Archerfish: Tier X American Submarine 1943 (How to Obtain)

Submarine Archerfish Image

flag SUB Special Ship Icon Archerfish: Tier X American Submarine 1943

One of the Balao-class submarines, a large series of U.S. Navy submarines that played a prominent role in the Allied victory in the Pacific. USS Archerfish was commissioned in September 1943 and made seven patrols during the next two years, charging to her account the Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano, the largest warship ever sunk by a submarine.

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USS Archerfish (SS 311) World War II Battle Flag

uss archerfish battle flag

The primary mission of Archerfish's fifth war patrol was lifeguard service for the first B-29 Superfortress strikes against Tokyo.  November 28, 1944, no air raids were launched that day, so the submarine roamed the waters near Tokyo Bay.  That evening, Archerfish discovered a large Japanese aircraft carrier screened by three destroyers.  Commander Joseph F. Enright decided to attack the carrier while submerged. Six torpedoes were fired upon the ship and successfully sunk the ship.  It was not until after the war that the United States learned that the target was Shinano, the biggest aircraft carrier that served in World War II.  Archerfish received the Presidential Unit Citation, and Commander Enright received the Navy Cross.  To this day, Shinano is the largest warship to be sunk by a submarine.


Key Features

Archerfish features some key differences from her sisters. While Gato heavily relies on unguided torpedoes and Balao is a comfortable jack-of-all-trades, Archerfish will lean heavily into short-range homing torpedoes, while her unguided torpedoes have lower range and damage compared to her sister submarines.

While her torpedoes have an individually fast reload, unlike the other American submarines Archerfish will only reload one torpedo at a time for her front and rear torpedo sets.

To complement her torpedoes, Archerfish's sonar pings travel at a high speed and feature increased sector width, making it easier to land double pings; however, sector duration is greatly reduced. Additionally, while she has a large battery reserve, Archerfish has a very slow battery recharge, encouraging more time to be spent on the surface.

As a first for a submarine, Archerfish also possesses Combat Instructions; these will charge mainly while submarine is being spotted by enemy ships but also torpedo and main battery gun hits can contribute. Once full, combat instructions activate automatically and provide a substantial reload boost to all of her consumables.

Speaking of which, Archerfish's complement includes the normal Damage Control Party (with additional charges), Hydrophone, Submarine Surveillance (with reduced range and duration), Reserve Battery Unit, as well as Engine Boost.


Archerfish thrives in close range engagements, guiding in salvos of homing torpedoes with her sonar. Seek out isolated ships and beware of opponents with Hydroacoustic Search; while the short range of her torpedoes will often bring Archerfish into harm's way, the combination of Engine Boost, Combat Instructions, and her respectable dive capacity means a quick getaway can be made.

Ship Info

Ship Name: flag SUB Special Ship Icon X Archerfish
Level: 10
Class: Balao-class submarine
WG Introduction: August 1, 2024
Estimated Release: Update 13.11
Resource: Steel 36,000 Steel
Base value: resource 34,650
Nation: flag USA
Current Development Status: Released

How to Obtain

To obtain the Tier X American Submarine Archerfish during Update 13.11 in World of Warships:

  1. Steel Event Availability:
    • Cost: 36,000 Steel
    • Includes:
      • "Made of Steel" permanent camouflage
      • Archerfish flag
      • 30-day account boost
  2. Post-Event Availability:
    • Archerfish will remain in the Armory for purchase with Steel after the Steel Event concludes, but without the additional event rewards.


Health: 20,200
Plating: 19 mm
Light hull: 19 mm
Light hull deck: 16 mm
Pressure hull: 25 mm
Turret Plating: 6 mm

Main Battery Armament:

2x1 127 mm/25 Mk.13 on a Mk.27 mount:
Max Range: 6.5 km
Reload: 5.5 s
Minimum Shell Type Switching Time: 5.5 s
180° Turn Time: 18.0 s
Dispersion at Max Range: 64 m
Sigma: 2.0σ

Shell Types

SAP Shells

2x 127 mm SC Mk38:
Max SAP Shell Damage: 1,800
Ammo Type: Semi Armor Piercing
Alpha Piercing SAP: 36.0 mm
Shell Air Drag: 0.21
Shell Always Ricochet At: 80.0°
Normalization: 45.0°
Shell Detonator: 0.03
Shell Detonator Threshold: 25.0
Shell Diameter: 127 mm
Shell Krupp: 3.0
Shell Mass: 27.0 kg
Ricochet: 70.0°
Shell Velocity: 792.0 m/s

Combat Instructions:

Emergency Consumable Readiness:

Activation Conditions:

Combat Instructions meter fills by 50% with every 1500 potential damage gained
Progress per torpedo hit: 50%


Effect When Conditions Not Met:

Time of inactivity before progress loss: 10.0 s.
Progress loss per second of inactivity: 50.0 %.

Activation effect:

Added bonus to torpedo tube reload time: -17.50% (Change will be made on live update 13.11)
Consumable preparation and reload time: -20%
Action time: 45.0 s (Change will be made on live update 13.11)


Reload: 8 s
Duration of a ping effect on a highlighted sector once: 15 s
Duration of a ping effect on a highlighted sector twice: 20 s
Ping velocity: 900 m/s
Ping width above water: 20 m
Range: 10.5 km


10x1 533 mm Mk18: Acoustic Homing Torpedoes
Reload: 40 s
Torpedo type switching time: 3.1 s
Number of loaders bow: x2
Number of loaders stern: x2
Range: 10.5 km
Damage: 8,933 hp
Speed: 89 kts
Visibility Distance: from 2.4 km
Maximum damage threshold: from 3.0 km
10x1 533 mm Mk30: Alternative Torpedoes
Reload: 25 s
Torpedo type switching time: 3.1 s
Number of loaders Fore: x1
Number of loaders Stern: x1
Range: 6 km
Damage: 14,967 hp
Speed: 61 kts
Visibility Distance: 1.6 km
Maximum damage threshold: from 3.0 km

Dive Capacity

Dive capacity: 320 units
Dive capacity depletion: 1 units/s
Dive capacity recharge rate: 0.20 units/s


Max speed: 33 knots
Turning circle radius: 510 m
Rudder shift time: 7.2 s
Propulsion: 5 480 hp

Mobility Submerged

Max submerged speed: 16 knots
Diving plane shift time: 20.0 s
Max dive and ascent speed: 3.3 s


Detectability range by sea: 5.9 km
Detectability from enemy subs: 0-2.2 km
Detectability range by air: 2.2 km
Assured detectability range: 2.0 km


Slot 1: Damage Control Party:
Charges: 5
Work time: 15 s
Reload time: 60 s
Slot 2: Repair Party:
Charges: 2
HP per second: +101
Interval between pings: 6 s
Action time: 49 s
Reload time: 80 s
This consumable is unavailable at periscope and maximum depths
Slot 3: Submarine Surveillance:
Charges: Infinite
Detection of submarines: 6 km
Consumable preparation time: 330 s
Consumable action time: 60 s
Reload time: 120 s
Slot 4: Reserve Battery Unit:
Charges: 2
Consumable action time: 30 s
Reload time: 90 s
Slot 5: Engine Boost:
Charges: 3
Action Time: 120 s
Reload Time: 120 s
Boost: +15%

USS Archerfish – A Legendary Submarine Now in World of Warships!

The USS Archerfish, one of the most storied submarines in U.S. naval history, has now made its way into World of Warships! For fans of both naval history and submarine warfare, Archerfish’s introduction is an exciting opportunity to command a piece of World War II legacy. However, as expected, adding submarines to World of Warships has stirred up a mixed response from players. While some find submarines disruptive to the game’s balance, there’s no denying that Archerfish adds an element that’s hard to ignore. Submarines were a vital part of WWII, and it’s only fitting to see them represented here.

The Real-Life Legend of USS Archerfish

Launched in 1943, USS Archerfish (SS-311) became famous for sinking the Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano, the largest warship sunk by a submarine in history. Shinano, a 72,000-ton carrier, was on her way for final fitting out when Archerfish spotted her and launched a daring torpedo strike. Under the command of Captain Joseph Enright, Archerfish launched six torpedoes, four of which hit their target, leading to the carrier’s rapid sinking. For this single act, the crew of Archerfish received a Presidential Unit Citation, marking the sub’s place in the annals of naval warfare.

Beyond the Shinano sinking, Archerfish patrolled the Pacific, hunting enemy vessels, performing reconnaissance, and playing a crucial role in the Allied victory in the Pacific theater. She exemplified the daring spirit and tactical ingenuity of submarine crews during the war.

Submarines in World of Warships – Love Them or Hate Them?

The inclusion of submarines like Archerfish has been polarizing in World of Warships. Some players feel submarines disrupt traditional gameplay by introducing stealth mechanics and the ability to ambush battleships and destroyers from below. However, submarines are essential to a realistic portrayal of WWII-era naval warfare. Their stealth and strike capabilities were precisely what made submarines so feared in real life, and they bring a new layer of tactics to World of Warships.

For those willing to embrace the challenge, submarines offer a fresh approach to battle, where evading detection, picking the right target, and timing torpedo strikes are vital to survival. Like real submarine warfare, they reward patience, precision, and a keen sense of timing.

How to Get the USS Archerfish in World of Warships

Given Archerfish’s historical significance and unique role in the game, many players are eager to add her to their fleets. In World of Warships, premium vessels like Archerfish are often available through various in-game currencies or resources. For a prized submarine like her, players might need to use resources such as Steel, Research Points, Coal, doubloons, or even real cash. Keep an eye on special events and the in-game store, as premium submarines often cycle in and out of availability.

Is She Worth Adding to Your Fleet?

If you’re a fan of historical ships, the answer is a resounding yes. USS Archerfish is more than just another submarine; she’s a reminder of the bravery, skill, and tactical brilliance displayed by WWII submariners. For those willing to master the art of submarine warfare, she offers a satisfying, stealth-driven approach that’s a breath of fresh sea air in World of Warships.

So whether you’re a history enthusiast or a strategy lover, USS Archerfish brings a bit of WWII authenticity to the game. Take her out on the waves, and see if you can make history again.

All statistics are presented without crew and upgrade modifiers, but with the best modules available. Please note that these statistics may change at any time.

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