Changes to 10x In-Game ships - Public Test 13.4
WG is implementing balance adjustments to the following in-game ships after analyzing combat statistics and player feedback: Fenyang, Ship Smasha, Siliwangi, Chung Mu, Yumihari, Yodo, Vladivostok, Monarch, Annapolis, and Condé.
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- VIII Fenyang & VIII Ship Smasha: Torpedoes can now damage cruisers, battleships, and aircraft carriers. 😃
- VIII Siliwangi: Main battery reload time reduced from 4.8s to 4.5s.
- IX Chung Mu:
- Maximum torpedo damage reduced from 19,033 to 17,967.
- Torpedo speed reduced from 67 kts to 64 kts.
- VIII Yumihari:
- Sigma value increased from 2.1 to 2.2.
- AP shell maximum damage increased from 12,000 to 12,600.
- AP shell penetration slightly increased.
- AP Shell Air Drag from 0.34 to 0.378
- AP Shell Krupp from 2650.0 to 2600.0
- AP Shell Mass from 870.0 to 970.0
- X Yodo:
- HE shell maximum damage increased from 2500 to 2850.
- Fire chance increased from 10% to 12%.
- VIII Vladivostok: Detectability range by sea increased from 15 km to 15.4 km.
- VIII Monarch: Repair Party consumable replaced with Specialized Repair Teams consumable.
- Slot 2
- Charges: 3
- Action time: 20 s
- Reload time: 80 s
- HP per Second: +1210 hp/s
- Supership Annapolis: HP reduced from 56,000 to 51,900. 😕
- Supership Condé: HP reduced from 63,000 to 55,400. 😕
Why nerf Chung Mu after all these years? Makes a absolutely no sense!