster to launch multiple waves of torpedoes in quick succession, overwhelming the enemy.
Outspotting and Ambushing: Avoid direct combat with other destroyers. Instead, outspot and ambush from stealth to launch torpedo strikes.
Survivability Tactics: Use Smoke Generator to conceal yourself when under fire, avoiding open water gunfights.
Combat Instructions Utilization: Charge cooldown reductions by staying undetected and landing torpedo hits, allowing more frequent use of powerful consumables.
La Pampa excels as a stealthy, torpedo-heavy destroyer that thrives in ambush tactics and quick strikes, leveraging her consumables to outlast and outmaneuver enemies.
Ship Info
Ship Name: X La Pampa
Level: 10
Class: Battle-class destroyer
WG Introduction: August 1st, 2024
Released: Update 13.10
Resource Cost: 380 La Pampa Tokens - 304 La Pampa Tokens using the coupon.
Base value: 34,650
Nation: Pan-American (Argentina)
Current Development Status: Released
Released on NA - Asia at November 13th 22:00:00 UTC - EU at November 14th 05:00:00 UTC
3x2 40 mm/56 OQF Mk.XI on a Mk.V mount: 3x1 40 mm/56 OQF on a Boffin mount:
Firing range: 3.5 km
Hit Probability: 100 %
Damage by Zone Area AA: 137
Maximum speed: 34.0 knots
Turning circle radius: 560 m
Rudder shift time: 4.2 s
Propulsion: 50,000 hp
Surface Detectability: 7.1 km
Air Detectability: 3.5 km
Detectability by enemy subs: 0-3.5 km
Detectability whilst firing in smoke: 2.5 km
Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: Infinite
Work Time: 5 s
Reload Time: 40 s
Slot 2: Smoke Generator:
Charges: 3
Action time: 20 s
Reload time: 220 s
Lifetime: 97 s
Radius: 450 m
Slot 3 Torpedo Reload Booster
Charges: 2
Duration time: 1 s
Torpedo tube reload time: 5 s
Reload time: 330 s
Slot 4: Repair Party:
Charges: 2
Action Time: 28 s
Reload Time: 80 s
HP per second: +94
All statistics are presented without crew and upgrade modifiers, but with the best modules available. Please note that these statistics may change at any time.
Not the most enjoyable DD to play, bit of a one trick pony ikea the Jager but slower and worse Stealth. Can get some big scores and upto 45 torpedoes in the water at one time.
its a nice one!
ReplyDeleteNot the most enjoyable DD to play, bit of a one trick pony ikea the Jager but slower and worse Stealth. Can get some big scores and upto 45 torpedoes in the water at one time.